Saturday, October 31, 2015
‘Something Deeply Disturbing Is Happening All Across America’ - WSJ
Americans need to admit what it is AND call it what it is.
This Wall Street Journal posting identifies some of those things...
This Wall Street Journal posting identifies some of those things...
The Wall Street Journal including this comment of the FBI Director and more in a recent opinion article:
"Because something deeply disturbing is happening all across America. I have spoken of 2014 in this speech because something has changed in 2015. Far more people are being killed in America’s cities this year than in many years. And let’s be clear: far more people of color are being killed in America’s cities this year. And it’s not the cops doing the killing."
Friday, October 30, 2015
"Surprise! John Harwood Lied About Marco Rubio's Tax Plan"
This is just plain sad.
The Republicans are fighting an openly biased and activist media...
The Republicans are fighting an openly biased and activist media...
On theFederalist website, Sean Davis reports on this occurrence at the Republican Presidential Debate:
"Guess what? Harwood got his facts wrong. Very wrong. Embarrassingly wrong. We know this because Harwood himself admitted as much on Twitter earlier in October...
We also know Harwood was full of it, because the head of the Tax Foundation was forced to publicly correct Harwood on Twitter during the debate."
Why trying to help poor countries might actually hurt them - The Washington Post
That's because some Nobel Prize winners get treated differently than others, especially when the subject is politically incorrect...
The Washington Post's Ana Swanson reported on this:
"Deaton, an economist at Princeton University who studied poverty in India and South Africa and spent decades working at the World Bank, won his prize for studying how the poor decide to save or spend money. But his ideas about foreign aid are particularly provocative. Deaton argues that, by trying to help poor people in developing countries, the rich world may actually be corrupting those nations' governments and slowing their growth. According to Deaton, and the economists who agree with him, much of the $135 billion that the world’s most developed countries spent on official aid in 2014 may not have ended up helping the poor."
Thursday, October 29, 2015
"The Party of Washington"
At, Bruce Walker hits the nail on the head:
"The division in America is not 'Democrat' versus 'Republican,' but rather a division that places in one camp all the politicians who derive their power and their wealth from the federal government. Let us call the first political party the 'Party of Washington,' a gaggle not only of politicians, but federal judges and entrenched bureaucrats, as well as the media, which is assigned to cover Washington.
Every time the federal government does anything, these folks get a piece of the action. Legislation is passed, executive orders are decreed, rules are adopted, and judicial orders are pronounced, with all the members of the Party of Washington gaining something, even as so many of them protest that they oppose a particular action."
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
"ISIS Tells Assyrian Christians in Sweden: Convert or Die"
PRE-LINK TEXT Thomas D. Williams, PH.D. recently wrote about it:
"Assyrian Christians living in Sweden have been targeted with a string of threatening messages linked to the Islamic State, including demands that they 'convert or die.'
A recent report by Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter revealed that the Assyrian community in the city of Gothenburg, in southwestern Sweden, is being menaced by unidentified aggressors using known Islamic State methods and symbols. According to reports, local police are investigating the threats, but so far have found nothing."
"The Cameron Contagion: Britain spreads referendum fever across the EU"
The European Union is basically a governing body that can legislate laws over it's member countries.
It is a bureaucratic overseeing layer of management that is more or less unaccountable to the citizens.
Personally, I don't like it; and, it's looks like others are beginning to agree...
It is a bureaucratic overseeing layer of management that is more or less unaccountable to the citizens.
Personally, I don't like it; and, it's looks like others are beginning to agree...
Matthew Holehouse recently wrote about the potential for exit referendums in the U.K. Telegraph:
"'Our European friends think we are insane,' adds a British minister. 'They hate the idea of a referendum and are irritated we forced the issue.'
Officials now speak of contagion. At a time when voters across the continent are doubting Brussels' capacity to deliver peace and prosperity, Mr Cameron has elevated the in-out referendum from the hobby-horse of fringe groups into the government policy of Europe’s second economy.
