Thursday, November 01, 2007
Politicians - Harry Reid
Politics is certainly a strange business.
In a perfect world, this would be a national news story...
In a perfect world, this would be a national news story...
In the Las Vegas Review Journal, Sherman Frederick reports:
"The political headline of last week, 'Reid's popularity falls among Nevadans,' wasn't all that surprising. Nevada's never been particularly wild about Harry Reid. But he's always managed to cobble enough of a constituency to ward off opponents, even if by the narrowest of margins.
The surprise was in the degree of voter disenchantment. The poll commissioned by the Las Vegas Review-Journal showed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's unfavorable rating had moved past the 50 percent mark -- 51 percent, to be precise. His favorable rating was 32 percent, 2 points lower than embattled, lame duck President George W. Bush.
As bad as the ratings were, you could see it coming.
In fact, I did. In a column published May 21, 2006, I wrote that if Sen. Reid continued to kowtow the liberal wing of his party, 'Nevada voters will march to the polls and replace (him), thus ending one of the longer, more powerful political runs in state history.'"