Sunday, June 17, 2007
Politicians - Teddy Kennedy
"Trust Teddy Kennedy"? - not in my wildest dreams...
At, William J. Federer has some historical notes, as well as a reminder of what certain polticians said at the time:
"The New York Times, Oct. 28, 2003, stated: "Nearly one Mexican in five regularly gets money from relatives employed in the United States, making Mexico the largest repository of such remittances in the world, according to a poll sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank."
Whereas typical American workers spend most of their earnings in America, helping the U.S. economy, immigrant workers send most of their earnings back to their home countries.
The Associated Press, Sept. 24, 2003, quoted Mexican President Vicente Fox saying: "Remittances are our biggest source of foreign income, bigger than oil, tourism or foreign investment. ... The 20 million Mexicans in the United States generate a gross product that is slightly higher than the ... billion(s) generated by Mexicans in Mexico.""