Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The "BUSH BOOM" !!!!!
DOW UP 135.95 to close at record high 13,089.89 !
Up, Up, and Away !
Up over 1,000 in less than 6 months !
Record highs in the Dow-Jones Transportation Average, the Dow-Jones Utility Average, and the Russell 2000 Index!
How can this be?
Do tax cuts really work?
Is it Karl Rove's doing?
Will it be "Breaking News"?
Could it be that the "Bush Boom" has exceeded the "Clinton Expansion Bubble"?
Oh my, oh my, oh my...
Up, Up, and Away !
Up over 1,000 in less than 6 months !
Record highs in the Dow-Jones Transportation Average, the Dow-Jones Utility Average, and the Russell 2000 Index!
How can this be?
Do tax cuts really work?
Is it Karl Rove's doing?
Will it be "Breaking News"?
Could it be that the "Bush Boom" has exceeded the "Clinton Expansion Bubble"?
Oh my, oh my, oh my...