Monday, February 13, 2006
Earmarks in Alaska
From where I'm sitting, Alaska seems to Republicans, as Massachusetts is to Democrats. Small consolation: At least in Alaska, they put their names on their "pork" projects...
John Fund, writing for the Wall Street Opinion Journal:
"Alaska's Sen. Ted Stevens, who has spent 37 years in Congress raiding the federal Treasury on behalf of his state, dismisses the notion that anything should threaten Alaska's status as the No. 1 state for pork. In 2005, it hauled in $984.85 worth of pork for every resident."
"Last week Mr. Stevens went so far as to chide Capitol Hill reporters for even listening to earmark critics such as Sens. John McCain and Tom Coburn. 'You guys fall for it and give them publicity,' he said, and no one can doubt his authority. If anyone knows about publicity, it's the man who gave his name to Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport."