Thursday, June 07, 2007
Politicians - U.S. Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski
I wonder whether they are poorer as a result?
How do you spell corruption?
"P-O-L-I-T-I-C-I-A-N" works for me...
How do you spell corruption?
"P-O-L-I-T-I-C-I-A-N" works for me...
Dave Janoski reports in the Hazleton, PA Standard-Speaker:
"U.S. Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, D-11, touted Cornerstone Technologies LLC as a way to spin anthracite into lightweight carbon fibers, building a high-tech future from northeastern Pennsylvania’s coal-mining past.
But eight years after it was launched by Kanjorski’s relatives, the firm has collapsed into bankruptcy, leaving behind bad debt, embittered former employees and lingering ethics questions about $10 million in federal contracts Kanjorski helped secure for Cornerstone. The company’s vision of producing advanced materials for the Navy never left the drawing board.
University researchers and government officials who worked with Cornerstone say its core idea — using jets of high-pressure water to pulverize coal and other materials into minute particles — was sound. But some say the company’s leadership — a quartet of Kanjorski nephews for the most part — was ill-suited and ill-prepared for the rigors of scientific research.
'It was just like the Three Stooges meet anthracite,' said Penn State fuel-sciences professor Harold Schobert, who worked on a federal contract with the firm. 'These guys didn’t know how to order chemicals. They didn’t understand even the most fundamental aspects of how to conduct experiments.'"