Monday, March 13, 2006
The Saddam Tapes
After reading this about the Saddam tapes, try to figure out what might be going on here...
From Sunday's OpinionJournal - The Journal Editorial Report:
Gigot: Steve, we've been able to listen to, I think, 12 hours of Saddam's tapes. He was apparently like Nixon. He liked to listen to--he liked to tape himself and hear what he had to say. Maybe keeping it for history. There are about 3,000 in total. Has the government even listened to those tapes in their entirety?
Hayes: My understanding is that they have not. Now I think that some members of Congress on the intelligence committees have had access to more than just the 12 hours--maybe 50 or 60 hours of these tapes. But this broader array of tapes, 3,000-plus hours, has not yet been made available to policy makers.
Gigot: Amazing. All right, so if we could find out all of this out, what is holding the administration back? It would seem to me it would have a good reason to make it all public.