Thursday, April 30, 2015
"Scalia: ‘Why no ancient Greek gay marriages?’"
On the website, Garth Kant calls attention to some interesting thoughts:
"But a number of justices expressed the same skepticism voiced by Scalia and Breyer, based on the historical and traditional definition marriage. Justice Anthony Kennedy said Bonauto was seeking to change what has been the norm for millenia, and it was 'very difficult for us to say we know better.' Justice Samuel Alito asked how she could account for the fact there has never been a nation or culture that has recognized same-sex marriage."
"Nation's report card reveals shockingly few eight graders are proficient in US history..."
Are you surprised?...
This article, by the Associated Press and Alexandra Klausner at tells the story:
"Only 18 percent of students demonstrated solid performance or better in U.S. history. The results for geography and civics were slightly better, 27 percent and 23 percent, respectively.
A large share of the eighth graders who took the test scored at the 'basic' level, meaning just partial mastery of the subjects.
Only 1 percent of test takers in U.S. history, 3 percent in geography and 2 percent in civics scored in the advanced level.
White and Asian students performed better than their Hispanic and black peers. "
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
"...Freddie Gray Allegedly Had Spine Surgery Just One Week Before Arrest"
Today's 24/7 news cycle, along with instant worldwide access, creates big problems when reporting is incomplete or possibly agenda driven...
On theFourthEstate website, fourthestate2014 has posted this:
"EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has been told that Freddie Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police."
"Rioting intensifies in Baltimore; liberal narratives among the casualties"
Sounds pretty much right to me.
Some are just looking for opportunities to destroy, and that door has been opened...
Some are just looking for opportunities to destroy, and that door has been opened...
On the PowerLine Blog, Paul Mirengoff gives us this and much more:
"The Baltimore rioting has given the lie to Eric Holder’s left-wing Ferguson narrative. Rioting isn’t an understandable reaction to a “toxic” environment created by the police. It’s an opportunistic response by those of a criminal disposition to events that would not, and do not, cause decent people to engage in violence.
The Baltimore rioting also undermines Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s left-wing policing prescription. Violent “protesters” should never be given space to destroy. Instead, a mobilized police force should make it clear at the first hint of trouble that no destruction will be tolerated."
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
"Survivors outraged after learning Tsarnaev's family's trip to US"
This is reported by MyFox Boston:
"The cost to put them up at the Hampton Inn at the government rate: almost $200 per night, per person. And a source says at least three agencies, the FBI, US Marshal's and Revere Police are involved in constant protection.
'I think you're probably talking about $100,000 plus in that neighborhood in terms of security and out of pocket costs associated with travel,' former US attorney Michael Sullivan said.
And that's just for this trip."
A Time for Clarity - Star Parker
At, Star Parker wants us to know who the good guys are:
"Freedom House, which publishes an annual report measuring freedom around the world, rating nations based on political rights and civil liberties, has recently issued its 2015 report.
According to this report, there is only one free nation in the Middle East region. It so happens that it is the one nation that seems to trouble our American president the most – Israel.
Freedom House rates on a scale of 1 – 7, '1' being the most free and '7' the least. Israel is rated 1.5, receiving a grade of 1 on political rights and 2 on civil liberties."
Monday, April 27, 2015
Nerd Prom Is a Mess - Patrick Gavin - POLITICO Magazine
In America, popularity and celebrity status have infiltrated the world of elected officials and those that report on them.
I don't know if they are "one happy family"; however, something is wrong in that they are clearly "in bed with each other...
I don't know if they are "one happy family"; however, something is wrong in that they are clearly "in bed with each other...
Patrick Gavin tells us all about it in his article in Politico Magazine:
"Everyone knows the White House Correspondents Association dinner is broken. What started off decades ago as a stately formal celebration of the best of presidential reporting has morphed into a four-day orgy of everything people outside the Beltway hate about life inside the Beltway—now it's not just one night of clubby backslapping, carousing and drinking between the press and the powerful, it's four full days of signature cocktails and inside jokes that just underscore how out of step the Washington elite is with the rest of the country. It's not us (journalists) versus them (government officials); it's us (Washington) versus them (the rest of America).
