Friday, December 31, 2010
Quitanieves en Tateyama Kurobe
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Government at Work - Wasting Our Money
The sad part about this is that we're not surprised by it anymore...
I found this on the Economic Collapse blog:
"It almost seems as though Congress actually enjoys inventing new ways to waste U.S. taxpayer money. It seems nearly inconceivable that anyone could keep a straight face while trying to justify spending money on many of the things in the list below.
At a time when the U.S. national debt is closing in on 14 trillion dollars, government waste just seems more out of control than ever. The following are 20 of the craziest things that the U.S. government is spending money on...."
Politicians - Top Ten
Wel, maybe it's Minus Ten...
Judicial Watch announces:
"Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2010"
Meanwhile - in Texas - Excluding immigrants from...
Texas is getting tough on illegal immigrants...
Jim Forsyth recently reported at
"A Texas state lawmaker has introduced measures which would exclude illegal immigrants from essentially every walk of life in the state, 1200 WOAI news reports.
State Representative Leo Berman (R-Tyler) says his measures would restrict illegal immigrants from participating in many aspects of society or, in many cases, from making a living in the state, making it less likely that illegals will flock to Texas.
One of Berman's measures would prevent people who are in this country illegally from filing lawsuits or other claims in Texas courts."
"Do You Believe In Magic Numbers?"
The "global warming" advocates continue to try to change economic policy to take from the developed countries, while increasing the coffers of undeveloped countries.
Unfortunately (for them), Mother Nature hasn't been cooperating for at least fifteen years now...
Unfortunately (for them), Mother Nature hasn't been cooperating for at least fifteen years now...
Paul Driessen includes this in his well-written article about the current state of the "global warming" fiasco:
"One, only a few hundredths of a degree separate the 2010 decade from the similarly very warm 1930s – and NASA and other researchers refuse to release their raw temperature data and analytical methods, so that independent researchers can examine their calculations and claims.
Two, most of 2010 was marked by El Nino, the warming phase of the periodic climate pattern across the tropical Pacific Ocean that typically makes summer months warmer than usual. Three, the pre-Cancun pronouncements were based on January-through-October temperatures, and an assumption that November and December will be 'average.'
Four, the climate and record books are not cooperating with that assumption or the hype, headlines and summit on Climate Armageddon. South Florida just had its coldest night in 169 years, Wales its coldest since recordkeeping began; and in the middle of its global warming gabfest, Cancun set four record low temperatures in a row. Other local cold records are falling all over the Northern Hemisphere, hot on the heels of record cold and snow during the 2009-2010 winter in both hemispheres."
"WikiLeaks Proves Obama’s Dereliction of Duty"
This is NOT a pretty picture...
Chris Salcedo explains this opinion at
"WikiLeaks has confirmed for the American people what foreign governments already know: Barack Obama is an ideological leftist who won’t stand up for his own country’s interests. The president projects weakness around the world. Our enemies smell blood in the water. And the president, undeterred by world events, plods along with his efforts to remake America into a European style socialist state.
President Obama’s unwillingness to change course in foreign policy, despite knowing the grave dangers that arise from the actions of our enemies, proves that he is guilty of a dereliction of his most sacred duty. And it seems at this point that he is all too comfortable in failing in that duty: to protect and defend the people of the United States."
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
It's the economy, stupid!
Time and again, history has shown the importance of a solid economy.
Unfortunately, we seem to rarely learn from that history.
The ripple effect of a poor economy is pervasive, with unintended consequences that eventually reach everything...
Unfortunately, we seem to rarely learn from that history.
The ripple effect of a poor economy is pervasive, with unintended consequences that eventually reach everything...
Jeff Green and Tim Jones report at
"From Los Angeles to Atlantic City, the New Jersey gambling resort whose credit rating Moody’s Investors Service cut by three levels last month, property owners are demanding lower taxes after real-estate values plunged. The disputes over billions in dollars come as municipalities are already slashing services such as police and fire protection and may depress revenue further as communities try to recover from the longest recession since the 1930s."
"The Nuclear Power Solution"
It's time to reconsider yesterday's nuclear power fears and concerns...
