Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Politicians - Jumping the gun? - Again!
It should be clear to all of us by now that our politicians are so anxious to get credit for something that they are passing laws to "help" us, without taking the time to consider the facts, science, opposing views, or unintended consequences...
A recent Wall Street Journal begins:
"The ink is still moist on Capitol Hill's latest energy bill and, as if on cue, a scientific avalanche is demolishing its assumptions. To wit, trendy climate-change policies like ethanol and other biofuels are actually worse for the environment than fossil fuels. Then again, Washington's energy neuroses are more political than practical, so it's easy for the Solons and greens to ignore what would usually be called evidence.
The rebukes arrive via two new studies in Science, a peer-reviewed journal not known for right-wing proclivities. "