Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Our Health - About those cranberries
This really sounds good, and it may really be good; however, the article's last paragraph does give my skeptical side a tweak...
Here's some health news from Tel Aviv University:
"Prof. Ofek has found that cranberry juice exhibits anti-viral properties against the flu, can prevent cavities, and lessens the reoccurrence of gastric ulcers. Unhappily for half the human race, however, new research published this year in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research on ulcers, suggests that, like urinary tract infections, the healing power of cranberries apply only to women.
The remarkable healing property in cranberries stems from a heavy molecule known as non-dialyzable material or NDM. This molecule, isolated by Prof. Ofek and his colleagues, seems to coat some bodily surfaces with Teflon-like efficiency, preventing infection-causing agents from taking root."