Monday, March 17, 2008
The Media - They can turn on anyone
Political allegiance is apparently a fleeting shadow...
Ben Smith writes about it at
"It was a story that appears everywhere. Clinton has hardly won a news cycle since the fall, and Obama has hardly lost one. There are no tidbits of turmoil inside Obama's campaign, no destructive leaks on which to harp. The role of Drudge — and Clinton's other former allies in the media — has been to amplify the signs of her weakness, not to create them.
As for the broader collapse of Clinton's romance with the conservative media, Podhoretz and many others offered similar explanations.
'When people thought she was a winner, then they were inclined to feel more warmly toward her, and when they suspect that she's a loser, they decide — like all Americans toward all losers — that she must be humiliated and crushed,' he said."