The fear among EU diplomats is that if Britain"
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
"Top Physicist Freeman Dyson: Obama Has Picked The 'Wrong Side' On Climate Change"
At, James Delingpole reports on this:
"The climate models used by alarmist scientists to predict global warming are getting worse, not better; carbon dioxide does far more good than harm; and President Obama has backed the 'wrong side' in the war on 'climate change.'
So says one of the world’s greatest theoretical physicists, Dr Freeman Dyson (pictured above), the British-born, naturalised American citizen who worked at Princeton University as a contemporary of Einstein and has advised the US government on a wide range of scientific and technical issues."
Clinton tops 2016 field in drug industry donations | TheHill
Well, that might happen if the national media were honest...
At least, Sarah Ferris did report this at
"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has received more campaign cash from drug companies than any candidate in either party, even as she proudly declares the industry is one of her biggest enemies."
Monday, October 26, 2015
"Austrian Minister Calls For 'Fortress Europe' To Stem Migrant Invasion"
Breitbart's Simin Kent reported on this:
"Austria’s Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner (pictured above) has called for 'a fortress Europe' to protect the European Union (EU) and its external borders as tens of thousands of migrants flood into Austria from Slovenia. Her call was supported by the minister for foreign affairs and integration, Sebastian Kurz, who said he is not against building border fences."
Sunday, October 25, 2015
2015-10-25 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 24, 2015
"... Boast Muslim Community Leaders, ‘Integration Will Not Take Place’"
At, Oliver Lane reported on this:
"Speaking in an interview with Latvia’s Morning Independent newspaper, the chairman and head spokesman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, better known as Riga Mosque, said while they both had three children with their wives each 'we are working to have more' in an effort to colonise the country faster.
Asked 'what are the chances that Latvia will become part of the Caliphate?' white convert and centre spokesman Ahmed Robert Klimovičs said he hoped it would. On the future of the predominantly Christian nation of just two million people – less than the population of Britain’s second city – Mr. Klimovičs said: 'Latvians understand that in 50 years this will be an Islamic State. This is because Islamic children will be in the majority'."
Friday, October 23, 2015
Marijuana, Killing California! - Roger Morgan
Oh my!...
Roger Morgan tells this story at
"Marijuana consumes an average of 6 gallons of water per plant per day. Naturally, they need more water during the summer dry months, whereas 90 to 95% of California rainfall occurs in the winter months. So at a time when stream flows are at their lowest, particularly during the drought, the enormous influx of pot cultivators are diverting water, which in many cases exceeds 100% of the capacity of the streams. The result is an ecological disaster for everything down stream, including amphibian species, reptiles, birds, mammals and aquatic species. Many of these are already sensitive and declining."
Thursday, October 22, 2015
"The Climate Is Indeed Changing: Cooling Ahead"
There's a fun part in here where the writer devastatingly oompares Dr. Evans qualifications with those of former Vice President Al Gore...
Brian C. Joondeph writes about this at
"Pope Francis and President Obama continue to preach the perils of global warming, not concerning themselves with any pause or faulty climate models.
One of the world's leading climate change experts disagrees about those perils noting some 'mathematical anomalies which effectively 'disprove' global warming."
Dr. David Evans was a climate modeler for the Australian government.
He has six degrees in applied mathematics. In analyzing 'complex mathematical assumptions widely used to predict climate change,' he predicts stable temperatures until 2017, after which the Earth will cool for the next decade, ushering in a mini-ice age by 2030."
"Americans Are Void of Critical Thinking Skills"
Patricia L. Dickson elaborates on this at
"Never has there been a time in history requiring that an individual be equipped with critical thinking skills more than now. The biggest problem that America is facing today is the inability of the vast majority of the citizenry to think critically."
"Why is it imperative for the citizenry to be able to think critically? Because the mainstream media has abandoned its responsibility of reporting facts in exchange for distracting, distorting, propagandizing and protecting. The public education system also ran by liberals, has dumbed down the quality of education in exchange for explicit (non-age appropriate) sex education and revised negative American history. For these reasons, individuals must master the ability to think critically in order to navigate through the lies and distortions coming from the mainstream media so that we can elect people based on his or her record of accomplishments, stance on important issues, and the substance of his or her rhetoric."
