Sunday, December 02, 2007
The Clintons - Rewriting History?
Same old, same old...
Steve Kornacki points it out at the New York Observer's website:
"The latest retroactive adjustment is Bill’s claim at an Iowa event this week that he 'approved of Afghanistan and opposed Iraq from the beginning'—a revelation to the many anti-war activists who received no public help from the former President back in 2002 and 2003 when they were pilloried and ridiculed for their views.
'What does it mean to oppose it if you don’t verbally say you are against the war?' a baffled Chris Matthews wondered on his MSNBC show on Wednesday.
It means that you’re dealing with Bill Clinton, the same guy who smoked marijuana without inhaling and who maneuvered his way out of Vietnam only to declare with a straight face, 'I put myself into the draft. I didn't take it out.'"
Investors Business Daily says: "Liar, Liar (Pants On Fire)".