Wednesday, May 09, 2007
About those "Chicken Littles"
I think Mr. Strom is right on the mark...
David Strom discusses liberals doom and gloom in his article:
"So, why are liberals so pessimistic? Why the doom and gloom, the disaster around the corner scenarios? What is the deeper cause of the never-ending predictions of disasters from modern liberals?
It’s pretty simple, really, once you understand that the truth of their predictions is utterly irrelevant. The coming disaster, no matter what its origin, always has the same solution: increase taxes, increase the size of government, hand over more and more power and control to government, and by the way, hand over power and prestige to liberals.
In other words, once you sweep past the hyperbole, the coming disaster scenarios, and the supposed policy descriptions, contemporary liberalism is really only about two things: money and power."