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
"The Mask of Sanity: Psychopath-in-Chief?"
At, Jay Michaels is on to something:
"Does this sound like someone we all know?
'Poverty of emotional feelings, lack of remorse or shame, superficial charm, pathological lying, egocentricity, a lack of insight, absence of nervousness, an inability to love, impulsive antisocial acts, failure to learn from experience.'
It’s a summary (by Richard Lynn) of the first ten of sixteen behavioral traits of the psychopathic personality from the classic work on the subject, Hervey Cleckley’s The Mask of Sanity. The book will be seventy-five years old next year."
2 May 1932
The Federalist Papers website posted this:
"Newspaper clip from 2 May 1932"
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Why Are Married Couples With Kids Wealthier Than Other Americans? - Terry Jeffrey
Terry Jeffrey calls attention to this at
"When the Census Bureau recently released its 2014 data on household income in the United States, the numbers once again pointed to a basic trend that this nation's liberal political and cultural elite has no interest in publicizing. Married people with children generally do better financially than other Americans"
Welfare vs. Defense, By the Numbers | National Review Online
Well, here's where we are...
On the National Review website, Kevin D. Williamson shares information about government spending:
"Recap: In GDP terms, we spend about a third on the military today compared to what we spent in the late 1950s. We spend almost exactly the same on interest on the debt. We spend 20 percent less on energy, transportation, the environment, and natural resources. And we spend almost four times as much on welfare. Again, that is in GDP terms, and our economy is a heck of a lot bigger than it was in 1957. As a share of all federal spending, welfare has gone from 23 percent of spending to 73 percent of federal spending. In constant-dollar terms, we spend 17.5 times as much. In nominal-dollar terms, we spend 150 times as much."
S.E. Cupp: Democrats, stop blaming the NRA - NY Daily News
Could it actually be possible that politicians would rather have this issue always on the table, rather than actually thoughtfully negotiating some improvement?
Personally, I think mental instability is more the culprit than guns themselves...
Personally, I think mental instability is more the culprit than guns themselves...
In her N.Y. Daily News column, S.E. Cupp has this and much more to say:
"But politics is more important than policy. In a new book, 'The Future of the Gun,' Frank Miniter reveals that the Obama administration ignored appeals by the NRA and NSSF to help reduce illegal guns following Newtown. NSSF president Larry Keane says, 'If the Obama administration really wants to do something about illegal guns or gun violence, then they’d work with gun manufacturers, the NRA and the rest of gun-rights groups.'"
Monday, October 19, 2015
CO2 Emissions Are Making Earth Greener ... Literally! | The Daily Caller
Now, It's news!...
At, Andrew Follett recently reported on this:
"It looks like carbon dioxide emissions are making Earth a greener planet.
'Carbon dioxide fertilizes plants, and emissions from fossil fuels have already had a hugely beneficial effect on crops, increasing yields by at least 10-15%,' concludes a new report by the UK-based Global Warming Policy Foundation, an organization primarily focused on countering policy endeavors of global warming activists."
Marco Rubio Says He Believes Obama's Amnesty 'Is Important' | The Daily Caller
I think it should be troublesome to all of us when a presidential candidate says one thing to Americans while speaking English, and another thing to others, speaking their language...
Chuck Ross calls attention to this at
"Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio offered a measure of support for President Obama’s first executive amnesty program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, during a recent interview he conducted in Spanish this week with Univision’s Jorge Ramos.
Rubio’s comments mark a reversal of sorts from criticism he offered of DACA last year, and they also put him at odds with the conservative Republican base, which he will need in his corner if he hopes to win the 2016 GOP presidential nomination."
The plot against Donald Trump | New York Post
Status Quo or shake the tree.
I know where my sentiments are...
