Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Global Warming - Selling Out?
I'm actually beginning to think that some people are willing to sell us out for their own self-grandisement...
Perhaps you can think of a certain one of them...
Perhaps you can think of a certain one of them...
In the Sacremento Bee, Jay Ambrose actually names the name:
"'So,' said Al Gore at the recent Bali, Indonesia, conference on global warming, 'I am going to speak an inconvenient truth. My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali. We all know that.'
Well, no, Al, what we all know is that a sufficient degree of disloyalty, pomposity, vengefulness and incompetence can lead people to dismiss truths that don’t lend them credence.
And we know that one such truth in your case is that America is controlling its increases in greenhouse-gas emissions better than a long list of European and other Kyoto-signing poseurs. Another is that the objective the United States opposed at Bali was an immediate industrial-nation commitment to emission-reduction goals that could throttle economies and create vast misery if met. That would be anything but progress."