Wednesday, October 31, 2007
L.O.S.T. - And it sounds so innocent
In this case, I'm hoping for some "do nothing"...
Here's some of what the editors at National Review Online have to say:
"Law-enforcement agencies, in their efforts to solve crimes, look for 'signature' patterns — a regular alias, an explosive used to crack safes, a particular method of breaking into homes — that point to the identity of the perpetrator. Maybe the FBI should look into the 'Mysterious Case of the Law of the Sea,' which is an attempt to smuggle through the U.S. Senate a transfer of sovereignty from the U.S. to the United Nations — without even waking the senators up.
Who could propose such a daring crime? Consider the following clues: There have been two clear attempts in recent years to get the Law of the Sea — or as it is known to Interpol, 'The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea' — ratified without holding proper hearings that include respected and respectable critics of UNCLOS. Remember anything else recently that was intended to be rushed through Congress without proper scrutiny? Was it perhaps the proposed 'comprehensive' immigration reform? Exactly so."