Gary Wickert writes anout it at and concludes:
"We must stop making technology-related decisions based on politically correct points of view. In refusing to look at the viable option of nuclear energy, it appears President Obama and the nuclear power deniers plan to leave our grandchildren both broke and powerless."
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Gov. Chris Christie and N.J.'s Supreme Court standoff
Gov. Christie decided NOT to renominate an existing judge and nominated a replacement.
The N.J. Senate leader won't hold a confirmation hearing for seven months now.
The Chief Justice appointed an interim justice to fill the vacancy.
An existing justice thinks that's wrong, and is declining to take part in court decisions...
The N.J. Senate leader won't hold a confirmation hearing for seven months now.
The Chief Justice appointed an interim justice to fill the vacancy.
An existing justice thinks that's wrong, and is declining to take part in court decisions...
Amanda Carey has the whole story at
"The standoff is the latest in Governor Chris Christie’s efforts to reform the Supreme Court, which he has characterized as being too imbalanced and activist."
Changing theTax Code
Unfortunately, the average citizen, hasn't fared very well with the tax code.
Hopefully, "tea parties" and elections can change some of that...
Hopefully, "tea parties" and elections can change some of that...
Jillian Bandes writes about it at
"Cutting away at the 67,000 pages of code could save the U.S. Treasury $1 trillion, and save the average tax filer 26 hours in lost time. More importantly, reform has the potential to end the corruption that comes when industry groups ask for special exemptions and kickbacks, at the expense of individual filers."
Monday, December 27, 2010
"Incoming Chair of House Foreign Affairs Committee Wants to Isolate Enemies, Make U.N. Accountable"
As they say, elections have consequences.
This looks like a positive and promising change...
This looks like a positive and promising change...
Patrick Goodenough reports at
"The incoming Republican chairwoman of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday identified U.S. funding of the United Nations as a target. The comments are likely to send a chill through supporters of the Obama administration’s policy of deeper engagement with the U.N.
'I plan on using U.S. contributions to international organizations as leverage to press for real reform of those organizations, such as the United Nations,' Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said after GOP lawmakers confirmed she will chair the committee in the next Congress."
Politics - It's an interesting sport
Elections have consequences, as does the census...
Dick Morris writes about it on his website. He begins:
"As a result of the massive Republican victories last month, Republicans in state houses all over America have the happy duty of redrawing Congressional district lines in time for the 2012 elections based on the 2010 census. In almost half the cases, they will be able to do so without the advice or input of the newly impotent Democratic legislative minorities in their states."
Sunday, December 26, 2010
"Is Illegal Immigration Moral?"
That's a question that is NOT usually discussed.
This writer takes it on...
This writer takes it on...
At, Victor Davis Hanson writes about them and asks:
"We know illegal immigration is no longer really unlawful, but is it moral?"
In Our World - Organ Wagons
It seems weird, but I guess it's a sign of our times.
I sure there ARE safeguards...
I sure there ARE safeguards... recently reported on this:
"It might sound a little disturbing to some people but a new pilot program will attempt to recover kidneys from people who die at home in Manhattan.
A team of organ specialists will have about 20-minutes after a cardiac-arrest patient is declared dead to arrive at the home, check a donor registry, determine medical eligibility, obtain a family member's consent and get the person into a specialized ambulance.
A special team will monitor 9-1-1 calls about people in danger of dying and they will travel directly to a person's home without being summoned."
Saturday, December 25, 2010
12-25-2010 - Christmas Day
Friday, December 24, 2010
"The WikiLeaks Vindication of George W. Bush"
They say that history eventually reveals the truth.
Hijacked documents may make that happen sooner, rather than later...
Hijacked documents may make that happen sooner, rather than later...
Larry Elder included this in his recent article about it:
"Wired magazine's contributing editor Noah Shachtman -- a nonresident fellow at the liberal Brookings Institution -- researched the 400,000 WikiLeaked documents released in October. Here's what he found: 'By late 2003, even the Bush White House's staunchest defenders were starting to give up on the idea that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But WikiLeaks' newly-released Iraq war documents reveal that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins and uncover weapons of mass destruction (emphasis added). ... Chemical weapons, especially, did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam's toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict -- and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.'
