Sunday, September 30, 2012
2012-09-30 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Weekend Reading - "Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose"
At, Karin McQuillan makes the case for purposeful:
"Obama's incompetence is an outgrowth of a broadly based Democrat ideology that wants us to believe that the war on terror was a stupid Bush idea.
They accuse Republicans of exaggerating the jihadi threat. They smear any public figure who is concerned about the global Islamist war with the label 'Islamophobe.'
Obama, along with many liberal Democrats, believes that American strength is immoral.
We shouldn't impose our views on other nations.
So when the Muslim Brotherhood made its move last year, using the 'Facebook revolution' as cover (and a very transparent cover it was), we abandoned Mubarak and told the Egyptian military to stand aside.
We purposefully let the Middle East's oldest terror organization take over the Middle East's most populous country.
The Muslim Brotherhood is considered the father of the jihadi movement.
It was adopted by Adolf Hitler under the Third Reich and grew from a languishing 10,000 members to a million strong by the end of World War II -- Hitler's permanent legacy for world destruction.
Yet our president and State Department believe in embracing the Brothers as modernizing moderates."
Friday, September 28, 2012
"Prop. 32: What really scares California's big unions"
California has a proposition or more for the voters in almost every election...
Larry Sand tells us about this one and offers his opinion:
"When lobbyists for corporations or unions hand a check to a public official who is about to vote or take action on their special interest, what happens to the public interest? In April, a Times article on AT&T's enormous lobbying efforts showed that after contributing to every single Sacramento legislator, the company has succeeded in blocking any consumer protection effort that threatens its profits."
"New nuclear fuel source would power human race until 5000AD"
At "", Lewis Page reports on new techniques for extracting uranium from the ocean and the potential benefits:
"Secondly, the prospect of being able to extract billions of tons of uranium from the sea means that humanity has access to enough fuel to meet all its energy needs - all of them, not just present day electricity demand but also the other 90 per cent currently supplied in thermal form - for thousands of years. One US government statement issued this week says that oceanic uranium could last 6,500 years: but a more conservative estimate assuming use of recycling (as offered by Professor J C Mackay of Cambridge) is say three millennia with all humans using as much energy as a present-day European does. So we've gone with that for our headline."
Thursday, September 27, 2012
"The Media's Rape of Reality"
Facts are withheld, distractions are many, and the media is compliant.
This is NOT a good thing for America...
This is NOT a good thing for America...
At, Derek Hunter includes this within his posted article:
" President Obama has learned well from great propagandists in the past: When the chips are down, invent a phony outrage to distract the public.
Follow the pattern: As more stories of violence and dismissed warnings come in, more criticism of Romney comes out.
As our credit is downgraded again, more criticism of Romney comes out.
As the Federal Reserve announces plans to print $40 billion a month in a third attempt at 'quantitative easing' to right the president’s broken economy, more criticism of Romney comes out.
No matter what happens, no matter how detached our president gets from the job he seeks to keep for four more years … no matter how many people die…we still haven’t seen enough of Mitt Romney’s tax returns.
That’s how sick the media has gotten. "
The Mehrabian "Polling Snowball Effect."
Reading deeper into the polls seems to indicate an opposite result.
Could it be that the biased media is promoting this effect?...
The basis of this claim is explained at
"Results of two experimental studies described in this article constituted clear experimental demonstration of how polls influence voters. Findings showed that voters tended to vote for the candidate that they were told was leading in the polls. These poll-driven effects on votes were substantial."
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
"How 'The Shy Republican' Could Be Masking a Landslide"
For some, identifying personal feelings or prejudices to a stranger on the telephone is unlikely.
Now, the question is, how many of those are out there?...
Adam Shaw explains those theories at
"While it is not possible now to get into the many reasons certain people will vote Democrat in November, I propose that all polls, not just left-leaning polls, may be being strongly misled by their data, and Romney/Ryan may actually have a huge lead not seen in polls. It is my contention that this is due to a mix of the infamous Bradley effect and what is known in Britain as 'the Shy Tory Factor,' with both coming together to exaggerate just how popular Obama is in America."
Government at Work - on Important Stuff?
