Wednesday, April 30, 2014
POLL: Millennials Have 'Historically Low' Levels Of Trust In Government - Business Insider
Hunter Walker has the story at Business Insider:
"Harvard's poll showed millennials, which the pollsters defined as peopled aged 18 to 29, have lost trust in a variety of different major public institutions including the President, the military, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the federal government as a whole. Of all the institutions tracked by the poll, the President and the military lost the most trust among young Americans with a seven point drop. Overall, the pollsters said the level of trust millennials have in 'most American institutions tested in our survey' had dropped below even 'last year’s historically low numbers.'"
The ObamaCare Jobless -
The actions of government continue to stifle the economy.
One would think they would want to do the opposite...
One would think they would want to do the opposite...
In last week's Wall Street Journal, James Freeman reported on this survey:
"A new survey demonstrates the Affordable Care Act's negative impact on employment. According to the Journal, 'nearly half of small-business owners with at least five employees, or 45% of those polled, said they had had to curb their hiring plans because of the health law, and almost a third—29%—said they had been forced to make staff cuts, according to a U.S. Bancorp survey of 3,173 owners with less than $10 million in annual revenue that will be released Thursday.'"
Government at Work - "Cracking Down"
Would you care to wager that the same thing is happening here in America?...
EMily Kent Smith recently posted the story in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"Just 250 out of of 7,188 benefits cheats were put behind bars in 2012, despite claims from Westminster that a tougher stance would be taken on swindlers.
New Ministry of Justice figures, requested by a Conservative backbencher, reveal that, between 2008 and 2012, the number of benefits cheats taken into custody decreased each year apart from one.
Benefits fraud costs the UK up to £2 billion each year yet just 1,306 out of 32,847 were sent to jail for the crimes."
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Ex-Calif. city manager gets 12 years for corruption
These elected officials are now getting the treatment they deserve...
Michael Winter has the story at
"An astonishing case of small-city corruption ended Wednesday as the longtime administrator of Bell, Calif., was sentenced to 12 years in state prison for paying elected officials lavish salaries and using the public coffers as a piggy bank for himself and other employees.
'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,' Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Kathleen Kennedy said in sentencing Robert Rizzo and ordering him to pay $8.8 million in restitution. 'That is the theme of what happened in Bell. There were no checks and balances to control Mr. Rizzo and those that were in power in the city.'"
"Democrat's husband pleads guilty to Social Security fraud"
I'll bet there have been a lot of "interesting" conversations in this relationship...
On the Daily Caller website, Caroline May recently posted about this:
"This was not Fellela’s first brush with the law. In 1999, he first applied for Supplemental Social Security benefits — the benefits were ultimately terminated when he was convicted of credit card and mail theft, according to the Providence Journal. He was released from prison for those crimes in January 2004. After his prison term, while serving a 21-month supervised release, Fellela applied for Social Security benefits again. From 2004 – 2012 he improperly collected $58,207 after claiming that he did not have a permanent residence, when he in fact did.
Prosecutors also charged that he racked up thousands in credit card purchases on another man’s credit cards."
Monday, April 28, 2014
Doctors Reverse Themselves on Fatty Foods and Cancer
Perhaps this is just hype, too.
Limbaugh does provide the link to the New York Times article that is referenced...
Limbaugh does provide the link to the New York Times article that is referenced...
I found this on the Rush Limbaugh website:
"It turns out they just had a giant cancer convention. The American Association for Cancer Research, 18,500 researchers and other professionals gathered, and they were depressed because when it comes to cancer they all had to admit that there is little, if any, evidence that fruits and vegetables are protective or that fatty foods are bad.
This month at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, a mammoth event that drew more than 18,500 researchers and other professionals here, the latest results about diet and cancer were relegated to a single poster session and a few scattered presentations. There were new hints that coffee may lower the risk of some cancers and more about the possible benefits of vitamin D. Beyond that there wasn’t much to say.