Something has to change."
"7 Sad Facts From Politico's Poll Of White House Reporters"
At, Blake Neff elaborates on the seven:
"On the eve of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Politico Magazine conducted its second-annual poll of White House correspondents, gauging their opinions on what its really like to cover the president up-close. Their answers, to say the least, are hardly flattering towards Obama:"
Sunday, April 26, 2015
2015-04-26 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Iran plays chess, U.S. plays checkers -
On CNN's website, Aaron David Miller describes what's going on:
"We're playing checkers on the Middle East game board and Tehran's playing three-dimensional chess. Iran has no problem reconciling its bad and contradictory behavior while we twist ourselves into knots over our tough choices, all the while convincing ourselves that America's policy on the nuclear issue is on the right track.
Iran isn't 10 feet tall in this region, but by making the nuclear issue the be-all and end-all that is supposed to reduce Iran's power, the United States is only making Tehran taller. Consider the following:"
Friday, April 24, 2015
"Suspicious Fires Twice Destroyed Key Sharpton Records"
Accidents can happen. Right?...
At, Jillian Kay Melchior recently reported on this:
"Then again, it has happened before that two accidental fires hit the same establishment, says Joe Sesniak, a public-information officer for the International Association of Arson Investigators. From just fire-and-incident reports, he says, it’s hard to draw a conclusion.
'Some people, if they didn’t have bad luck, they’d have no luck at all,' Sesniak says. 'But sometimes, well, it’s not really a coincidence. Knowing what caused the fire depends on the nature of the investigation, the level of training, and the experience of the investigators.'"
MSNBC’s Tour�Has the Taxman on His Case | National Review Online
There's a large dose of hypocrisy at MSNBC, not to mention a significant dose of questionable credibility. ..
At, Jillian Kay Melchior has this story:
"MSNBC’s hosts and guests regularly call for higher taxes on the rich, condemning wealthy individuals and corporations who don’t pay their taxes or make use of loopholes. But recent reports, as well as records reviewed by National Review, show that at least four high-profile MSNBC on-air personalities have tax liens or warrants filed against them."
Thursday, April 23, 2015
"Why the 14th Amendment Can’t Possibly Require Same-Sex Marriage"
If it needs changing, there is a process for that, and it's not "mob rules"...
At, Frank Turek writes about this issue:
"The Supreme Court is about to decide if the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution requires the states to redefine marriage to include same sex relationships. There are several reasons why the answer is no."
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
How foreign cash made Bill and Hillary ‘filthy rich’ | New York Post
Considering the history of Bill and Hillary, I'm sure there will be many stories like this...
In the New York Post, Bob Fredericks has the story on this:
"The claims in “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich” come just a week after she launched her presidential campaign.
They raise questions about shady foreign money flowing into the Clinton Foundation — and what actions Hillary took in her official capacity in exchange for the cash."
The U.S. Constitution Actually Bans Hillary's Foreign Gov't. Payola
On theFederalist website, Sean Davis recently reported on the laws:
"The Washington Post reported last week that the tax-exempt foundation run by Bill and Hillary Clinton accepted money from seven foreign governments while Hillary served as U.S. Secretary of State (it’s unclear how much foreign money the organization accepted while Hillary was a U.S. Senator). Super shady, right? It’s worse than that, though, because Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution actually bans foreign payola for U.S. officials.
The constitutional ban on foreign cash payments to U.S. officials is known as the Emoluments Clause and originated from Article VI of the Articles of Confederation. The purpose of the clause was to prevent foreign governments from buying influence in the U.S. by paying off U.S. government officials."
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
"150 cops, population 300: pay-to-play policing, from Tulsa to Kid Rock's town"
I'd like to think this is uncommon; but, maybe it isn't...
