Friday, May 19, 2006
William Jud: Time to Reinstall Congress
I must admit that I agree wholeheartedly...
William Jud makes the following points:
"The first five years in office are likely to be the least corrupted. The first ten years begin to show signs of moral and constitutional fraying around the edges. The downhill slide begins in earnest at fifteen years and accelerates thereafter. That means a senator, serving a term of six years, is most likely to be fresh in outlook and responsive to what the folks back home want and need, for no more than two terms in office. A representative, serving a term of two years, will likely do a good job for five to six terms. Anyone who remains in office longer than that should be regarded as a growing liability and carefully considered for replacement at the next election. Voting records tell the story of continuing fitness to serve."
"There are some good elected officials who ought to remain in office for many years. But most elected officials and bureaucrats, like diapers, need to be changed regularly."