The situation seemed very different in 1997, when the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research published a report, thick as a phone book, concluding that diets loaded with fruits and vegetables might reduce the overall incidence of cancer by more than 20 percent."
I Was Racially Profiled in My Own Driveway - Doug Glanville - The Atlantic
I understand profiling, and am actually pretty much for it; but, I'm with Doug Glanville here.
Unfortunately, we can't control everyone and their attitudes, not to mention lapses in clear thinking...
Unfortunately, we can't control everyone and their attitudes, not to mention lapses in clear thinking...
On website, Doug Glanville relates his recent personal experience:
"It was an otherwise ordinary snow day in Hartford, Connecticut, and I was laughing as I headed outside to shovel my driveway. I’d spent the morning scrambling around, trying to stay ahead of my three children’s rising housebound energy, and once my shovel hit the snow, I thought about how my wife had been urging me to buy a snowblower. I hadn’t felt an urgent need. Whenever it got ridiculously blizzard-like, I hired a snow removal service. And on many occasions, I came outside to find that our next door neighbor had already cleared my driveway for me."
"Sant Singh Chatwal Pleads Guilty to Campaign Finance Fraud"
Money and Politics - Forever Linked...
Jill Colvin recently reported in the New York Observer:
"Hotel magnate Sant Singh Chatwal, who has lavished campaign cash on everyone from Hillary Clinton to Mayor Bill de Blasio, pleaded guilty today in Brooklyn federal court to campaign finance fraud and witness tampering, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch announced. Mr. Chatwal, 70, who runs a chain of luxury hotels and other companies, allegedly broke federal law by using straw donors–whom he called 'conduits'–to make more than $180,000 in illegal campaign contributions to three candidates in an effort to gain access and influence federal regulations, according to a federal complaint."
Sunday, April 27, 2014
2014-04-27 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, April 26, 2014
"Another Amazing Example of Government Stupidity and Political Correctness"
I'll let the writer explain...
AT, Daniel J Mitchell reports on the title item and much more:
"If you had to pick the most inane, pointless, and intrusive example of government stupidity, what would you pick? We have lots of examples of regulators running amok."
"Federal Land as a Percentage of Total State Land Area"
It does seem excessive, to say the least...
At, Nick Sorrentino writes about "Federal Land":
"The government has no business owning (or administering) all of this land. I am willing to concede federal courthouses and even the national parks to the feds, (even though some of the parks were created as a result of brutal land grabs. Shenandoah National Park which I look out at as I write this is an example.) but why is practically all of the far West run by the Federal Government?
Here’s another thing I’ll concede. The feds get a few hundred God forsaken square miles in the northern Nevada desert to do nuclear testing and to dump nuclear fuel. Beyond that? People should own this land."
Friday, April 25, 2014
"40 U.S. veterans die while on Phoenix VA hospital's cost-cutting secret wait list"
This awful story is all over the news...
Here is Melanie Greenwood's report from the N.Y. Daily News:
"The list was part of a complex cost-cutting scheme set up by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix aiming to hide the fact that between 1,400 and 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait up to 21 months to see a doctor, according to whistle-blowing retired top VA doctor and high-level sources.
Internal emails reveal managers at Arizona’s VA hospital knew about the practice and even condoned it."
Mark Emmert agrees that NCAA rule about food was 'absurd' - ESPN
Singularly, I'm sure they are all well-intended; however, cumulatively, they seem insidiously counterproductive, and possibly destructive...
On ESPN's website, Darren Rovell writes about the NCAA and food rules:
"NCAA president Mark Emmert said Friday that he was happy to take pressure off his organization and its member schools as the governing body's legislative council voted earlier this week to eliminate all previous restrictions on food for athletes.
