Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The Clintons - Inevitable?
Apparently, to some, this was quite predictable...
At, Phil Brennan wrote about his discussion with R. Emmett Tyrell, author of "The Clinton Crackup":
"I asked Tyrell if it wouldn't be better to have Hillary win the nomination because she would be easy to beat in the general election. Tyrell said a resounding 'No. The sooner we get these crooks off the national scene the better off our country is, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.'
Speaking of the media, Tyrell told me it is 'so biased that they'll allow all sorts of anomalies to take place, the most prominent anomaly being that a presidential candidate in 1992, who had obviously lied about marijuana use, who had obviously lied about his energetic dodging of the draft during the Cold War, and had also been caught on tape coaching a mistress to lie to the press, would still get a pass from the American media and still be reported as a political genius.'"