In the U.K. Guardian Tom Dart fills us in on this story:
"Oakley, Michigan, is not a hotbed of crime. But if that should change, it seems well placed to cope, because the village is believed to have a police force numbering almost 150 people, or one officer for every two residents.
One, Robert James Ritchie, does not live in Oakley. A Detroit-area native better known as the rapper Kid Rock, he applied to join the village’s small army of reserve police officers, according to an attorney, along with many prominent Michigan professionals and business people and a football player for the Miami Dolphins."
"National Archives Tried to Hide Email About Living in Fear of White House"
This was recently reported by the Washington Free Beacon:
"Associated Press president Gary Pruitt reported in an op-ed on government transparency that, during the course of an AP investigation into Michelle Obama’s dresses, NARA used a privacy exemption to redact a line in an email that was actually about the agency’s fear of the White House:"
Monday, April 20, 2015
"Two VA Officials Exposed For Incompetence Win PERFORMANCE Awards"
At, Michael Volpe recently reported this:
"Two top managers repeatedly cited for incompetence will receive performance awards at the scandal plagued Memphis VA Medical Center, The Daily Caller has learned."
The IRS Doubles Down On Secrecy - Forbes
Most of America doesn't think much of the I.R.S. anyway...
On the website, Christopher Bergin recently posted about this:
"To become even less transparent. As the saying goes: You can’t make this stuff up. Last week, Tax Analysts was the first to report that the IRS has stopped a decades-long practice of providing news outlets with copies of letters that grant organizations tax exemption."
Sunday, April 19, 2015
2015-04-19 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, April 18, 2015
"PHOTO: School blames ‘poor lighting’ for paltry Michelle O lunch"
Kyle Olson has the story and a picture at
"ah, your eyes are playing tricks on you. That’s what administrators at Virginia’s Portsmouth Public Schools want parents to believe after a mother took a photo of her child’s paltry school lunch and posted it on social media.
The mom says James Hurst Elementary served the lunch Tuesday.
After the photo began circulating around the community, Food Service Coordinator Jim Gehlhoff admitted the lunch 'concerns us,' but added that it might not actually be as bad as it looks.
'Poor lighting and food presentation make this lunch unappealing,' he said in a statement released to the media."
"'Man-made disaster': Critics say California drought caused by misguided environment policies"
When elected officials cater to special interests, bad things happen.
On another note, those that set this mess in motion are likely long gone or retired by now...
On another note, those that set this mess in motion are likely long gone or retired by now...
On the FoxNews website, Malia Zimmerman has the details on this:
"The blistering drought that has Californians timing their showers, driving dirty cars and staring at brown lawns and empty swimming pools is a 'man-made disaster,' according to critics, who say the Golden State’s misguided environmental policies allow much-needed freshwater to flow straight into the Pacific.
In an average year, California gets enough snow and rain to put 200 million acres under a foot of water, but environmental opposition to dams over the last several decades has allowed the majority of the freshwater to flow into the ocean, even as the state’s population exploded to nearly 40 million people. The current drought has left farms parched and residents under strict water consumption orders, but some say it didn't have to be that way."
Friday, April 17, 2015
"More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter followers are fake or never tweet..."
Well, isn't that a wonderful use of our tax dollars...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, David Martosko reports what's going on:
"Although Hillary Clinton boasts a robust 3.6 million Twitter followers, not even a vast right-wing conspiracy would be able to interact with 2 million of them.
According to two popular online measuring tools, no more than 44 per cent of her Twitter fan base consists of real people who are active in using the social media platform.
And at least 15 per cent – more than 544,000 – are completely fake., the oldest publicly available Twitter-auditing tool, reports that 44 per cent of the former secretary of state's followers are 'good'; 15 per cent are 'fake'; and 41 per cent are 'inactive,' meaning that they never tweet or reply to any tweets."
Thursday, April 16, 2015
"Federal Revenue and Spending: Federal Budget in Pictures"
It would be difficult to claim any of them are good...