I know where my sentiments are...
Michael Walsh wrote this and more in the N.Y. Post:
"So the GOP is now facing its worst nightmare: What if Trump is for real? That behind all the bluster, beneath the weird hair, is a guy who just might be able to clean out the Augean stables of the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party that continues to cling to power in Washington.
The Democrats — with their eminently indictable presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton — don’t like the idea of fundamental change any better than the Republicans. They prefer GOP opponents who don’t fight back, lose gracefully, and keep their seats at the national trough."
Sunday, October 18, 2015
2015-10-18 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Pundits Thought Clinton Beat Sanders–but Did Viewers? — FAIR
You just have to see the chart with the numbers.
Washington insiders, including the media, see things differently from the rest of us...
Washington insiders, including the media, see things differently from the rest of us...
Guner Olsen has it and the story at
"What the Times and these pundits failed to mention is the fact that every online poll we could find asking web visitors who won the debate cast Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as the winner—and not just by a small margins, but by rather enormous ones."
"Glasgow’s skyline is changed forever in just SEVEN seconds as the last of the Red Road flats is demolished"
On the U.K. Daily Mail website, Mark Duell reported on these with pictures:
"This is the stunning moment Glasgow's skyline was changed forever with the demolition of the last of the Red Road flats in just seven seconds.
The remaining blocks of what were once the tallest residential buildings in Europe were brought down at the same time in a controlled explosion. Onlookers had to stand about 1,000ft back, while several residents worried about damage to their properties were forced to leave the exclusion zone."
"Britain Will Need 1,600 New Primary Schools to Meet Demand"
Schools are funded by the taxpayer...
At, Donna Rachel Edmunds gives us a word to the wise:
"Britain needs 1,600 new primary schools to cope with the explosion in demand caused by rising immigration, a new study has found. An education charity has warned of a 'perfect storm' threatening Britain’s education system, caused by a massive rise in demand coinciding with funding cuts."
Friday, October 16, 2015
There’s no evidence that we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day - ScienceAlert
I have to say that marketing, on this issue and many others, is winning the argument, in spite of facts.
I strongly believe that our consumer behaviors are mostly misguided, and influential advertising is the reason...
I strongly believe that our consumer behaviors are mostly misguided, and influential advertising is the reason...
At, Fiona MacDonald explains the water "myth":
"So where did the great water myth come from? It's generally believed that the source is a 1945 Food and Nutrition Board Recommendation that declared, 'a suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food'. As you might have guessed, 2.5 litres more or less works out to be around eight glasses. But what's usually ignored from that report is the crucial next sentence: 'Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods.' "
"Doctors Without Borders Ignored Geneva Rules Before U.S. Air Attack"
I know this doesn't make this ugly event go away, but, is this negligence?...
At, Richard Pollock reports this:
"The relief group – also known as Medecins Sans Frontiers – failed to display a Red Cross, Red Crescent or Red Lion and Sun, the universally recognized medical emblems since 1949 that identify buildings that must be protected to attacking aircraft during wartime under Article 38 of the Geneva Accords.
'Doctors Without Borders marked the roof of the building in the week prior to the Oct. 3 airstrikes,' said Tim Shenk, a DWB press officer. “The markings are hospital flags with the MSF logo.”
The DWB hospital flag with the organization’s logo is not among the internationally recognized emblems that warn attacking pilots to avoid the marked structure.
The DWB refused to produce any aerial photos of the building or describe the size of the purported flags."
"The Democrats’ Gift to the GOP"
Noah Rothman writes for Commentary Magazine:
"From a Republican’s perspective, though, last night was a blessing. The first and only time in which the Democratic field will gather to debate in prime time on a weekday before the first votes are cast in Iowa and New Hampshire featured a cavalcade of liberal politicians all (with the notable exception of Jim Webb) pandering to the Democratic Party’s fringe elements. The candidates spent a fair bit of energy attempting to rehabilitate European-style socialism, competed over who would embrace the most restrictive gun rights policy, promised a bevy of 'free' services that none of them will ever be able to deliver, rejected the perfectly noncontroversial notion that 'all lives matter,' and assured their wide-eyed viewers that the greatest national security threat facing the nation was the weather and that the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs should be essentially mothballed. This is the stuff of GOP ad-makers’ dreams."
