Monday, July 30, 2007
Politicians - and Earmark Reform
If this represents reform, I have a bridge to sell you.
But, maybe it's LESS than before.
(Oops, I lost my mind for a moment)...
But, maybe it's LESS than before.
(Oops, I lost my mind for a moment)... has the latest:
"The House of Representatives has quite the sense of humor when it comes to commemorating our nation's founding. This year, they've decided to celebrate that great year by making 1,776 earmark requests for Defense appropriations.
As such things tend to do, a spreadsheet of the requests reached me, so scroll down to view all 1,776 in their pork-laden glory. The first table summarizes the total number of earmarks requested by each member (congratulations Congressman Young --- you win!), and the second table provides the detail (such as it is) for each request."