In 2008, our military shipped out of Iraq -- on 37 flights in 3,500 barrels -- what even The Associated Press called 'the last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program': 550 metric tons of the supposedly nonexistent yellowcake. The New York Sun editorialized: 'The uranium issue is not a trivial one, because Iraq, sitting on vast oil reserves, has no peaceful need for nuclear power. ... To leave this nuclear material sitting around the Middle East in the hands of Saddam ... would have been too big a risk.'"
"The NASA study of arsenic-based life was fatally flawed, say scientists"
I'm thinking NASA is fighting for it's life and funding.
Perhaps that's leading to premature "discoveries"...
Perhaps that's leading to premature "discoveries"...
Carl Zimmer reports at
"As soon Redfield started to read the paper, she was shocked. 'I was outraged at how bad the science was,' she told me.
Redfield blogged a scathing attack on Saturday. Over the weekend, a few other scientists took to the Internet as well. Was this merely a case of a few isolated cranks? To find out, I reached out to a dozen experts on Monday. Almost unanimously, they think the NASA scientists have failed to make their case. 'It would be really cool if such a bug existed,' said San Diego State University's Forest Rohwer, a microbiologist who looks for new species of bacteria and viruses in coral reefs. But, he added, 'none of the arguments are very convincing on their own.' That was about as positive as the critics could get. 'This paper should not have been published,' said Shelley Copley of the University of Colorado."
Thursday, December 23, 2010
"Texas Yellow Dog Democrats get a rural whipping"
Whoa! How about the elections in Texas...
R.G. Ratcliffe has the story on the Houston Chronicle website:
"More than 105 Democratic county officeholders, including 16 incumbent county judges lost their re-election bids. Only one Democratic county judge up for re-election survived. Victoria County Judge Don Pozzi captured another term on his 63rd birthday.
Republicans swept Galveston and Hays counties. Harris County Commissioner Sylvia Garcia lost. And the Yellow Dog Democrat country of East Texas — where even a yellow dog could win if it ran as a Democrat — passed into history from Texarkana to Beaumont.
'The untold story is the takeover of the counties,' Texas Republican Chairman Steve Munisteri said.
Munisteri said the victories not only picked up GOP officeholders, but the newly elected Republicans also will become spokesmen for the local party and its issues.
The party is expecting to have a net gain of about 300 elected officials by the time all the information is gathered, Munisteri said. The Republican Party held 802 local, state and federal offices in 1990. After Jan. 1, 2011, the Republicans likely will hold about 1,673 elective offices in Texas, Munisteri said."
"Is It Just Us, Or Are Kids Getting Really Stupid?"
I'm sure many of us wonder what's happening to our kids and our schools, and I'm sure we can easily relate to this well-written article...
Sandy Hingston recently wrote about it at
"They don’t read. They can’t spell. They spend all their time playing computer games and texting and hanging out with one another on Facebook. But the problem is much worse than you think, because the way your kids live now is rewiring their brains"
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
"The “Pigford” Fraud on the American Taxpayer"
This was recently passed and signed into law.
It basically rewards fraud and scam.
I can't imagine anyone reading this without being totally outraged...
It basically rewards fraud and scam.
I can't imagine anyone reading this without being totally outraged...
Abraxas tells all about it at
"Within a month, 15,000 telephone inquiries were received by the USDA in response to these ads. By 2002, the number would peak at 138,911 inquiries for requests forms to file a claim – nearly seven times the amount of black farmers in America.And then there's this...
It was at this time that rumors of malfeasance began to arise. The Oregon contractor, Poorman-Douglas, hired by the USDA, reported that some African Americans ;tried to certify young children as aggrieved parties. Husband-wife couples applied separately in hopes of double compensation for the same act. And a number of deceased persons ;claimed; their reward, with surviving family and relatives filing on their behalf.;"
Publius has the video at
"Lawmakers school Obama on nat'l motto"
I think it's worrisome that an American President would say this.
You would think someone in the White House would know our motto...
You would think someone in the White House would know our motto...
This was reported by the Associated Press. It's posted on's website:
"Obama commented to the students last month that the U.S. and Indonesia share a similar history. 'It is a story written into our national mottos. In the United States, our motto is 'E Pluribus Unum' -- out of many, one.'
