Thursday, April 20, 2006
Why The Clintons Belong in Prison
I wonder how much of this is true...
This book, by Melrose Larry Green certainly isn't subtle:
"I feel that Bill Clinton committed treason when he sold American military secrets to the Red Chinese government. I think that Bill Clinton is guilty of rape (of Juanita Broaddrick). I think that there are numerous examples of bribery committed by Bill and Hillary Clinton during the final round of Presidential pardons (especially the case of Marc Rich and his ex-wife Denise Rich.) Let's not forget the dozens of unexplained deaths surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton - Ron Brown, Vince Foster, Mary Mahoney – for which there have been no proper investigations."
"I can go on and on about crimes committed by the Clintons, but you should just read my book. The Clintons are not in prison because they are clever lawyers who amassed a team of lawyers, public relations spinners, and media consultants to con the American people. The very fact that Ken Starr was vilified by the Clintonistas for simply doing his job, while Bill Clinton turned the White House into his personal house of sexual infidelity says it all."