'The biggest problem was, the NCAA has historically had all kinds of, I don't know how to describe it [except to say] dumb rules about food,' Emmert said on ESPN Radio's 'Mike & Mike' show. "The infamous one is you can provide between meals a snack, but you can't provide a meal. Well, then you got to define what's the difference between a snack and a meal? So it was literally the case that a bagel was defined as a snack -- unless you put cream cheese on it. Now it becomes a meal. That's absurd.""
Thursday, April 24, 2014
IRS awards bonuses to 1,100 who owe back taxes - SFGate
Stephen Ohlemacher of the Associated Press published this story:
"The Internal Revenue Service has paid more than $2.8 million in bonuses to employees with recent disciplinary problems, including $1 million to workers who owed back taxes, a government investigator said Tuesday.
More than 2,800 workers got bonuses despite facing a disciplinary action in the previous year, including 1,150 who owed back taxes, said a report by J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration. The bonuses were awarded from October 2010 through December 2012."
"Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report"
I wonder if anything will come of this...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, David Martosko recently wrote about it, including this gem:
"Lyons also said U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives is false.
'I'm going to tell you that's not true,' he said. 'We had a 130-man unit of forces at Sigonella [AFB in Italy]. They were ready to go.'
'The flight time from Sigonella to Benghazi is roughly an hour.'"
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
"Do the Fed’s Really Own the Land in Nevada? Nope!"
Well, considering the aspects of politics, this certainly sounds plausible...
Martin Armstrong at
"The Pollard decision expressed a statement of constitutional law in dictum making it very clear that the Feds have no claim over the lands in Nevada. The Supreme Court states: The United States never held any municipal sovereignty, jurisdiction, or right of soil in and to the territory of which Alabama, or any of the new States, were formed, except for temporary purposes, and to execute the trusts created by the acts of the Virginia and Georgia legislatures, and the deeds of cession executed by them to the United States, and the trust created by the treaty of the 30th April, 1803, with the French Republic ceding Louisiana.
So in other words, once a territory becomes a state, the Fed must surrender all claims to the land as if it were still just a possession or territory.
Sorry, but to all the left-wing commentators who call Bundy a tax-cheat and an outlaw, be careful of what you speak for the Supreme Court has made it clear in 1845 that the Constitution forbids the federal rangers to be out there to begin with for the Feds could not retain ownership of the territory and simultaneously grant state sovereignty. At the very minimum, it became state land – not federal."
U.S. Conducts Spy Flight Over Russia | Washington Free Beacon
This isn't exactly as it implies as it is jointly preplanned. Even so, it shows International Politics is a cat and mouse type game for sure...
AT, Bill Gertz posted this story:
"The spy flight originally was scheduled for April 14 but was canceled by Russia after a U.S. team for the flight failed to arrive near Moscow on time and Moscow refused temporarily to reschedule it.
A Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman also expressed anger on Monday over U.S. delays in certifying a new high-tech Russian aircraft to be used for spying missions over the United States under the Open Skies Treaty that permits limited legal spying over U.S. and Russian territory.
The State Department official said, however, that last week’s delay was the result of bad weather – despite radar images showing mostly clear skies over of Russia during the period of last week’s planned flight."
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
"Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election"
Then, there's this...
At, Bryan Preston writes about finding in North Carolina:
"The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found thousands of instances of voter fraud in the state, thanks to a 28-state crosscheck of voter rolls. Initial findings suggest widespread election fraud."
"Here’s What Happened to Crime in Chicago After Illinois Finally Passed Concealed Carry Law"
Historically, crime statistics are manipulated to suit someone's agenda.
Additionally, the counting rules are frequently changed, which makes valid comparisons and the subsequent claims questionable...
Jason Howerton tells this story on
"On July 9, 2013, a bill to recognize Illinois gun owners’ right to carry concealed firearms was passed by both chambers of the state Legislature. Illinois became the last state in the nation to allow public possession of concealed guns.
Gun control advocates warned that high-crime areas, like Chicago, would only see more violence if residents were allowed to carry guns in public.
In reality, the opposite may be happening.