Susan Jones recently posted this at
"Sen. Kerry Introduces Bill to Protect Americans from Bengal Tigers"
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
"Report finds widespread fraud in taxpayer ID program"
Both the performance and the policy seem wrong here...
This was reported by Mike Emanuel on the Fox News website:
"A recently released report shows widespread tax fraud in connection with the federal government’s Individual Taxpayer Identification Number program. The U.S. Treasury inspector general report accuses the IRS of discouraging employees from reviewing applications for the ID numbers, which are generally from non-resident workers. The inspector general specifically said there were 154 mailing addresses that were used 1,000 or more times on applications, including 15,795 numbers assigned to a Phoenix address."
"Union organizing exempted from stalking laws in four states"
Try to wrap your brain around this.
Unions are exempted from laws that would get most of us locked up...
Unions are exempted from laws that would get most of us locked up...
I found this posted at
"The report, titled Sabotage, Stalking & Stealth Exemptions: Special State Laws for Labor Unions, claimed: 'union favoritism under state laws tend to occur in criminal statues and allow individuals who engage in truly objectionable behavior to avoid prosecution solely because they are participating in some form of labor activity.' The main exception noted is stalking laws. Unions have long argued that they need to be able to access to workplaces and contact information of workers, including home addresses, to be able to convince them to joining. This is intended to balance against the fact that management has a captive audience when talking to its employees."
Monday, September 24, 2012
In the U.K. - Billions for education and NO improvement
Time, and time again, it is shown that more and more money has no positive effect on improving education.
Oh, by the way, in math and science U.S. kids are worse than the U.K. ...
Oh, by the way, in math and science U.S. kids are worse than the U.K. ...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Sarah Harris reports on the U.K.'s lack of success in education:
"Billions of pounds poured into education under Labour resulted in ‘no improvements’ in standards, a major report revealed yesterday. Despite Tony Blair declaring his priorities as ‘education, education, education’ when he swept to power in 1997, a huge increase in spending on schools led to ‘no improvement in student learning outcomes’, the report found. In fact, the UK’s teenagers have slipped down world league tables in crucial subjects while the country’s schools have become among the most socially segregated across the world."
The Media - "Distrust of mainstream media at all time high..."
Hmmm. Is it possible Americans are wising up?...
At, Joe Newby reports on it and gives some examples as to why. He begins:
"According to a poll released by Gallup on Friday, a vast majority of Americans do not trust the so-called 'mainstream media,' known here as the 'Democrat-media complex.' Gallup said that distrust of the media hit an all-time high this year, "with 60% saying they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly." According to the poll, negativity toward the media "is at an all-time high for a presidential election year,"..."
Sunday, September 23, 2012
2012-09-23 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Weekend Reading- "Articles: Harvard's Plagiarism Panic"
At, Timothy Birdnow explains:
"Harvard University, Regis of America's higher educational system, has been rocked by an enormous cheating scandal. What is the big deal? Harvard may not officially encourage plagiarism, but it hardly frowns on the practice, either. Consider: legendary law professor Laurence Tribe was guilty of plagiarism, as were former Harvard prof and current Massachusetts senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren Law and Harvard grad and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. These luminaries of Harvard get caught, mumble a stilted apology, and move right along, so why shouldn't the student body in general. What is happening at Harvard?"
Friday, September 21, 2012
House members' VIP loans kept out of subpoena - CBS News
In our highly partisan world, we often don't acknowledge that all sides are corrupt to some degree.
In the political world, elected officials may be outwardly contentious; however, behind the scenes, they take care of each other...
In the political world, elected officials may be outwardly contentious; however, behind the scenes, they take care of each other...
This article was posted at and didn't get much additional play in our American media:
"A Democratic committee chairman overrode his own subpoena three years ago in an investigation of former subprime mortgage lender Countrywide Financial Corp. to exclude records showing that he, other House members and congressional aides got VIP discounted loans from the company, documents show.
The procedure to keep the names secret was devised by Rep. Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y. In 2003, the 15-term congressman had two loans processed by Countrywide's VIP section, which was established to give discounts to favored borrowers."
