Sunday, May 21, 2006
Islam - "What Islam Teaches about Christians" by Alamgir Hussain
This is long. but it may just say it all...
Alamgir Hussain tells us all about Islam:
"He now condemns the Christian to hell [Q 5:76], where, along with the polytheists, they will abide for ever [Q 98:5]. This time on, Muhammad’s hostility towards the Christians were to be continued well into his dead-bed which need special mention."
"The prophet was in severe pain and he was moaning aloud all night when Ayesha hoping to console the prophet told to Muhammad which he had used when others in pain, “O Prophet, if any of us had moaned like this, you would surely have reprimanded her”. ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘but I burn with the fever-heat twice as strong’. Next morning the pain worsened and he almost became unconscious. Umm Salama, suggested giving him a concoction of Abyssinia recipe which she had learned while in exile there. Reviving from its effect, the Prophet became very suspicious of what he had been made to drink and forced all the women in the chamber to take the same medicine. In his presence, the medicine was poured in each woman’s mouth."
"This Abyssinia remedy lead conversation to Abyssinia itself. Two wives, Umm Salama and Umm Habiba – both having been exiles in that country – spoke of the beautiful cathedral of Maria there and the wonderful pictures on it walls. Overhearing this, an exasperated Muhammad cried out, “The Lord, destroy the Jews and Christians. Let the Lord’s anger be kindled against them. Let there remain throughout Arabia no faith except Islam.” This dying wish was to be carried out to conclusion by his immediate successors, notably Abu Bakr and Omar."