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Hispanics Wouldn't Vote GOP If You Held a Gun To Their Heads - Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter is always fun to read because of the "zingers"...
Here's part of a recent Ann Coulter post at
"Nonetheless, Hillary Clinton attacked Sanders for having voted against an insane bill that would have held gun manufacturers and sellers legally liable for the behavior of anyone who uses one of their guns in a crime.
I would be open to such a law -- but only after we pass a law holding psychiatrists liable for crimes committed by their patients; lawyers for crimes committed by their clients; and sanctuary cities for crimes committed by the illegal immigrants they released in violation of federal law."
Guns, Congress, and the will of the people | NewBostonPost
On the NewBostonPost website, Robert N. Driscoll POST-LINK TEXT:
"Here is the reality: Congress, imperfectly at times, generally reflects the will of the people. You, fellow denizens of the Acela corridor whose familiarity with guns is limited to TV and movies, are not representative of the rest of the country.
The country doesn’t want to take the most commonly suggested actions proposed to prevent mass shootings, and with good reason."
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
"Media Narrative Chart for reporting violent crime"
And I bet there could be similar charts depicting narratives on other subjects...
Jon Gabriel posted this at
"Media Narrative Chart for reporting violent crime"
Obama will be the only person sticking to Iran deal | New York Post
Amir Taheri writes all about it in the New York Post:
"Sometime this week, President Obama is scheduled to sign an executive order to meet the Oct. 15 'adoption day' he has set for the nuclear deal he says he has made with Iran. According to the president’s timetable the next step would be 'the start day of implementation,' fixed for Dec. 15.
But as things now stand, Obama may end up being the only person in the world to sign his much-wanted deal, in effect making a treaty with himself.
The Iranians have signed nothing and have no plans for doing so."
"Busted ! CNN Uses Jeb Bush Staffer Planted In Audience To Frame Donald Trump Narrative/Hit Job"
Just in case you think you can trust CNN...
On the Conservative Treehouse, I found this:
"During an appearance at a Jon Huntsman 'No Labels' event, a female audience member named Lauren Batchelder played the role of a female antagonist toward candidate Donald Trump. However, Ms. Batchelder is not just an average audience member.
She’s a paid political operative of the GOP and a paid staff member of Team Jeb Bush:
Within minutes of her scripted performance at the event, the producers of CNN were quickly editing soundbites and framing a narrative. That story was pushed into the media stream within hours."
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
"Heartland fury as university renovates chapel to accommodate Muslims"
I think this is going over the top.
Accommodation is one thing; but, taking away pews is a completely other thing...
Accommodation is one thing; but, taking away pews is a completely other thing...
Fox News' Todd Starnes recently posted this story:
"A decision to make a university’s chapel 'faith neutral' to accommodate Muslim students has created great angst in the nation’s Heartland after critics were accused of being Islamophobic. Last May, Wichita State University ordered workers to remove all the pews and an altar inside the Harvey D. Grace Memorial Chapel. The pews were ripped from the floor and replaced with portable chairs to make room for Muslim prayer rugs."
"'All Sorts Of Nasty': These 39 Yelp Reviews Of Planned Parenthood Clinics Will Horrify You"
These days, everyone has an opinion AND the ability to post it somewhere.
For what it's worth, here are some posted experiences at Planned Parenthood...
For what it's worth, here are some posted experiences at Planned Parenthood...
At, Mollie Hemingway posts:
"The 'story bank' is a public relations operation. But check out these stories shared by Planned Parenthood patients on Yelp, a popular online customer review application, that won’t be disseminated by Planned Parenthood’s powerful public relations operation."
Monday, October 12, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. officials conclude Iran deal violates federal law | Fox News
That probably means it will be in the news for a long time...