On Tuesday, the Chicago Police Department announced that the city experienced its lowest murder rate since 1958 in the first quarter of 2014. There were 6 fewer murders than the same timeframe in 2013 — a 9 percent drop — and 55 fewer murders than 2012, police said. Further, there were reportedly 90 fewer shootings and 119 fewer shooting victims compared to last year. There have also been 222 fewer shootings and 292 fewer shooting victims compared to the first quarter in 2012."
Monday, April 21, 2014
"Win: VA Community College System to Change 'Free Speech Zone' Policy"
Considering the overall liberal attitudes on college campuses, who would expect that this could still be going on?...
At, Sarah Jean Seman has a post about this:
"The First Amendment prohibits laws which limit free speech and the free exercise of religion; however, many college campuses put in place codes which violate the U.S. Constitution.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) recently surveyed 427 schools across the nation and found that more than 58 percent 'substantially prohibit protected speech.' The good news is that these restrictive policies have been declining for six consecutive years, and this recent lawsuit sparked yet another victory:"
$1,000-a-day miracle drug shocks U.S. health care system - CBS News
Something definitely seems wrong here...
AT, Kim Peterson offers these points among others:
"Taxpayers: More than half of those with hepatitis C are veterans, prisoners, uninsured or on Medicaid, the New York Times reports. That requires taxpayers to pick up the bill.
Lawmakers: Perhaps motivated by the high costs to taxpayers, lawmakers are pushing Gilead to explain why it charges so much. It doesn't help that Gilead is offering Sovaldi in Egypt at a 99 percent discount to U.S. prices, or about $900 for a full course of treatment."
Sunday, April 20, 2014
2014-04-20 - Easter Day
Saturday, April 19, 2014
"Sally Kohn Offers Lessons From Her Fox News Stint: Those People Are Kind and Human!"
Tim Graham posted about it on the NewsBusters website:
"For a radical progressive who once harbored negative stereotypes about folks on the right, it was a turning point for me to meet people such as Mr. Hannity, Karl Rove, Monica Crowley, Sarah Palin, and so many others, and see that – though we certainly disagree profoundly on political issues – they're personable and kind and human. Just like me."
"Washington Post Falls For Left-Wing Fraud, Embarrasses Itself"
Sadly, current newspaper reporting has serious shortcomings.
Impartiality no longer exists, and everything is flavored by the "agenda".
Facts just don't seem to matter...
Impartiality no longer exists, and everything is flavored by the "agenda".
Facts just don't seem to matter...
On the PowerLine blog, John Hinderaker recently posted about this example:
"So the fundamental point of the Post story, which relied uncritically on a goofball far-left report, is dead wrong. Moreover, the Post story itself acknowledges that the tar sands encompass 35 million acres, so Koch’s 1.1 million comprise less than 3% of the total. The whole point of this exercise is to make the Keystone Pipeline all about Koch, and that premise is implausible from the start.
But there is much more. The Post more or less endorses IFG’s theory that the Keystone pipeline somehow would benefit Koch, even though the Post notes that there is zero evidence to that effect:"
Friday, April 18, 2014
2014-04-18 - Good Friday
A special day...
This is according to Wikipedia. I'm sure there are other, and perhaps better, sources:
"Good Friday (from the senses pious, holy of the word "good"[1]) is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday,[2] or Easter Friday,[3] though the latter properly refers to the Friday in Easter week.
Based on the details of the Canonical gospels, the Crucifixion of Jesus was most likely to have been on a Friday (John 19:42).[4] The estimated year of the Crucifixion is AD 33, by two different groups, and originally as AD 34 by Isaac Newton via the differences between the Biblical and Julian calendars and the crescent of the moon.[5] A third method, using a completely different astronomical approach based on a lunar Crucifixion darkness and eclipse model (consistent with Apostle Peter's reference to a "moon of blood" in Acts 2:20), points to Friday, 3 April AD 33.[6]"
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The big list of failed climate predictions | Watts Up With That?