In a letter to the White House, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus -- mostly Republican -- note that the national motto has been 'In God We Trust' since 1956."
American Exceptionalism - Do you believe?
It seems like a given that a president would believe in and even cheer lead for his country.
Hopefully the next president will...
Hopefully the next president will...
E. Thomas McClanahan writes on that subject in the Kansas City Star:
"American exceptionalism usually isn’t much of an issue in politics, but President Barack Obama changed that his first year in office. During a visit to France, he mishandled a question from a reporter who asked whether the president subscribed to 'the school of American exceptionalism that sees America as uniquely qualified to lead the world.'
The answer is now well known. Obama said he believes in American exceptionalism, 'just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.'
As James Q. Wilson dryly noted in a Washington Post interview, Obama 'did not understand how Americans feel about this.'"
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
"The Economic Legacy of the Four-Year Democratic Congress"
I'm well aware that statistics are often "managed" for a purpose.
You can see those provided here and decide for yourself...
You can see those provided here and decide for yourself...
Yossi Gestetner has some comparisons at
"The following table shows how the Democrat Congress performed on average during its four year tenure, vs. the average of the previous four years, 2003 through the end of 2006, when Republican were at the helm:"
Government at Work - Takings of Private Property
This story should scare all of us...
This video may cause you to agree:
"Government Takings of Private Property: Susette Kelo's Story"
"Obama got all C’s and D’s in college and law school"
Funny, isn't it, how the media didn't run with this?...
HillBuzz recently called attention to it:
"Obama was a C or D student in college who was passed and promoted aggressively because he was a smiling, biracial, man with a weird name who more likely than not played up on his Muslim upbringing in Indonesia in all of his college admissions essays and other course work. That’s the sort of thing Columbia and Harvard JUST LOVE…so we can’t imagine he ever hid any of that. It’s what made him interesting to the academic elite…this little brown boy raised in the jungles of the Pacific, mentored by Frank Marshall, with that Kenyan last name.
They just ate that stuff up.
There’s a reason Obama won’t release those transcripts…or any of the other dozens of documents he spends millions of dollars concealing."
Monday, December 20, 2010
"Universities encouraging students to receive welfare benefits"
See what you think of this.
Keep in mind food stamps come from the taxes YOU pay...
Keep in mind food stamps come from the taxes YOU pay...
Matthew Boyle reports at
"This may be a little surprising given that food stamps were created to help struggling poor people, not heavily-subsidized and frequently-idle college kids. But have no fear, assures Portland State: 'Being a college student is hard work! Not just academically, but financially too.
Far from framing the decision to apply for food stamps as a last resort, the university’s website makes taking government handouts sound like a moral imperative. 'As tuition increases, many students struggle to make ends meet,” the site explains. “Sometimes grants and loans don’t stretch far enough and students are forced to work low-paying jobs. For some, this still is not enough to get by. Having to choose between buying groceries or a $125 textbook is a tough decision that many students have been forced to make at some point in their college careers. As if taking a full class load wasn’t stressful enough!'"
Earmarks Requested for 2011
No matter what you read or what they say, there is no doubt that politicians are ADDICTED to earmarks.
This website does a great job proving that point...
This website does a great job proving that point... has easy to view info:
"Roll over the map or click on specific states and districts to see how Members of Congress are requesting your money be spent."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
"Florida to propose Arizona-style immigration enforcement law"
Looks like presidential election trouble is brewing in Florida.
Did I say "brewing"; like at a Tea Party?...
Did I say "brewing"; like at a Tea Party?...
Ed Morrisey posts on the website:
"The Florida Senate now has a bill on its agenda that would require law enforcement to check immigration status on 'lawful contact' with suspects, and to refer those illegally in the US to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The bill has an excellent chance of becoming law in a state controlled by the GOP, and could set up a nasty political issue for Barack Obama in 2012:"
"Upton flips a switch on CFL bulb"
I agree that this law should be undone; and I hope they are successful.
On the other hand, politicians really are suspect at times, many times, maybe ALL the time...
On the other hand, politicians really are suspect at times, many times, maybe ALL the time...