They are posted for our viewing "pleasure" on the website:
"If America does not change course, the future will be dramatically worse. Now more than ever, it is crucial that Americans understand what our nation's spending, taxes, and debt mean for them and their families. The Heritage Foundation's Federal Budget in Pictures offers a unique tool to learn about the federal budget in a clear and compelling way."
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
"When People Tell You Social Security Is Going Broke,’ Tell Them They’re Lying"
Ali Meyer recently posted that at
"'Today, the Social Security Trust Fund has a $2.8 trillion surplus,' Sanders said. 'So when people tell you Social Security is going broke, you look them in the eye and tell them they're not telling you the truth.'"
"How Much a Family Would Spend If They Were Like the Government"
Governments will never have enough of our money...
At, Michael Sargent tells us the answer:
"And because the government spends, taxes and borrows by the hundreds of billions and trillions, it’s hard to grasp just how out of sync its budget is every year. To put this into perspective, Heritage’s 2015 Federal Budget in Pictures shows what it would be like if a single household treated its finances like the government does. If the average family had the spending habits of the federal government, it would spend $61,000 a year, despite only earning $52,000 in income. This would be like racking up a $9,000 credit card bill on top of an outstanding $311,000 of debt—like paying a mortgage but without the house."
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
NLRB 'Ambush Election' Rule Survives With Obama Veto | The Daily Caller
Generally, it most aspects of life, those that are trying to snooker you, want you to make decisions very quickly...
On the Daily Caller website, Connor D. Wolf reports on this issue, including opinions like this:
"'The NLRB’s new ambush election rule forces a union election in a little as 11 days— before an employer and most employees even have a chance to figure out what is going on,' Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Senate labor committee, stated. 'I’m disappointed the president wasted this opportunity to prevent the board’s rule from infringing on every employee’s right to privacy and every employer’s right to free speech.'"
Gaza War | Hamas Human Shields | Report
Miriam Elman has details about this on the website:
"Between July 17 and August 5 of2014, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) destroyed 32 tunnels in Gaza — 100 kilometers of concrete-lined and accessorized passageways dug deep beneath the earth’s surface with openings near Israeli homes and kindergartens. Hamas murdered dozens of the nearly 900 diggers in its employ, fearing that they might reveal the tunnel locations to the advancing Israeli army.
This vast tunnel project, estimated to have cost some $90 million, was designed to dispatch an invasion force of thousands. In one of the tunnels the IDF found half a dozen motorcycles which would’ve been used to ferry terrorists into Israel, and bring Israeli hostages out."
Monday, April 13, 2015
Inside the Brian Williams Scandal at NBC News | Vanity Fair
The inner workings of a national news organization are quite a story.
If you're in to this kind of thing, this is pretty interesting...
If you're in to this kind of thing, this is pretty interesting...
At Vanity Fair, Brian Burrough tries to explain the NBC version:
"Brian Williams’s fabrication was just the latest, and worst, of the debacles that have plagued NBC News since NBCUniversal was bought by Comcast in 2011. Who is to blame?"
Sunday, April 12, 2015
2015-04-12 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Immigration - Rasmussen Reports™
The sentiment of the American people doesn't match the policies of Mr. Obama.
The survey results are numerous, so I'll let the Rasmussen people describe them...
The survey results are numerous, so I'll let the Rasmussen people describe them...
Rasmussen Reports is in the business of telephone surveys. This is the latest on immigration issues:
"More voters than ever feel the United States is not aggressive enough in deporting those who are here illegally, even as President Obama continues to push his plan to make up to five million illegal immigrants safe from deportation."
Friday, April 10, 2015
"Weeks after leaving office, Obama discovers a leak under his sink so he calls a plumber to fix it..."
The Conservative Tribune website has some fun with the concept of an "Affordable Plumbing Act":
"Troy arrives and takes his tools into the house. He is led to the guest bathroom that contains the leaky pipe under the sink. Troy assesses the problem and tells Obama that it’s an easy repair that will take less than 10 minutes. Obama asks Troy how much it will cost. Troy checks his rate chart and says, '$9,500.'
