Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Troops - An "embedded" opinion
Kudos to the troops, and kudos to the media for actually reporting it...
In the Wall Street Opinion Journal, Jeff Emanuel writes:
"'I love those guys,' Mr. Beriain said, looking wistfully out the window of the media cloister in the Green Zone that is the Combined Press Information Center. 'From the first time you go kick a door with them, they accept you--you're one of them. I've even got a 'family photo' with them" to remember them by. 'I really hated to leave.'
Such a radical transformation--and such a strong bond of affection--can rarely be forged in so little time outside of the constant, universal peril of a wartime environment. 'It is those common experiences,' Mr. Beriain explained, 'where you are all in danger, and you go through it together. It builds a relationship instantly.'
It doesn't matter how skeptical of the war a journalist might be, according to an Army public affairs officer who spoke with me about it on condition of anonymity. 'So often, they come out of that experience and--even if their opinion of the war hasn't changed--they're completely won over by the troops.'
'I was one of those,' admitted Mr. Beriain, speaking broken English and blinking away tears. 'No matter what you think of the war, or what has happened here, you cannot be around the soldiers and not be completely affected. They are amazing people, and they represent themselves and the Army better than anyone could ever imagine.' A retired Army officer concurred, telling me that "young troops are some of the best goodwill ambassadors we've ever produced. It would never occur to one to not tell you what he's really thinking, and they are so earnest" that it is almost impossible not to be won over by them if given enough time."