Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Politics - the S-CHIP Bill
This bill doesn't seem to be exactly as it sounds to be...
At the North Star Writers Group, David Karki digs into it. Here are two of his points:
"The bill is supposedly for "children," yet childless people up to 25 years old are eligible. Since when is a 25-year-old with no kids eligible for taxpayer-funded insurance through a "children's" program? Since this isn't a children's program but pure HillaryCare with kids as cover, that's when.
This bill is supposedly for those not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid, but it includes incomes up to 400 percent of the poverty line. That's $82,000 a year! That is not poor, by any legitimate definition of the word. This is simply a middle-class entitlement, and one that anybody worthy of the title middle-class and the independence it connotes should neither need nor want."