'What?! $9,500?!' Obama asks, stunned, 'But you said it’s an easy repair. Michelle will whip me if I pay a plumber that much!'
Troy says, 'Yes, but what I do is charge those who make more than $250,000 per year a much higher amount so I can fix the plumbing of poorer people for free. This has always been my philosophy. As a matter of fact, I lobbied the Democrat Congress, who passed this philosophy into law. Now all plumbers must do business this way. It’s known as the ‘Affordable Plumbing Act of 2014′. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it.'"
Tucker Blasts Liberal ‘Jihadis’: ‘They Will Crush You’ | The Daily Caller
At, Alex Griswold shares Tucker Carlsen's astute comment:
"CARLSON: The demagoguery around this is really nauseating I will say, echoing George Will’s comments. We’ve always made exceptions for religious minorities. Quakers can become conscientious objectors. So you have a country where religious minorities get to choose which wars they fight in, but not whether to serve cupcakes at a wedding that would violate their religious principles? That’s insane!"
Thursday, April 09, 2015
"Hollywood Actor Gary Sinise Issues Demand to the White House Over the Bergdahl Trade"
On the IJreview website, Kyle Becker has this story:
"Actor Gary Sinise, who is a prominent veterans’ advocate, is questioning how the White House unilaterally conducted a trade of suspected Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl for five dangerous Gitmo terrorists."
"OWN IT: ‘ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS’ SIGN Shows Up At Nation’s Largest Teachers Union-Funded Protest"
Aren't they????...
Eric Owens recently posted about this on the Daily Caller website:
"Attendees at an anti-police protest in Wisconsin funded heavily by the National Education Association — America’s largest teachers union — unfurled a banner declaring 'ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS.'"
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
"Fact-checker takes Obama to task for gun claims"
And the beat goes on.
Mr. Obama distorts and misrepresents, regardless of readily available facts...
Mr. Obama distorts and misrepresents, regardless of readily available facts...
This came from
"WASHINGTON – President Obama is under fire from The Washington Post’s fact-checker over a series of recent far-fetched gun claims, including suggesting the country’s homicide rate is higher than that of other industrialized nations 'by like a mile.'
The comments, made during a stop in South Carolina last week, earned the president three out of four 'Pinocchios' -- the fact-checker's scale for measuring inaccuracy."
"Why are Americans so stunningly ignorant?"
At, Bruce Deitrick Price begins his response with this:
"A history professor, writing in VEER (an arts and culture magazine published in Norfolk, Virginia), tells a startling anecdote:
'A couple of years back, a student came to me for a conference, late in the semester, and asked, ‘Which came first, the Civil War or the Revolutionary War?’ Never mind that we had spent a week on both, and that he had been in attendance (physically, at any rate), for all of those sessions.'"
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
"Did 11.7 Mil Sign Up For ObamaCare? Not By A Long Shot"
Well, actually, I mean in the fantasy world of ObamaCare...
This was part of a recent editorial:
"The Obama administration is touting the 'fact' that nearly 12 million people either signed up or re-enrolled for ObamaCare this year. Why on Earth should anyone believe this?"
"EPA Wants to Monitor How Long Hotel Guests Spend in the Shower"
At, Elizabeth Harrington recently reported on this:
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants hotels to monitor how much time its guests spend in the shower."
"Costa Rica powered with 100% renewable energy for 75 straight days"
At, Myles Gough recently reported on this:
"And it's mostly thanks to heavy rains and geothermal energy.
Well done Costa Rica, well done.
The Cental American country has achieved a major clean energy milestone, meeting 100 percent of its power demand with renewable energy for 75 straight days."
Monday, April 06, 2015
"DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets"
Stephen Dinan recently posted this story at
"Federal immigration officers released another 30,000 immigrants with criminal records last year, following the 36,000 it released in 2013, the government announced Wednesday — though it promised to take steps to cut down on the problem."
