Saturday, February 18, 2006
White House Press Corps again
The author criticizes judgement in news reporting...
From Daniel Henninger at the Wall Street Opinion Journal:
"Have you ever noticed how on a scale of one to 10, every untoward event in the life of the Bush presidency goes straight to a 10?"
"The Abu Ghraib photos? A 10 forever. Dick Cheney catching a hunting buddy with some birdshot? An instant 10. The Bush National Guard story? Total 10. How can it be that each downside event in this presidency greets the public at this one, screeching level of outrage and denunciation by the out-of-power party and a perpetually outraged media?"
"There was a time when what's been called news judgment would deem some stories a five or six and run them on page 14, or deeper in the newscast."