"We've Heard It All Before"
Thursday, September 20, 2012
"CNN Reporter Really Bad at Disguising Bias"
It's not likely a reporter with these sentiments can honestly report on a political issue without adding a certain "flavor"...
Doug Powers calls our attention to this on his blog:
"CNN reporter Peter Hamby Tweeted a 'story' about an upcoming Obama trip. The link conveniently goes to a donation page on the Obama campaign’s website"
Worth a Thousand Words?
"Attorney general will examine Uniontown's election results"
Dana Beyerle reported on this gem at
"The Tuscaloosa News reported on Thursday that, based on 2010 Census figures, the number of votes cast in the Uniontown election exceeded the number of people in the town who are old enough to vote. The News also found that the number of registered voters there — 2,587 — was higher than the town’s overall population, which was 1,775, according to the census. Also, absentee voting was high, accounting for nearly 40 percent of the ballots cast. State records show that the average for absentee voting is 3 to 5 percent."
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
"...The poll the media isn't talking about edition" » Datechguy's Blog
Datechguy shares his thoughts and theories on his blog:
"Does this poll of party identification correspond with the results of national elections? Lets take a look:"
"Arabs read an average of 6 pages a year, study reveals"
Ikram Al-Yacoub recently reported this on the English version of
"Earlier this year, a debate on how to foster reading habits among Arab youth was prompted after the Arab Thought Foundation’s Fikr released its fourth annual cultural development report in January, saying that the average Arab child reads “six minutes” a year in comparison to 12,000 minutes its Western counterpart spends. It also reported that an Arab individual on average reads a quarter of a page a year compared to the 11 books read by an American and seven books by a British person."
"GOP: W.H., Messina ‘failed’ on transparency"
The laws they write to police their own behavior (purposefully?) leave much to be desired...
Politico's Jennifer Epstein recently reported on this:
"House Republicans are accusing the Obama White House — and the president’s reelection campaign manager Jim Messina — of purposefully skirting disclosure rules and negating the administration’s often-repeated claim to be 'the most transparent administration in history.' A House Energy and Commerce Committee report out Tuesday is stocked with emails sent from private addresses and meetings scheduled away from the building to avoid official record."
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
FrontPage Magazine - Christopher Stevens Feeds the Crocodile
I believe, from all I've read, that we are strikingly naive about the Muslim world...
On Front Page Magazine's website, Daniel Greenfield gives his thoughts about recent events in Libya:
"Stevens’ former Peace Corps colleague says of him, “Chris devoted his career, and life, to improving relations between the Arabic/Islamic world and the West.” That he did and he died doing it, losing whatever career or life he might have had if he had not embarked on a futile errand to make the Muslims who killed him and paraded around his body like him. And like all those who have died over the years in the same cause, the effort was to no avail. 'It’s especially tragic that Chris Stevens died in Benghazi because it is a city that he helped to save,' Obama said, repeating the same lie that he used to drag America into his illegal war. Benghazi was not in any need of saving, it was the Americans who came to Benghazi, like Chris Stevens, who needed saving. That is the terrible blind spot in our vision which, like Christopher Stevens, tells us that we need to save the Muslims who hate us, rather than showing us that we need to save ourselves."
Dave Camp: Is Tax Reform Politically Possible? -
Stephen Moore recently wrote about it in the Wall Street Journal:
"His twin goals are, first, to back America away from the 2013 tax cliff 'so that no one's taxes go up,' and second to pass tax reform, creating what he calls "a fairer, flatter and simpler tax code that lowers rates, gets rid of lobbyist loopholes, and creates more growth and jobs." Those two goals are pretty much the polar opposite of what the president is seeking.
The surprise is that Mr. Camp remains upbeat about accomplishing both, including finally cracking the code on tax reform by the end of next year. It's a sure thing if Mitt Romney wins, he thinks, and even possible in a second Obama term. 'The next president, no matter who that is, is going to have to lead on this issue,' he insists.
This is certainly a minority opinion—so why the optimism? 'We're facing a train wreck with the tax system in 2013. Pretty much the whole tax code expires next year—the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, the Alternative Minimum Tax hitting the middle class, the estate tax, and all the rest. Given the weakness of the economy, voters are going to demand that we get this done.'"