On the Fox News website James Rosen writes about this entanglement:
"At issue is a passage tucked away in ancillary paperwork attached to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, as the Iran nuclear deal is formally known. Specifically, Section 5.1.2 of Annex II provides that in exchange for Iranian compliance with the terms of the deal, the U.S. 'shall…license non-U.S. entities that are owned or controlled by a U.S. person to engage in activities with Iran that are consistent with this JCPOA.'
In short, this means that foreign subsidiaries of U.S. parent companies will, under certain conditions, be allowed to do business with Iran. The problem is that the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act (ITRA), signed into law by President Obama in August 2012, was explicit in closing the so-called 'foreign sub' loophole."
Trey Gowdy Schools the Media on Benghazi | The American Spectator
At, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. has posted a video that may help us decide:
"Tuesday, the chairman of the House Select Committee that is looking into the Benghazi massacre, Congressman Trey Gowdy, appeared before the press on Capitol Hill and asked the press some perfectly reasonable questions."
Sunday, October 11, 2015
2015-10-11 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Another massacre, another charade - The Washington Post
I have the thought that mass killings are somewhat comparable to tornadoes.
Both can happen at random, cause devastation, and are unpreventable.
Sadly, the behavior of some people, just like Mother Nature, just cannot be controlled...
Both can happen at random, cause devastation, and are unpreventable.
Sadly, the behavior of some people, just like Mother Nature, just cannot be controlled...
In the Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer opens his article with this and continues with some reality checking:
"So with the Roseburg massacre in Oregon. Within hours, President Obama takes to the microphones to furiously denounce the National Rifle Association and its ilk for resisting 'common-sense gun-safety laws.' His harangue is totally sincere, totally knee-jerk and totally pointless. At the time he delivers it, he — and we — know practically nothing about the shooter, nothing about the weapons, nothing about how they were obtained.
Nor does Obama propose any legislation. He knows none would pass. But the deeper truth is that it would have made no difference. Does anyone really believe that the (alleged) gun-show loophole had anything to do with Roseburg? Universal background checks sound wonderful. But Oregon already has one. The Roseburg shooter and his mother obtained every one of their guns legally."
Friday, October 09, 2015
"Datto Inc the data security firm trusted with Hillary Clinton's emails revealed"
Additionally, older generations just do not understand today's technology.
Politicians use favoritism as the basis of their decisions, and this is one result...
On the U.K. Daily Mail website, Daniel Bates reports this and more:
"An investigation by Daily Mail Online has revealed that concerns have been raised in the past about Datto which may well have raised eyebrows among Clinton's team.
A senior executive was allegedly able to steal sensitive information from the company's systems after she was fired.
Hackers managed to completely take over a Datto storage device, allowing them to steal whatever data they wanted."
Shocker: Gender-Neutral Bathrooms End In Voyeurism | The Daily Caller
The Daily Caller's Blake Neff recently reported on this:
"A Toronto college is rolling back its use of gender-neutral bathrooms after two women at the school were victims of voyeurism by a man using a cell phone."
Thursday, October 08, 2015
"Would-be killers target gun-free zones"
So, in a period of 65 years we have this statistic.
This paragraph is from John Lott's recent article:
"Since at least 1950, all but two public mass shootings in America have taken place where general citizens are banned from carrying guns. In Europe, there have been no exceptions. Every mass public shooting has occurred in a gun-free zone. And Europe is no stranger to mass shootings. It has been host to three of the six worst K-12 school shootings and by far the worst mass public shooting perpetrated by a single individual"
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
"Tennessee Schools Want Islam Lessons Secret"
Having said that, taxpayers will undoubtedly pay for it.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out...
Eric Owens writes about this at
"Dozens and dozens of taxpayer-funded Tennessee school districts are refusing to comply with an open records request from a conservative legal nonprofit seeking materials and documents relevant to the way public schools are teaching Islam — primarily to middle schoolers."
