Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Yale doesn't want to be in the spotlight
Someone's feathers have really been ruffled...
John Fund has a column called "On the Trail":
"At noon on Saturday, Yale called back to say that once again no official would grant an interview of any kind. Spokesman Tom Conroy said he had spoken with Mr. Suvarov and been assured the emails had been sent in a private capacity. When I asked Mr. Conroy if he had specifically asked about the content of the emails, he said he had not, noting that many people at Yale send personal emails from their computer."
"But not like these. I then obtained permission from Mr. Taylor and Ms. Bookstaber to share the Surovov emails with Yale. Mr. Conroy said he didn't believe most donor information was a public record, but said he would have to confirm that for me. Yesterday, 48 hours after I first asked for reaction to the Surovov emails, Mr. Conroy notified me that Yale administrators were not available and the university would be making no comment."