Monday, February 20, 2006
Able Danger
Something strange is going on...
Jack Kelly writes about Able Danger:
"Able Danger linked Mohamed Atta and three other 9/11 hijackers to the Brooklyn cell, said Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, who was the liaison between the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Able Danger team."
"It shocked us how entrenched a presence al-Qaida had in the United States," Mr. Kleinsmith said."
"Lt. Col. Shaffer testified he tried three times to have Able Danger data on the Brooklyn cell presented to the FBI, but that on each occasion Pentagon lawyers forbade the meeting."
"It's unclear why the Bush administration is covering up, since the suppression of Able Danger occurred on President Clinton's watch. But it is clear there is a cover-up. One would think a Washington press corps obsessing about a hunting accident in Texas would be more curious about it."