Before anyone even reacts, a review of past history would be prudent...
Anthony Watts has quite a list on his website:
"Reader 'Sasha' responding to Jeff Alberts in comments provided a large list that I thought was worth sharing.
Submitted on 2014/04/02 at 8:37 am
The question wasn’t 'what do people think is caused by global warming”, but “what was predicted by scientists and activists 25 years ago that would be a result of global warming.' Big difference.
OK. Hang on to your hat! The original post was asking for a list of failed climate predictions, so here are 107:"
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
The EPA’s Science Problem | FrontPage Magazine
At, Arnold Ahlert writes about this:
"In a stunning admission, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy revealed to House Science, Space and Technology Committee chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) that the agency neither possesses, nor can produce, all of the scientific data used to justify the rules and regulations they have imposed on Americans via the Clean Air Act. In short, science has been trumped by the radical environmentalist agenda."
Sniffing Out the Conservative Rat PACs :: Hardhatters
Nice work if you can get it...
Jordan Long has the story:
"Before giving to just any group which sends an advertisement or an email, conservatives need to verify the sort of work that they do and how they are spending their money. By doing just a bit of homework, donors who care about freedom and the future of America can promote those groups which really are doing important work on behalf of liberty, and prevent the sordid degeneration of the conservative movement into a racket.
Here’s a breakdown of the financials for a few leading conservative movement and Tea Party PACs, except for Karl Rove’s American Crossroads PAC which is considered more establishment. Figures are for the 2011-2012 cycle unless specified."
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Judge says flashing headlights is free speech -
My libertarian side lit up (pun intended) when I read this... has this story by Jeff Barnard of the Associated Press:
"Outraged, Hill decided to fight the ticket, and on Wednesday, a Jackson County Justice Court judge dismissed the citation, finding that motorists flashing their headlights amounts to speech protected by the Oregon Constitution.
Judge Joseph Carter determined the law covering the use of high beams was valid, but was unconstitutional as it was applied by the deputy."
"Poll: Walker approval hits 59 percent, leads Democratic opponent by 16 points"
At, Guy Benson has this story:
"Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has had a good run lately. He signed a major tax relief package into law, his controversial budget reforms have put the state back in the black, and his opponent has been torched for telling some high-profile fibs. A new poll from Wisconsin Public Radio suggests that voters are appreciative of the governor’s accomplishments. Walker leads Democrat Mary Burke by 16 points in the survey (56/40), with Walker’s approval rating soaring to just shy of 60 percent — an all-time high in the series."
Monday, April 14, 2014
"MUST SEE: Citizens Rise Up – The Real Nevada Story the Media Won’t Show You (Video)"
WHen you consider the times we are in, you can imagine the implications of what could have happened here.
"The People" seem more than ready to stand up against the government...
"The People" seem more than ready to stand up against the government...
Here's the video from Gina Cassini on the Top Right News website:
"The media’s version of the end of the Bundy Ranch siege is that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) simply “left” the ranch and “returned” the cattle out of the goodness of their hearts."
"DC mag Photoshops the White House press secretary's bookshelves to fill in the blanks"
For some time, I've been advising NOT to believe everything you see in the media.
Technical manipulation of just about everything to gain advantage or promote an agenda is going on at all times...
Technical manipulation of just about everything to gain advantage or promote an agenda is going on at all times...
The U.K. Daily Mail's David Martosko has this example and story:
"The political Twittersphere erupted into guffaws Saturday after a women's lifestyle magazine published a soft profile of ABC journalist Claire Shipman – the wife of White House Press Secretary Jay Carney – and applied ham-fisted Photoshop edits to a photo of the family bookshelf.
Now it's not so empty.
The photograph shows Carney and Shipman standing in front of a briefing podium, miming the routine of a press conference by taking questions from their enthusiastic children. The bookshelf is situated behind them.
A dozen or more cut-and-paste operations later, 12-year-old Hugo Carney's left pinky finger wound up halfway across the room, left behind when a book jacket was cloned.