"US removes Iran and Hezbollah from list of terror threats"
I found this on the Middle East Monitor website:
"An annual security report submitted recently to the US Senate by James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, removed both Iran and Hezbollah from the list of terrorism threats to the United States for the first time in years."
Sunday, April 05, 2015
2015-04-05 - Easter Day
Saturday, April 04, 2015
"A big fat surprise for dietary dogma"
It seems that many health ideas of the past are no longer true.
Clearly, that's disconcerting for most of us...
Clearly, that's disconcerting for most of us...
Margaret Wente elaborates on this in a posting at
"It turns out that for most people, the cholesterol in the food you eat has little or no connection to the cholesterol in your blood, or to heart disease either. 'There’s never been a single study that showed higher egg consumption is related to higher risk of heart disease,' Walter Willett, a nutrition scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health, told New York Magazine recently.
Last month, in an epic climbdown, the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advice Committee, whose guidelines influence millions of people, finally dropped its recommendation to restrict cholesterol. 'Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption,' it said. So go ahead – eat all the eggs you want."
Friday, April 03, 2015
2015-04-03 - Good Friday
This is according to Wikipedia. I'm sure there are other, and perhaps better, sources:
"Good Friday (from the senses pious, holy of the word "good"[1]) is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday,[2] or Easter Friday,[3] though the latter properly refers to the Friday in Easter week.
Based on the details of the Canonical gospels, the Crucifixion of Jesus was most likely to have been on a Friday (John 19:42).[4] The estimated year of the Crucifixion is AD 33, by two different groups, and originally as AD 34 by Isaac Newton via the differences between the Biblical and Julian calendars and the crescent of the moon.[5] A third method, using a completely different astronomical approach based on a lunar Crucifixion darkness and eclipse model (consistent with Apostle Peter's reference to a 'moon of blood' in Acts 2:20), points to Friday, 3 April AD 33.[6]"
Thursday, April 02, 2015
"7 Children Kidnapped by State of Arkansas..."
See what you think of this...
This is part of a post by Terri LaPoint (health Impact News) that appears on the Medical Kidnap Website:
"Chicken and sausage gumbo was simmering on the stove, and company was expected on the evening of January 12. Instead of welcome guests, a full tactical team surrounded the Stanley home.
Garland County Sheriff’s Deputies and DPS entered their home, demanding that Hal and Michelle wait outside in the cold while they searched the house and talked to the children. There were reportedly at least 30 people, including a SWAT team, Arkansas State Troopers, a coroner, a doctor, a dozen cars, a medical van, and a sniper in a ditch allegedly aiming at the parents on the front porch."
"Alzheimer's breakthrough as scientists discover how to stop disease in its tracks"
Ben Spencer recently reported this on the U.K. Daily Mail website:
"Cambridge University researchers have found a naturally occurring molecule that can slow the formation of plaques in the brain.
Amyloid plaques are closely associated with declining memory and other Alzheimer’s symptoms.
The discovery raises the prospect of a treatment which could be routinely taken in middle age to stop dementia. It could even result in a pill that could be used to treat dementia in the same way that statins are used to prevent heart disease today."
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA - BBC News
Fascinating, to say the least.
It sure makes one wonder what else is yet to be found...
It sure makes one wonder what else is yet to be found...
BBC News has this story on their website:
"They were 'astonished' to find it almost completely wiped out methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, otherwise known as MRSA.
Their findings will be presented at a national microbiology conference.
The remedy was found in Bald's Leechbook - an old English manuscript containing instructions on various treatments held in the British Library."
Sports Stadiums Throw Taxpayers for a Loss - Steve Chapman
At, Steve Chapman writes about this:
"Since 1995, Los Angeles has been an anomaly: a huge city with lots of sports fans that has exactly as much professional football as Billings, Montana. This week, Angelenos got a bit of good news: They still aren't getting an NFL franchise."