Monday, July 03, 2006
Politics - Civility "haves" and "have nots"
Sometimes, conclusions become easier when you review certain events...
At, Seth Swirsky makes some civility comparisons:
"But the Democrats aren't able to put politics aside. They're too angry with President Bush for everything from winning the election in 2000 to having the gall to monitor terrorists' phone conversations. Even after the president shared credit with the Democrats on the reduction of crime and the lowering of welfare rolls and teenage pregnancies, the Democrats - in keeping with their 'if it's bad for America, it's good for Democrats' theme - applauded enthusiastically only when Bush mentioned the failure of social security reform. Class versus crass.
The contrast becomes even clearer when one expands the field to include the First Lady and she who would be queen, Theresa Heinz Kerry. Can anyone imagine the dignified Laura Bush telling a newsperson to 'shove it' or using the term 'scumbags' in a taped interview as Heinz Kerry did during the 2004 campaign? Class versus crass."