Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A Rabbi speaks out
And he's not fond of "appeasers"...
At HumanEventsOnline.com, Rabbi Aryeh Spero writes:
"Criticism of everything is allowed, but not of Islam. We are falling for this notion that Islamic/Arab honor and sensibilities are more important than our own. Humiliate us, but never them. Restraint is for us, not them. Every facet of Islamic religion -- even the most virulent -- must be allowed in the West, though we accept Islam's assertion that in its countries Christianity and Judaism be forbidden and its believers, often, oppressed."
"The way these western appeasers talk of the Koran would have one believe they drank from it with their mother's milk. It is sickening to watch westerners so casual and cavalier, often disrespectful, about our own traditions and Holy Books suddenly become absolutely obsequious toward Islamic habits and views."