Government at Work - on Plastic Bags
Unfortunately, the unintended consequences are typical of so many poorly researched laws and regulations.
I'm reminding you of compact fluorescent bulbs...
Capitol Confidential recently posted about it at This is only one of the problems being exposed:
"NCPA further challenges the supporters’ entire reasoning for banning plastic bags: that plastic bags deal woe to the environment. In terms of energy produced, the study notes that plastic bags require 182,361 kcal but recover '2,581.3 through combustion.'
However, paper bags fare far worse, observing that they require 'three times as much energy consumption as plastic bags (626,672.9 kcal), whereas only 6,859.5 kcal can be recovered through consumption.'
The study closes with charging flacks and lawmakers to conduct economic and environmental studies before implementing future measures. Resolving that bag bans are 'harmful to local economies and not environmentally justified,' these results are ones that will likely add more to the mix as similar measures are considered in other jurisdictions throughout America."
Monday, September 17, 2012
"Want to live longer? Ditch the diet, cancel your gym session - just eat less"
It's has been written about many times over the years.
Unfortunately, proving the theory for sure would require human volunteers willing to restrict their caloric diet for an extended time.
That seems unlikely...
In the U.K. Daily Mail, Liz Thomas has more on this story:
"A researcher said: ‘If you reduce the diet of a rat by 40 per cent it will live for 20 per cent longer. So we would be talking 20 years of human life. 'This has shown on all sorts of organisms, even labradors.’ "
"Learning to Like Mitt"
When you have to depend on the media (of which you are rightly skeptical), it makes it very difficult to get to know the presidential candidates.
Sometimes, opinions, books, and anecdotes, from a time before their candidacy are more useful for your determination...
Sometimes, opinions, books, and anecdotes, from a time before their candidacy are more useful for your determination...
At, Andrew Ferguson claims to have not liked Mitt Romney, and set out to find out more about him:
"Now that he’s officially the Republican nominee for president and has an excellent chance of becoming the most powerful man in the world, I feel free to admit, in the full knowledge that nobody cares, that I never liked Mitt Romney. My distaste for him isn’t merely personal or political but also petty and superficial. There’s the breathless, Eddie Attaboy delivery, that half-smile of pitying condescension in debates or interviews when someone disagrees with him, the Ken doll mannerisms, his wanton use of the word 'gosh'—the whole Romney package has been nails on a blackboard to me.
Evidently not many of my fellow Republicans agreed. I assumed I was missing something and resolved to dive into the Romney literature, which I soon discovered should post a disclaimer, like a motel pool: NO DIVING. By my count the literature includes one good book, The Real Romney, by two reporters from the Boston Globe. That’s the same Globe with the leftward tilt to its axis and a legendary anti-Romney animus—which lends authority to their largely favorable portrait. The flattering details of Romney’s life were so numerous and unavoidable that the authors, dammit, had no choice but to include them."
Sunday, September 16, 2012
2012-09-16 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Weekend Reading - "The Politics of Loss"
The politics that ensue during tough economic times are exposed and they may not be what you would expect.
This is definitely not just casual reading...
At, Jay Cost discusses liberal and conservative approaches to economic things, and the paths that those ideas lead to. He begins:
"When political scientist Harold Lasswell, writing in the mid-1930s, defined politics as the decisions society makes about "who gets what, when, and how," he might as well have been describing the debate over taxes and spending in the United States today. Butwhat happens when the focus of the political debate changes from who gets what to who loses what? This concept is unfamiliar to Americans, who have enjoyed more than 100 years of (mostly) uninterrupted economic growth. The few examples in American history of the politics of loss suggest that the results tend to be explosive."
Friday, September 14, 2012
I Know the Congressional Culture of Corruption - Jack Abramoff - The Atlantic
Unless you are possessed with extreme naivety, you surely know or suspect this.
After all, corrupt politicians have been around since biblical times.
The only surprising part might be how prevalent it is, and how dishonest they are when they swear to be above all that...
After all, corrupt politicians have been around since biblical times.
The only surprising part might be how prevalent it is, and how dishonest they are when they swear to be above all that...