"Vice President Joe Biden Refuses to Let False Matthew Shepard Narrative Die"
When a politician or elected official misrepresents something that has been proven untrue, the media should jump all over it and inform the public...
AT, Austin Ruse does call him out:
"It is now endlessly repeated that 21-year old Shepard was killed because he was gay, that he was targeted by total strangers who lured him out on a deserted and snowy road, tied him to a fence post, tortured and killed him. Shepard was compared to Jesus Christ and his killing launched thousands of headlines, magazine covers and dozens of hate crimes laws. The problem is that almost this entire story is false."
Tuesday, October 06, 2015
"How Do Blue Whales Get Big When The Food They Eat is So Small?"
That's why I find stuff like this...
Jules D. Smith provides the answer to this on the Market Business webssite:
"Currently the largest creature on our planet, perhaps one of the biggest animals that have ever existed, it is not surprising if this sea mammal is packed with an immense appetite, but little is still known about how this massive creature obtains its food."
"Climate Alarmist 'Largest Science Scandal in U.S. History'"
Of course, this has the potential to backfire...
James Delingpole writes about it on the website:
"The plan by climate alarmists to have other scientists imprisoned for their ‘global warming’ skepticism is backfiring horribly, and the chief alarmist is now facing a House investigation into what has been called 'the largest science scandal in US history.'"
Monday, October 05, 2015
"Why Did CNN Doctor Killer's Photo To Disguise His Race And Why Is The Press Scrubbing His Profile?"
They clearly manipulate what is reported and how it is reported...
On the 100 Percent Fedup blog, this story is posted:
"REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)
On the left is the selfie Christopher Mercer uploaded to his social media. On the right is how CNN presented the same selfie in broadcast stories about him. Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast? Why is no-one showing pictures of mom, Laurel Margaret Harper.
Why change to hyphenated name? Real name is Christopher Sean Mercer. Media using Christopher Harper-Mercer and Chris Harper-Mercer."
James Alan Fox: Umpqua shooting - a tragedy, not a trend
At, James Alan Fox discusses mass shootings and concludes:
"According to a careful analysis of data on mass shootings (using the widely accepted definition of at least four killed), the Congressional Research Service found that there are, on average, just over 20 incidents annually. More important, the increase in cases, if there was one at all, is negligible. Indeed, the only genuine increase is in hype and hysteria."
Sunday, October 04, 2015
2015-10-04 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, October 03, 2015
"The GOP Is Overmatched"
That being said, there comes a time when one has to measure results and judge accordingly.
To be clear, the Republicans keep losing...
David Harsanyi writes about it at
"If for some reason you needed additional evidence that the Republican Party was deeply incompetent, unprepared, uncoordinated, inexcusably lazy, then try watching Cecile Richards’ appearance in front of congress yesterday."
Friday, October 02, 2015
"‘Invasive’ High School Survey Asks Students How Many Guns Their Families Have, Why They Have Guns"
Recently, Emma Colton psted this at
"In a classroom exercise that has ignited outcry from the public, students at a Texas high school were given a questionnaire asking if their families owned guns, why their families owned guns and how their parents lean politically."
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Obama’s Intel Scandal
That being said, the current administration seems to do a lot more...
Stephen F. Hayes has the story on the Weekly Standard website:
"From 2011 through 2013, top Obama administration and intelligence officials downplayed and discarded intelligence on al Qaeda and its activities. As President Obama sought to convince the American public that al Qaeda was dying, analysts at CENTCOM were quietly providing assessments showing the opposite was true. In 2012, as administration officials made their public claims, the briefings they received from the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, included assessments that al Qaeda had doubled in strength over the preceding two years. A top DIA official was told directly to stop producing reports based on documents collected during the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound. And when a member of the House Intelligence Committee sought to investigate these allegations of manipulation, he was misled repeatedly.
So the intelligence manipulation now making headlines is not a new scandal, but a broadening of an earlier one—the systematic and willful effort to sell the American people a false narrative about the global jihadist movement and our efforts to defeat it."