Friday, March 23, 2007
Politicians - Al Gore - Final Answer?
"Put up or shut up" might be the appropriate paraphrase.
Could it be that "the emperor has no clothes"?...
Could it be that "the emperor has no clothes"?...
This is from Terry Keenan's column at
"While the newly anointed Oscar winner has made what Katie Couric called a 'triumphant return' to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Gore was tripped up by a simple question from Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe. Late into the hearing, Inhofe showed Gore a clip from his film, 'An Inconvenient Truth.' The clip challenged the audience with this question: 'Are you ready to change the way you live?'
Simple enough. But Inhofe took this question a step further, by placing it right at the foot of the former vice president. Correctly noting that Gore is adored by hundreds of thousands for his green message, Inhofe asked the Tennessee Democrat if he'd be willing to pledge to 'consume no more energy for use in your residence than the average American household by one year from today?'
It was a 'gotcha' moment, and one that was not widely reported in the mainstream media. Gore refused to take the pledge, adding that, 'we live a carbon-neutral life.'"