In this article, a guy who knows the turf, Jack Abramoff tells how it REALLY is:
"...corruption has dulled the luster of the American political experiment and left our citizenry confused and irascible. And nothing has provoked outrage across the fruited plain as has the chicanery of the special interests and their emissaries, the lobbyists. Our system allows interested parties to provide public servants with remuneration even as they badger those same officeholders to intercede in the parties' private affairs. This use of money to buy outcomes is most striking in the legislative branch of our government and only slightly less pervasive in the executive branch. It is in the judiciary that law and public consensus are better aligned to forbid the use of financial inducement."
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The Media - New York Times
It certainly doesn't include anything that might be bad for a certain president...
Joel B. Pollak posts the proof at titled:
"New York Times Joins Obama in Capitulating to Mob, Attacking Romney"
Government at Work - "Gone with the Wind"
There are just too many situations like this.
I'd like to be present when you try to convince yourself that government knows what it's doing...
I'd like to be present when you try to convince yourself that government knows what it's doing...
CJ Ciaramella has this story at
"The Export-Import Bank, a federal agency that promotes and finances sales of U.S. exports to foreign buyers, approved a $32 million loan guarantee on Aug. 2 for a Brazilian firm to purchase wind turbines from LM Wind Power.
According to its website, LM Wind Power is headquartered in Denmark. 'Ex-Im Bank’s financing, which guarantees a Bank of America loan, will support approximately 250 permanent American jobs at the company’s Little Rock, Ark., and Grand Forks, N.D., manufacturing facilities,' the bank said in a release.
The company maintains a manufacturing presence in Arkansas and North Dakota—but the company laid off 234 of the Arkansas plant’s roughly 300 workers just two days after its loan was approved."
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
"Time to Ask Obama about His Social Security Number"
Conspiracy theory or not; don't you think Americans should have the answer to this relevant question?...
At, Jack Cashill has the latest from Ohio:
"Daniels fired back that President Barack Obama has violated Ohio's identity theft statute that 'expressly prohibits the use of another's 'personal identifying information' and expressly lists the use of another's 'Social Security number' as prohibited.'' She did not expect much out of Husted, and her expectations appear to have been met. Friday, Daniels took another tack. She filed a sworn affidavit under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 2935.09, which allows a private citizen 'having knowledge of the facts' to request prosecution or arrest of an individual who has committed a crime. The affidavit makes the case clearly. I would strongly recommend that readers forward this to conservatives of influence and demand that they take it seriously. Allow me to cite the affidavit in full:"
"Wasserman Shultz Has Unreported Second Home in NH, Lives Large on the High Seas"
Disclaimer: I just can't bring myself to like anything about this person.
Wasserman Schultz is a relentless and controversial Democratic attack dog.
For that reason I'm sure, TV talk and opinion shows love to have her on.
The promise of her saying something outrageous is just much to resist...
Wasserman Schultz is a relentless and controversial Democratic attack dog.
For that reason I'm sure, TV talk and opinion shows love to have her on.
The promise of her saying something outrageous is just much to resist...
That has likely provoked Javier Manjarres ( to look for some hypocrisy and he has surely found it:
"But now the Shark Tank has come into possession of information that has never been publicly disclosed which completely undermines Wasserman Schultz’ credibility as it pertains to her calls for transparency or the claim that she qualifies as 'middle class.'
Speaking of 'offshore' interests, on 6/9/12 Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz took a one-week cruise aboard the Royal Caribbean ‘Oasis of the Seas’ luxury liner to the Western Caribbean, embarking from Port Everglades, Florida. According to an individual that we’ll simply identify as “Bruce from Weston” who was also on the same cruise along with his family, Wasserman Schultz took the cruise with her husband Steve and three children along with Broward County School Board member Robin Bartleman and her family.
'Bruce' informed us that his own son became friendly with one of Wasserman Schultz’ daughters while the kids were playing in one of the ship’s designated play areas. Wasserman Schultz’ daughter then invited him up to the suite that her family was staying in.
While it shouldn’t be remarkable that Wasserman Schultz and her family took a cruise, the extent of her accommodations are most certainly eye-popping."