That's just the most obvious edit."
Sunday, April 13, 2014
2014-04-13 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, April 12, 2014
"BOMBSHELL REPORT: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch"
Does this surprise you?...
Kit Daniels, is reporting this:
"In 2012, the New American reported that Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, was the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada.
And journalist Marcus Stern with Reuters also reported that Sen. Reid was heavily involved in the deal as well. '[Reid] and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert,' he wrote. 'Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada.'"
"Death by solar farms: 71 species of birds killed, 'entire food chains' disrupted"
On the Washington Times website, Douglas Ernst has this story:
"A new report by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finds that solar facilities in California are acting like 'mega traps' that kill and injure birds. As a result, “entire food chains” are being disrupted.
USFWS’s National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory studied three solar farms in Southern California: Desert Sunlight, Genesis Solar and Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS). Two-hundred and thirty-three different birds from 71 species were found over the course of a two-year study."
Friday, April 11, 2014
"GOP Benghazi Probe Leader Has Huge Conflict Of Interest"
I'm not much of a Dick Morris fan; however, conflicts of interest like this jeopardize the ability of government to function and certainly seems to get in the way of accountability...
On his own website, Dick Morris blows the whistle on this:
"Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is charged with investigating the adequacy of security at the Benghazi compound prior to the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack.
His wife, Kristi Clemens Rogers was the president and the CEO of the company that was contracted by the State Department to provide that security!
Mrs. Rogers, until recently, served as president and CEO of Aegis LLC, the contractor to the United States Department of State for intelligence-based and physical security services. "
35 ‘Acts of Love’
On the website, Brandon Darby shares a pretty ugly list:
"Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush insisted that many of the instances of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. were 'acts of love.' Though many of the human beings who enter the U.S. illegally or overstay their legally permitted time in the U.S. are doing so to earn more resources and provide for families, many of the illegal immigrants who come into the U.S. are doing so for highly criminal reasons--a fact often left out of the discussion or otherwise barely mentioned.
Breitbart Texas has provided 35 of these other 'acts of love' for our readers."
Thursday, April 10, 2014
US sees sharpest health insurance premium increases | The Daily Caller
Fortunately, on the Daily Caller website, Sarah Hurtibise does report it:
"Americans have recently been hit with some of the largest premium increases in years, according to a Morgan Stanley survey of insurance brokers.
The investment bank’s April survey of 148 brokers found that this quarter, the average premium increase for customers renewing an insurance plan is 12 percent in the small group market and 11 percent in the individual market, according to Forbes’ Scott Gottlieb.
The hikes — the largest in the past three years, according to Morgan Stanley’s quarterly reports — are 'largely due to changes under the [Affordable Care Act],' analysts concluded. Rates have been growing increasingly fast throughout all of 2013, after a period of drops in 2012."
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™
The popularity of Obamacare is NOT getting better.
In fact...
In fact...
The survey organization, Rasmussen Reports has reported this:
"Unfavorable opinions of the new national health care law are at their highest level in several months, while the number who think the quality of care in this country will get worse is at its highest level in over three years."
Wednesday, April 09, 2014
Alleged Swanky Swindlers Captured � CBS Miami
Government bureaucracies tend to create conditions that allow this.
Additionally, it's "other peoples money" so there is little incentive to look deeply into things...
Additionally, it's "other peoples money" so there is little incentive to look deeply into things...
On the CBS Miami website, Brian Andrews has the story:
"Prosecutors have described Colin Chisolm, III and his wife Andrea as, 'rich folks ripping off the system.'
Authorities said the Chisolm’s committed fraud by receiving public assistance while living on a $1.2 million yacht while also collecting Medicaid, food stamps and cash welfare assistance from the state of Florida, while also collecting benefits from the state of Minnesota.
