Tuesday, June 05, 2007
This book could give you the chills
So, is this true or book selling...
At NewsMax.com, Phil Brennan has a Q&A with Paul Williams about his new book:
"NewsMax: Does al-Qaida have nuclear weapons?
Williams: They definitely have nukes. There's no doubt about it. There's positive proof. As I wrote in my book, in the first three months of Operation Enduring Freedom — the Gulf War — our troops found in a cave outside of Khandahar in Afghanistan a canister filled with Uranium 238 [the basic ingredient for a nuclear bomb] and in Turnak Farms [where at one time 1,800 members of al-Qaida lived and worked] they found jars and jars and jars of yellow cake [pure uranium, dried].
The most alarming thing of all involved a Pakistani operative who was driving over the Allenby Bridge between Jordan and Israel in a shabby Volkswagen mini-bus. The Israelis stopped him and in the back of the Volkswagen was a plutonium implosion device, the most sophisticated of all nuclear weapons. According to the Mossad people I spoke to, it was in excess of 10 kilotons.
It could have taken out all of Israel in the blink of an eye. If one of these babies went off with 10 kilotons, first of all you'd have the conventional explosion, which if it occurred at the site of 9/11, would take out all of lower Manhattan."