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
2001-09-11 - A Day to Remember
Monday, September 10, 2012
"White House to miss deadline for report on 'fiscal cliff' budget cuts"
I bet in your world "legal deadline" and "law" mean something. Our government has a different idea.
I think it's cause for concern.
Oh, and notice how this media source left "legal" out of it's headline...
I think it's cause for concern.
Oh, and notice how this media source left "legal" out of it's headline...
Erik Wasson reported this at
"The White House on Friday said it will miss the legal deadline for delivering a report to Congress on the spending cuts from sequestration that are scheduled to take effect in 2013.
Spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Air Force One that the report will be coming next week. Under the terms of the Sequestration Transparency Act signed in August, President Obama was to tell Congress by Friday how the administration plans to implement the $109 billion in automatic cuts mandated by the Budget Control Act.
The Office of Management and Budget has repeatedly failed to make legal deadlines. It delivered its presidential budget proposals and mid-session updates late both this year and last year. "
"How Politico Buried and Disappeared a Scoop Damaging to Obama"
They seem to present themselves as unbiased; but, they often don't seem to be so.
You can decide for yourself after reading this...
At, John Nolte describes some of their recent shady activity:
"This morning, like something out of Orwell's ;1984,; the scoop was… Disappeared.
This morning, without any notation or update I can spot, Politico… Disappeared its own scoop."
Booming Sweden’s Free-Market Solution - Bloomberg
I think it's fair to say that our elected officials and their media (did I say "their" media?) continue to ignore what is proven to work...
Anders Aslund reports on Sweden's ideas at
"Americans still think of Sweden as a tightly regulated social-welfare state, but in the last two decades the country has been reformed. Public spending has fallen by no less than one-fifth of gross domestic product, taxes have dropped and markets have opened up. The situation is similar in the other Scandinavian countries, the Baltic nations and Poland. But no turnabout has been as dramatic as Sweden’s."
Sunday, September 09, 2012
2012-09-09 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, September 08, 2012
"Biden, Obamas tell health care tall tales in Charlotte"
Here's a good candidate for "a lie repeated becomes the truth"...
At, Charles C. Johnson gives us the details:
"Vice President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama all told a story during the Democratic National Convention about battles the president’s mother waged with health care companies as she fought a terminal illness in 1995. But the version of events presented Thursday night differs dramatically from others, including those of at least two biographers and Obama’s own previous account."
Weekend Reading- "...Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution"
It is for that reason that I'm putting them aside for "Weekend Reading".
If you have the time, I think they will be worthwhile reading...
In this article at, John Cusack interviews a law professor about how our constitution is being shoved aside by presidential political ambitions. It's not pretty, and for the most part, we are letting it happen:
"This is not an exercise in bemoaning regrettable policy choices or cheering favorable ones but to ask fundamentally: Who are we? What are we voting for? And what does it mean? Three markers — the Nobel Prize acceptance speech, the escalation speech at West Point, and the recent speech by Eric Holder — crossed that Rubicon line for me..."
Friday, September 07, 2012
"Yes, the Greatest Country Ever"
Here is that reminder for you...
In December 2010, Rich Lowry posted his thoughts and this conclusion at
"Our greatness is simply a fact. Only the churlish or malevolent can deny it, or even get irked at its assertion. When a Marco Rubio talks of the greatness of America, it’s not bumptious self-congratulation. Our greatness comes with the responsibility to preserve our traditional dynamism and status as a robust middle-class society. To paraphrase the Benjamin Franklin of lore, we have the greatest country ever — if we can keep it."
"Legitimate Rape Arguments"
At, Mike Adams states his position and his arguments behind it:
"Getting in the driver’s seat on the abortion issue is important. Staying in the driver’s seat is just as important – especially when the conversation takes a turn toward the difficult cases of rape and incest. But you can do it without concocting false arguments that really only avoid the issue. It’s just as easy as learning your ABCs."
Thursday, September 06, 2012 : Democratic Disinformation from Charlotte
Some say that is fraudulent, funded by a biased political group.
And others say it is one of the more reliable non-partisan groups that check the veracity of political claims.
Now, who DO we trust?...
