Thursday, February 23, 2006
Politicians in North Carolina
More politicians doing what they do best...
Brendan Miniter writes in the Wall Street Opinion Journal:
"In a state where $10,000 can make all the difference in a State House race, he's been able to amass a $1 million campaign war chest. What the election board's investigation has uncovered is that Mr. Black may have crossed the ethical line. According to what investigators have dug up so far, Mr. Black apparently steered some $43,000 in campaign donations to Mr. Decker at about the time he switched parties. He did this by apparently hitting up his donor base for donations for Mr. Decker. And he also allegedly used his influence with a political action committee set up and run by eye doctors--Mr. Black is an optometrist--to solicit checks with the amounts filled in but with the payee lines left blank. Mr. Black then wrote in Mr. Decker's name on the checks."