Friday, November 23, 2007
The Media - Surveys Say
I bet this is being discussed a lot in your world.
Oh, you didn't hear about it.
No surprise there!...
Oh, you didn't hear about it.
No surprise there!...
"...even Harvard sees it", according to this Investors Business Daily editorial:
"A new study finding the media give far more favorable coverage to Democrats than Republicans could have settled once and for all the debate over whether the news we get has a liberal bias. After all, it was done by the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government — hardly a bastion of conservative orthodoxy. But given the study's reception in the mainstream media, it's doubtful the issue has been put to rest. Like similar studies in the past, Harvard's went largely uncovered. A Nexis search found 20 news mentions of the report, with only a handful highlighting the revelation of extreme bias."