And others say it is one of the more reliable non-partisan groups that check the veracity of political claims.
Now, who DO we trust?...
In either case, reports this:
"CHARLOTTE, N.C. — We heard a number of dubious or misleading claims on the first night of the Democratic National Convention:"
"'Pray for Obama' sign stirs controversy over Biblical verse"
James Muñoz posted this story on the San Antonio, TX KENS5 website:
"The Secret Service is looking into a sign posted in Victoria, Texas. The sign says 'Pray for Obama', but it's the scripture quoted below those words that is raising eyebrows: Psalms 109:8."
In Today's World - Gay TV
I'm not against it; however, it seems that some minorities are being more represented that the real life population dictates.
I AM against those disproportionate representations...
Helen Wright reports at
"Mapping the quantity, quality and diversity of images of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people on television, the primetime programming of the five broadcast networks was evaluated as well as original primetime programming on 10 major cable networks."
Government at Work - "TSA: Training Sky-bound Illegal Aliens"
Feeling safe are you?...
At, Michelle Malkin writes about one of her long term items of interest:
" For more than decade, I've reported on the failure of the federal government to build a comprehensive foreign visitor entry-exit tracking system. Visa overstayers constitute 40 percent of the entire illegal alien population -- and have been major beneficiaries of both Bush and Obama illegal alien waiver programs and deportation freezes.
On the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks last year, GOP House Homeland Security Chairwoman Candice Miller reported on the federal backlog of more than 750,000 unvetted visa overstay records: 'If we are serious about controlling who comes into the nation and preventing another 9/11 attack, we need to get serious about an exit program,' she testified. 'The (Department of Homeland Security) has yet to articulate a plan to move forward with a comprehensive exit plan in the air environment or elsewhere.'
Open-borders lobbyists, the travel industry, civil-rights absolutists and ethnic-grievance groups have lobbied hard to stymie full implementation of coordinated databases to identify, locate and remove illegal overstayers. The systemic, bipartisan refusal to crack down on short-term tourist, business and student visa holders is a clear and present security danger."
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
"Book: Voter fraud is real and has consequences"
Remember all those times you've heard that voter fraud doesn't exist? Well?...
Rob Bluey posted about this case at
"You’ve probably never heard of Greene County, Alabama. Yet this small county of 9,000 people in western Alabama, about an hour from Tuscaloosa, was home to one of the biggest voter-fraud scandals in recent history. Corrupt incumbents devised an elaborate scheme to rig the election using absentee ballots. When they prevailed on Election Day, skeptical citizens began asking questions. A subsequent investigation and trial led to the convictions of 11 people involved in the plot."
"Given These Startling Facts, How Can Obama Win?"
In the meantime, we will suffer through a period during which a biased media picks and chooses what information to pass on to us.
Fortunately, there ARE other sources; just not enough of them...
Kevin "Coach" Collins reports on some interesting trends on the Western Journalism website:
"Disinformation is a potent weapon. It is the basis of every psychological operation in modern warfare. 'Psy-ops', as these disinformation stunts are called, are a collection of the lies told to us every day. They tell us lies about a 'close race' to force us to pay attention to their polls. They show Barack Obama either leading or close behind and sometimes show large 6- (or more) point swings in the absence of any particular triggering event. Here are the facts about where the largest and most important voting blocs are in relation to 2008 and today."
"Chicago 'Cabal' Convinced Obama to Let Ryan Lead on Budget Reform"'s John Sexton writes about it and concludes:
"What Bowles and Klein, both Democrats, are saying is that the President's abdication of leadership on budget reform has been part of a considered political re-election strategy beginning in 2010. The President chose not to lead on much needed reform knowing Paul Ryan would do so and thereby make himself a convenient political punching bag during a divisive campaign. Simply put, the President cares more about getting himself reelected than he does about addressing the dire financial situation the nation is facing. It's hard to imagine a harsher criticism of presidential failure or a better reason to replace Obama with real leadership this November."
"Stanley Kurtz Exposes Obama's War on the Suburbs..."
Could it be that there's just TOO MUCH material for only a few books?...
