Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Black and Right - Rising above
"Right On" advice from "Dad" Parks...
At, Bob Parks writes:
"I was asked what would I do if my daughter were on the Rutgers basketball team at the time of the insult. I must admit, I had to think on that one. I must also admit to watching clips of the team press conference with confusion, as although this was a “team” thing, why were the white players there? Surely Imus’ words weren’t meant for them.
Of course, they had to be there, but it was still odd.
As I’m bringing my daughter up a conservative young woman, I would have told her than no old man’s words could undo the accomplishments of her great season. I would tell her that words (outside of mine and her mother’s) don’t have the power to hurt unless she lets them. With that, I would ask her to tell her coach and team that she was sitting out any further public appearances with the other players regarding the Imus controversy.
It wouldn’t take long for those who profess to be the most tolerant and inclusive amongst us to launch on her. She would experience the kind of hate emails I received after being questioned by Carol Costello on CNN. She would receive the “progressive” epithets I receive today on my YouTube videos. She would see very quickly that Imus was not the racist in this whole episode. The real racists are the ones who have seen fit to hyphen people in our nation, except themselves."