Friday, May 26, 2006
Global Warming - Voices of Reason
Apparently, there ARE other opinions, and they're being heard...
Kenneth Green writes about it at the National Review:
"Recently, however, there are signs that the lethal coalition may be in trouble. In a trend that should be worrisome to those who believe the value of science lies in its authority, alarmist climate scientists are increasingly the object of derision by people with enough power to reach even the general public. Michael Crichton’s State of Fear, for example, has educated millions of readers about climate science. Parody sites such as The Onion and are heaping scorn on scientists who are increasingly sounding like angry authoritarian oracles."
"Some establishment scientists seem to be getting the message that they may have overplayed their hands and become more parody than prophet. In just the last few weeks, two studies in major journals (Nature and Geophysical Research Letters) dump cold water on the high-end horror-story estimates coming out from modelers seeking ever higher-end scenarios to publicize."