Friday, August 03, 2007
An Interview with General David Petraeus
If you click on the link, you'll have to scroll down for the English translation...
The Q&A is with Frédéric Pons. Here's some of it:
"Do you have enough time to succeed ?
We are challenged by time. This is an exceedingly tough endeavor, one with countless challenges, some of which I highlighted above. None of us, Iraqi or American, are anything but impatient and even frustrated with where we are at this point. But there are no shortcuts. Success in an endeavor like this is the result of steady, unremitting pressure over the long haul. It’s a test of wills, demanding patience, determination, and stamina from all involved.
What do you hope to be able to tell Congress is September when you testify with Ambassador Ryan Crocker?
I feel privileged to soldier again alongside America’s servicemen and women and our Coalition and Iraqi partners. As Commander of Multi-National Force-Iraq, I carry a rather heavy rucksack as I conduct my duties, but I do feel fortunate to have some of the world’s best troopers helping me carry the load. And I could not ask for a better diplomatic wingman than Ambassador Crocker. He is truly a national asset, a first-rate diplomat with extensive experience in this part of the world, including two previous tours in Baghdad and service in other regional embassies. Ambassador Crocker and I have repeatedly said that, when we return to testify before Congress in September, we will provide a forthright, comprehensive assessment.
Are you pessimist or optimist?
We are not optimists and we are not pessimists. We are realists. We will provide unvarnished assessments of the situation and honestly answer questions, just as I have done with you today."