Thursday, May 25, 2006
Katie Couric interviews Shell Oil president
Perhaps this works for Katie's loyal viewers, but it doesn't work for me...
NewsBusters critiques Katie Couric. "Interviewing Shell Oil President John Hofmeister, Katie's opening salvo was":
"'I am just wondering, you and many other oil companies are posting record high profits, of course. And while the average consumer is hurting. I am wondering, Mr. Hofmeister, would it help the long term reputation and value of your company and shareholders if you could feel the pain that consumers were feeling and decrease the wholesale value of gasoline? Is that something you would ever consider?'?:
"In responding, Hofmeister made the obvious point that had somehow escaped Katie: 'Lowering the wholesale price would really put a run on our gas and we would run out. The market sets the prices. We follow the markets.'"