Thursday, June 22, 2006
Media - Promoting racism?
This ex-cop seems to value the truth over political correctness...
At, Jamie Glazov interviews Michael P. Tremoglie, an ex-cop from Philadelphia and author of the new novel "A Sense of Duty":
"A Time magazine article stated, 'The fiasco at Duke reminds us of the vulnerability of black women, of most minority women in America who have never been protected from sex crimes by (white) men.' An editorial about the Duke case in the April 13-19 2006 Wilmington Journal said, 'The racism …is beyond denial.'"
"Now these 'civil rights leaders' and 'civil libertarians' are supposed to be people who believe in civil liberties. Things like the Bill of Rights. Well where is their adherence to the right to a jury trial. Where is their commitment to 'innocent until proven guilty?'"
"It doesn’t exist. They are doing the very thing they condemn. If the accused were black and the victim white, this kind of reaction would evoke the specter of white lynch mobs."