Monday, March 24, 2008
The Clintons - and their donors
It's easy to see why someone wouldn't want their records released.
The more you look the more you find...
The more you look the more you find...
Jerry Seper discusses one such "find" in the Washington Times:
"Justice Department and House committee records also show that Mr. Huang played a critical role in seeking an end to the Vietnam trade embargo. He quit his $120,000-a-year job at Lippo in December 1993 to accept a job offered by Mr. Clinton as deputy assistant secretary for international economic affairs at the Commerce Department, at $60,000 annually, where he aggressively argued for a new U.S. trade policy toward Vietnam.
Mr. Huang resigned from Commerce in December 1995 to join the Democratic National Committee as a fundraiser, after Mr. Clinton had made inquiries on his behalf. The DNC returned $1.6 million of the more than $3 million he raised because the contributions were either illegal or suspicious."