Friday, April 28, 2006
The media's reliable sources
Read this and then try not to be skeptical about things you read and/or see about circumstances in Iraq...
Bill Roggio writes "The Fourth Rail: A Street Corner in Ramadi [Updated with another photo from February of 2005]:
"A reader in Holland notes some curiosities between a video from last weekend's purported Ramadi attack taken on April 8th and a photograph taken in Ramadi on March 14th. Study the video, then the photo, and you will see both of these images were taken at the exact same street corner in Ramadi, and shot from an almost identical angle. Note the awning, the poles, the two 'booths', even the stance of the 'insurgents' and the direction which they are firing. This is without a doubt the same street corner in Ramadi. The video and photo are obviously taken at two different points in time (note the umbrella in the video, as well as the different dress of the insurgents). (You'll have to watch the video to get the full effect as I was unable to capture a screen shot for a photo comparison.)
And there is yet another photograph from the same street corner in Ramadi, this time from a different angle. Note the red riot-shutters and the 'Sharp' advertising on the building. The photograph was taken at the end of February of 2005 and published in The Global Beat, which is a self described 'resource for the global journalist.'"