Stephen Dinan has the story at
"Three years after he led the charge to require consumers to ditch their comfortable old incandescent lights in favor of those twisty CFL bulbs, Rep. Fred Upton now wants to be the man to help undo that law as the next chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
That about-face is not unique among lawmakers looking to atone for stances they've taken over the past decade as they seek to gain top posts in a decidedly more conservative Republican Congress, but his reversal underscores how intent the GOP is on proving it has broken with past practices.
'We have heard the grass roots loud and clear, and will have a hearing early next Congress,' said Mr. Upton, a Michigan Republican who is facing several others in his party in a bid to earn the gavel of the powerful committee. "' last thing we wanted to do was infringe upon personal liberties - and this has been a good lesson that Congress does not always know best.'"
"Sarah Palin's Charisma"
The next presidential election is a long way away; however, despite a tremendous effort to make it go away, there is a name that seemingly will not...
James Lewis explains his reasoning at
"Sarah Palin is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon in politics. She is a charismatic constitutionalist. It's the combination that's so vital. Reagan had it. It scares the Democrats to death.
It is time for a constitutionalist who can talk straight with the American people. Human nature hasn't changed. The U.S. Constitution has not lost relevance. It is still the only functioning revolutionary political document in history. The Constitution limits the power class. Marxism empowers the powerful. It's not hard to understand. If Sarah Palin can get that single truth across to the American people, she will win and go on to become another Ronald Reagan.
Expect all the Esetablishment forces to fight against a constitutionalist conservative for president. It scares them more than a Marxist in the White House. "
Saturday, December 18, 2010
"Anesthesia gases much worse than CO2 "
I bet you didn't know this...
Neil Haesler included this in an article at
"'The amount of gas needed for a single surgical procedure is not high, but each year surgery related anaesthetics affects the climate as much as would one million cars,' says the study published in the December issue of the British Journal of Anesthesia. "
"Making Parks Decent Again"
I say,"Whatever works!"...
John Stossel writes about (city) parks:
"America is filled with parks that are filthy, dangerous and badly maintained. The governments in charge plead: We can't help it. Our budgets have been slashed. We don't have enough money!
Bryant Park, in midtown Manhattan, was once such an unsavory place. But now it's nice. What changed?"
"What the Voters Actually Said on Election Day"
Information is power, so election exit polling is a big deal...
Karlyn Bowman has some details at
"In every major election since, we have had polls of voters as they leave the polls. The exit polls are invaluable because they are the only polls we have of actual voters. While the media cover some of the highlights from the poll, they do not examine them closely or compare current results to those from previous elections. Here is a closer look—from A to Z—at some interesting findings from the exit poll conducted on November 2."
Friday, December 17, 2010
Politicians - Albany legislator Vincent Leibell
Another politician caught...
Rebecca Harshbarger and Brendan Scott report in the New York Post:
"A disgraced state legislator pleaded guilty yesterday to taking kickbacks from a charity he founded -- and funded with millions of taxpayer dollars from Albany.
Vincent Leibell, who served nearly 30 years in the state Assembly and Senate representing Putnam County, confessed after he was caught on videotape telling one of the lawyers paying him off how to lie if the feds interrogated him.
'An elected official who was sent to Albany to serve the public instead decided to betray the public trust,' said US Attorney Preet Bharara of Leibell, who last week resigned his Senate seat and the Putnam County executive position to which he was elected only last month."
US Navy Pirate-Catcher Boat
Based on the pictures, it looks pretty impressive...
"Kim" recently posted about it at
"These ships are also relatively inexpensive. This one's a bargain at $208 million, and the Navy plans to build 55 of them.
This tri-maran is the first of a new fire breathing breed, ready to scoot out of dry dock at a rumored 60 knots.. It's like a speedy and heavily armed aircraft carrier for helicopters."
Pennsylvania treasurer proposes $650 miIlion bond sale | Reuters
Here's a classic political trick.
Pennsylvania's government is going to borrow less than originally planned, claiming a "savings" in interest expenses, which the media blindly reports.
But, just think about it.
Starting at NO expense, they plan to spend a high amount, and then, when they decide to spend less, they CALL it "savings"...
