Monday, July 24, 2006
From Radio Blogger
I like reading transcripts, and I like Mark Steyn's opinions.
This radio interview is pretty interesting...
This radio interview is pretty interesting...
Among many transcripts, Radio Blogger has this recent one between Hugh Hewitt and Mark Steyn:
HH: I begin, as I do every single Thursday that he's available, with columnist to the world, Mark Steyn. Mark Steyn, your assessment of the war against Israel, a week into it?
MS: Well, I think the interesting feature so far, really, is the poodles that didn't yap, to pacify Sherlock Holmes. Normally, by this stage, the public rhetoric of the Europeans and the Arabs would be ferocious. And instead, I think both of them have been very circumspect in public. And certainly, the ones I've talked to in private are in fact, in a strange way, and possibly unprecedented, at least in the last thirty years, they're rooting for Israel. Amazing."