Monday, June 26, 2006
Media - the Compost?
Here's another example of our biased media...
Cliff Kincaid writes at Accuracy in Media's website:
"The Washington Post on Monday ran a front-page story by Ellen Knickmeyer about allegations that Marines deliberately killed an Iraqi for absolutely no reason at all. To make matters worse, the Iraqi was said to be a disabled individual who had a bad leg. Charges that he was a terrorist caught in the act of concealing a roadside bomb are categorically rejected out of hand by the man's family and residents of the area, most of whom spoke to the paper on an anonymous basis. The Marines, who have been tried and found guilty by the paper, were portrayed as cold-blooded killers. No excuse or rationale was offered for their alleged conduct."
"By contrast, however, Rep. William Jefferson, who reportedly put $90,000 in bribery money into a freezer and was videotaped taking cash, is absolved of any ill intent in another page-one story in the Post. Anonymous sources are quoted in this story as saying that Jefferson, the 'son of impoverished Louisiana sharecroppers and a graduate of Harvard Law School,' may have taken the money because he didn't want to live on his public salary and did not 'want to leave his family in the financial straits he pulled himself out of...'In other words, poverty made him do it."