In the state of Minnesota’s criminal complaint against Colin Chisolm, the state said the couple “failed to report nearly $3 million deposited in bank accounts which they owned, controlled, or used to support their lifestyle."
$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department | The Fiscal Times
Government at work...
On the Fiscal Times website, Brianna Ehley has the story:
"The State Department has no idea what happened to $6 billion used to pay its contractors.
In a special 'management alert' made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.
The alert was just the latest example of the federal government’s continued struggle with oversight over its outside contractors."
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
Bob Kerrey Calls Obama a Delusional Liar; Media Mum | NewsBusters
On the NewsBusters website, P.J. Gladnick recently posted about this:
"Q Imagine if a former Republican presidential candidate and U.S. senator had called a current Republican president a delusional liar whose programs are wasteful. Would the mainstream media not be all over the story? Such a person would be interviewed at length by Wolf Blitzer on CNN as well as made the rounds of the morning talk shows and the Sunday news programs as well. The media buzz would be red hot on this topic for days extending into weeks.
Well, there is such a person but because he is a Democrat saying these things about President Obama, we can expect him to become an MSM nonperson. Such seems to already be the fate of former presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey. It is no surprise that his extended criticisms of Obama appeared in in a Daily Mail article in Britain, not in America where the shunning seems to have already begun. Here is what Kerrey has to say about Obama which you most likely won't see in any major liberal news outlet in America:"
"Most Pro-Abortion President Ever Proclaims "Every Child Should Have Every Chance in Life'"
At, Leah Barkoukis takes issue with the president:
"'In the United States of America, every child should have every chance in life, every chance at happiness, and every chance at success, President Obama said in a proclamation marking the beginning of National Child Abuse Prevention Month this week. The irony, of course, is that the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is the most pro-abortion president our country has ever had. "
Monday, April 07, 2014
A Catastrophe Like No Other -
Recently, in the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan elaborated on her description:
"The White House, on the other hand, seems to have understood what the bill would do, and lied in a way so specific it showed they knew exactly what to spin and how. 'If you like your health-care plan, you can keep your health-care plan, period.' 'If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.' That of course was the president, misrepresenting the facts of his signature legislative effort. That was historic, too. If you liked your doctor, your plan, your network, your coverage, your deductible you could not keep it. Your existing policy had to pass muster with the administration, which would fight to the death to ensure that 60-year-old women have pediatric dental coverage.
The leaders of our government have not felt, throughout the process, that they had any responsibility to be honest and forthcoming about the major aspects of the program, from its exact nature to its exact cost. We are not being told the cost of anything—all those ads, all the consultants and computer work, even the cost of the essential program itself.
What the bill declared it would do—insure tens of millions of uninsured Americans—it has not done. There are still tens of millions uninsured Americans. On the other hand, it has terrorized millions who did have insurance and lost it, or who still have insurance and may lose it."
"Army Admits Fort Hood Shooter Was on Psychiatric Drugs"
And there also seems to be a lack of reporting on it...
At, Paul Joseph Watson recently posted his views on those subjects:
"Pharmaceutical giants who produce drugs like Zoloft, Prozac and Paxil spend around $2.4 billion dollars a year on direct-to-consumer television advertising every year. By running negative stories about prescription drugs, networks risk losing tens of millions of dollars in ad revenue, which is undoubtedly one of the primary reasons why the connection is habitually downplayed or ignored entirely."
Sunday, April 06, 2014
2014-04-06 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, April 05, 2014
Another Shooting at Fort Hood: Four Blunt Points - Businessweek
Most recent mass shooting perpetrators have been on medications for mental health issues...
On the Bloomberg Businessweek website, Paul M. Barrett writes about them:
"Another mass shooting. Another mass shooting at Fort Hood in Killeen, Tex. An unstable Iraq veteran killed three people and wounded 16 before killing himself. Does the madness never cease? Why does it seem to be occurring more frequently? Four blunt points:"
Friday, April 04, 2014
"Equality! DOJ says boys' baseball field is nicer than girls' field, must die"
Robby Soave recently posted about this at
"The U.S. Department of Justice determined that a Michigan high school broke federal civil rights law by allowing its boys’ baseball team to fix up its athletic field, making it nicer than the field belonging to the girls’ softball team–even though the improvements were paid for privately.
