Thursday, March 13, 2008
Politicians - "Orwellian"?
Politicians talk and the people listen.
One group is clearly smarter than the other.
The question is: Which is it?"...
One group is clearly smarter than the other.
The question is: Which is it?"...
At, Mark Finkelstein calls attention to a recent Tucker Carlsen segment:
"TUCKER CARLSON: You know this term "Orwellian"? Everything's 'Orwellian.' But rarely do you hear a statement that is in fact Orwellian. That actually reaches the threshold of 'war is peace,' 'hate is love' and it's this right here. Hillary Clinton talking about the Potemkin primaries in Michigan and Florida and saying this: 'If you're a voter from Florida or Michigan, you know that we should count your votes. The results of those primaries were fair and should be honored.' They were fair in Michigan? Barack Obama was not on the ballot!"