Thursday, November 22, 2007
Hollywood - At Work
The more I learn about Duncan Hunter, the more I like him...
Sara A. Carter reports in the Washington Times:
"Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican, sent a scathing letter regarding Brian De Palma's new film to MPAA Chairman Dan Glickman asking that he not forget that there are heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the United States and Iraqi people.
'Unfortunately, Brian De Palma's new movie 'Redacted,' which opened in several theaters this week, portrays American service personnel in Iraq as uncontrollable misfits and criminals,' Mr. Hunter stated in his letter to Mr. Glickman. 'While incidents of criminal behavior by members of our military should never be ignored, the isolated incident on which this film is based negatively portrays American service personnel and misrepresents their collective efforts in Iraq.'"