AT, Joel Pollack tells us about this one:
"Stanley Kurtz, who traced Barack Obama‚s left-wing political origins in Radical-in-Chief (2010), is releasing a new and powerful follow-up this week: Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities. Kurtz demonstrates that Obama's early political goals included redistributing suburban wealth--and that he is working closely with old community organizing allies to implement that program as president. When Andrew Breitbart launched 'The Vetting,' his aim was not only to highlight the radical past that the mainstream media had obscured when promoting Barack Obama, but also to show how Obama's early ideas were the key to understanding his policies in office thus far, as well as his plans for a second term. Spreading the Wealth does that--and more, revealing new insights into some of Obama's most notorious Chicago allies."
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Government at Work - Hiring ONE Intern
Caroline May reported about it at
"A USDA Inspector General’s report detailing the mismanagement of the agency’s multi-million dollar attempt to beef up the USDA’s information technology security found that after an infusion of millions, '[b]ecause these projects were not effectively managed, the Department’s information systems are still at risk, even after expending $63.4 million of funding increases received in FY 2010 and 2011.'
Among the most striking findings in the IG’s report was the fact that OCIO had spent $2 million on an internship program that ended up hiring just one full-time intern."
"Just how wrong did the media get Clint Eastwood?"
Clint Eastwood, a subtle master of his profession, acted out the exact scene he wanted.
It was likely so subtle, that most of the media didn't see the act at all...
"Karl", at offers this as part of his explanation:
"After all, who is Clint Eastwood? He is one of the top actors, directors and producers of motion pictures in the world. Most of the world — and almost certainly everyone tuning in to the RNC Thursday night — knows this. Yet most of the analyses of his RNC appearance are based on the notion that we were not witnessing acting. That mass suspension of disbelief may be the highest tribute Eastwood will ever be paid as an actor. If you think the Eastwood on stage was the only Eastwood there is, watch him promoting J. Edgar on The Daily Show last November. I have little doubt he will be equally sharp promoting Trouble With the Curve in the next few weeks.
Moreover, as a director, Eastwood has a reputation of knowing exactly what he wants. Also, he does not prefer to do many takes: “The big question, for me, is how to do it *** so the actors can perform at their very best and with the spontaneity that you’d like to find so that the audience will feel like those lines have been said for the very first time, ever. Then you’ve got a believable scene.” That approach is entirely consistent with Eastwood’s talent as a jazz pianist, someone who enjoys improvising within a framework. The fact that Eastwood’s performance was not loaded into a teleprompter does not mean it was unplanned.
If you doubt that Eastwood was not simply winging it, don’t watch his performance — read the transcript. There may be no better indicator of just how intentional Eastwood’s performance is than to compare the visual impression he gave with the text delivered."
"...Bernanke is trying to buy election for Obama"
In general, the trickery of the past is well known to many (but still not enough). "Smoke and Mirrors" can still make inferior ideas look good; BUT, the days of the national media controlling YOUR thinking are coming to a close...
Sahit Muja summarizes his opinion at
"The stock market is up, but the flood of money into the system makes each dollar worth less. In real terms, the value of the stock market goes down every time the Fed announces or implies a new printing money. Your dollar worth of stock buys less fuel and less food every day. You're being screwed, and you don't even know it. President Obama for 4 years has debt $20,000.00 each US citizen. Now Obama has spend your $20,000 and want another $20,000 for 4 more years. This debt is actually on Your children. Obama's Moving Forward is a massive Ponzi scheme on Your Children's future. I agree with Marco Rubio 'President Obama is a good man but a 'bad President'. "
Articles: If the Birther Issue Comes Up in Debate
Jack Cashill has some serious fun with this at
"What follows is a proposed strategy for the Hofstra University debate on October 16."
Monday, September 03, 2012
2012-09-03 - Labor Day Observance
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.
It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country....
Sunday, September 02, 2012
2012-09-02 - Words of Wisdom
Saturday, September 01, 2012
"Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to 'overthrow the capitalist system and build communism'"
Matthew Boyle reported this at
"Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an 'Occupy' movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government. 'Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,' Golash said during an Occupy DC 'People’s Assembly' on August 19. 'Its objective,' he added, 'is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.'"