Saturday, January 05, 2008
Kennedy (Joe) and Hugo Chavez
Considering the apparent authenticity of this, I guess some people just choose to look the other way...
This is from an opinion column by Mona Charen in Investors Business Daily:
"'The report said the human rights violations in Venezuela included unlawful killings, disappearances reportedly involving security forces, torture and abuse of detainees, harsh prison conditions, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and attacks on the independent media.'
'The OAS report on Venezuela said it was concerned about the administration of justice in that country, the problem of sicariato (paid killings) and the 'impunity that surrounds reports of extrajudicial executions at the hands of agents' of the Venezuelan government.'
'Extrajudicial killings are a particular concern in Venezuela. More than 6,370 people were victims of homicides committed between 2000 and 2005 by the 'agents' of Venezuelan state security forces.'"