Thursday, July 06, 2006
Media - and Canada's Prime Minister
Canada's Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, has made some news conference changes...
Kevin Libin reports for Canada's Western Standard:
"Is their campaign working? That's debatable. Harper laughs when he talks of how much easier the gallery has made his life. 'I'm free to pick my interviews when and where I want to have them,' he says. 'The great irony is, the result is precisely the opposite of what these doing it claim to be seeking. They say if I don't do it their way, I'll somehow gain more control over my media relations. Well, I've got more control now.' It's a hard point to argue. Meanwhile, the polls have been nothing but kind to Harper, the latest being a Decima survey released on June 1, showing his Conservative government with 38 per cent support, way ahead of the Liberals at 29 and the NDP at 21."