To avoid a fine, Plymouth Canton Community Schools had no choice but to take down the new bleachers and scoreboard, which had been paid for through a private fundraising drive."
"Politicians are good liars 'because they convince themselves they are telling the truth',.."
Are you surprised?...
Emma Innes recently wrote about it in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"However, it may be that those who go on to become the most successful politicians are those who have most developed the ability to deceive themselves and to believe their own lies. She said: ‘In order to sustain deception over time, one needs to be very alert, clever and consistent.'"
Thursday, April 03, 2014
"Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut"
This one was actually a "promise", and it's really become a whopper...
This was in an Investors Business Daily article posted on the Yahoo Finance website:
"During his first run for president, Barack Obama made one very specific promise to voters: He would cut health insurance premiums for families by $2,500, and do so in his first term. But it turns out that family premiums have increased by more than $3,000 since Obama's vow, according to the latest annual Kaiser Family Foundation employee health benefits survey."
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
"Report: Obama Admin Released Tens of Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Criminals"
Matthew Boyle reported this on the Daily Caller website:
"The report, provided to Breitbart News ahead of its late Sunday evening release, reviews internal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) metrics to conclude that the Obama administration released 35 percent—or 68,000—convicted criminal aliens back into the U.S. general population when they could have been deported. 'The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims,' CIS’s Jessica Vaughan, the report’s author, added.
By 'criminal,' ICE means people who have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony that is not a traffic violation. For instance, traffic violations like Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or even vehicular manslaughter do not count toward this description of 'criminal alien.'"
Chickens come home to roost for Obama | New York Post
In the New York Post, Michael Goodwin recently wrote this about President Obama:
"A Caesar at home and a Chamberlain abroad, Obama manages to simultaneously provoke fury and ridicule. He bullies critics here while shrinking from adversaries there. He divides the country and unites the world against us, diminishing the nation in both ways. His reign of error can’t end soon enough, nor can it end well."
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
"Postal service employees use travel cards to gamble, pay bills and go bowling"
Of course, their internal rules make it nearly impossible to find out...
Michal Conger has the story on the Washington Examiner website:
"Postal employees have spent thousands of taxpayer dollars on gambling, bills and other personal expenses, according to a series of reports by the U.S. Postal Service inspector general.
Federal employees may use government credit cards for official travel expenses, but some used theirs to withdraw cash before hitting casinos.
Nearly a dozen reports on closed travel card theft investigations were obtained by the Washington Examiner in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.
One manager, who was not identified in the report, used her travel card to withdraw $32,000 in cash so she could gamble, according to the inspector general."
"Sands Bethlehem casino's Asians ride bus to live"
I wonder how many are aware of this...
In the Allentown PA Morning Call, Matt Assad and Pamela Lehman tell the story behind this:
"Instead, she and her husband sell the $45 free-play cards the casino gives them for making the 100-mile bus trip, and they spend the rest of the day absorbing what the Christmas City has to offer until they return home.
For them, riding the casino bus is a job — the only one they can find.
'We can sell our cards for about $1,200 a month,' Cui said in Mandarin through an interpreter. 'I cannot find a job in Flushing. This is our only income. We come every day. Every day.'
Cui is among thousands of bus riders who flood into the Sands on more than 50 buses a day from heavily Asian-populated New York City neighborhoods in Flushing, Chinatown and Brooklyn. Lured by the best casino deal in the region — $45 in free slot play for the price of a $15 bus ticket — hundreds sell their casino cards every day on the underground market moments after stepping off the bus. Many are low-income and some are even homeless, revealing that for some, riding the bus to the Sands is not only a way of life but a way to live."