Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Free Trade - Go figure!
I'm confused.
One of our American political parties wants government to control almost everything.
Meanwhile, a signifant portion of Europe is moving in the other direction.
This parallels the tax cut scenario.
Other countries are moving toward lower taxes, while one of our political parties doesn't like that policy...
One of our American political parties wants government to control almost everything.
Meanwhile, a signifant portion of Europe is moving in the other direction.
This parallels the tax cut scenario.
Other countries are moving toward lower taxes, while one of our political parties doesn't like that policy...
In the Wall Street Journal, John Fund reports:
"LONDON--The Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the American Enterprise Institute and other free-market Washington think tanks are known to many Americans. What isn't generally understood is that there has been an explosion of free-market think tanks around the world that are increasingly challenging the conventional view that government is the solution to society's problems.
Last week the Stockholm Network, an umbrella organization for European free-market think tanks, held its first annual award ceremonies to honor the groups that have been most effective in informing policy makers and the general public about policies like school choice, portable pensions and decentralized approaches to delivering health care. The Wall Street Journal was a co-sponsor, in line with its adherence to an editorial philosophy of 'free markets and free people.'"