Pennsylvania's government is going to borrow less than originally planned, claiming a "savings" in interest expenses, which the media blindly reports.
But, just think about it.
Starting at NO expense, they plan to spend a high amount, and then, when they decide to spend less, they CALL it "savings"...
Jon Hurdle recently reported at
"Rendell, the outgoing Democratic governor who proposed the $1 billion bond, will agree to the lower bond issue.
'It's less than we would have liked but, yes, we will do $650,' Rendell's spokesman Gary Tuma wrote in an e-mail.
Issuing $1 billion would have cost taxpayers $83 million a year in debt-service payments, McCord said. The smaller bond will reduce annual debt service by $36.3 million, he said."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Congress' Job Approval Rating
No surprises here...
From Gallup Poll's website:
"Congress' Job Approval Rating Worst in Gallup History"
"10 Quotes from 'Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom'"
I can see that I would agree with this book.
I strongly believe in maintaining American principles and customs (and freedoms)...
I strongly believe in maintaining American principles and customs (and freedoms)...
Ben-Peter Terpstra offers this at
"Recently, I read the 2010 paperback edition of Surrender: Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom (with a new afterward). Inside author Bruce Bawer slams the forces of political correctness, and with good reason. Yes. We live in a world where puppy posters offend hypersensitive anti-dog Muslims, where beer is associated with evil according to Islam, and where the murder of Koran-unfriendly artists is seen as complex, or at worst, legitimate.
But should we submit? Appease? Sacrifice our freedoms?
Here are my 10 it-made-me-think quotes from Surrender."
"Obama's War on Chris Christie"
As for me, I think America needs many more Chris Christie ideas...
Ed Lasky writes about it at
"New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has swiftly become a superstar in the political firmament. His stands for the taxpayers and against wasteful government spending have exhibited the type of tough decision-making people have been waiting for among our politicians; his forceful stands against the public unions and the stranglehold they have over our lives and futures have become YouTube hits. He is the real Governator, not like that pretender in California.
Governor Christie has been touted as a future GOP candidate for the presidency. But Barack Obama knows of only one kind of preemptive war: against those who threaten his throne. Therefore, Christie has become a target of Obama and his team of minions.
The latest attack?"
"EPA Fraud: Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf Actually Get Only 23, 25 MPG"
I truly hope Americans are not as gullible and stupid as advertisers think we are.
Of course, the media also deserves criticism for their role in this...
Of course, the media also deserves criticism for their role in this...
Chris J. Kobus writes about them at
"The current 'miles per gallon equivalent' is a fraud perpetrated to hide the true environmental cost of these cars. One gallon of gas does have about 33.5 kilowatt-hours of chemical potential (depending on blend, additives, etc). And about that much energy is needed to get the Leaf to go 99 miles, and the Volt to go 93. But here’s where the fraud is perpetrated: the electricity for those vehicles is being generated by mostly coal power plants that are only about 33% efficient (minus transmission losses and losses from charging). Coal plants are off-site power generators (whereas car engines are on-board) and are totally ignored in the EPA rating.
Let me illustrate by example how this scheme works, and why it’s such a fraud."
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
"Courts: Using another's SSN not a crime"
Try to wrap your mind around this.
Aren't our laws just wonderful?...
Aren't our laws just wonderful?...
Bob Sullivan has quite a story about this at
"The courts' logic -
The U.S. Supreme Court decision was unanimous. In it, the justices found that an immigrant using an unknown person's SSN to obtain work authorization did not 'knowingly' use information that belonged to another person, as required by the statute."
"Sarah Palin: America By Heart, A Review"
The "philosophical counterpoint".
I'm really seeing a lot of this kind of writing lately.
Could it be that something is happening?.
If you only have time for one article about Sarah Palin, I suggest it be this one...
I'm really seeing a lot of this kind of writing lately.
Could it be that something is happening?.
If you only have time for one article about Sarah Palin, I suggest it be this one...
Melissa Clouthier writes at
"Here is what I believe about Sarah Palin: She is a political force of nature. She should be taken seriously. She has a tremendous amount of political capital and would be a contender if she chooses to run in 2012.
In addition, Palin has driven the political debate since President Obama has taken office. She, more than any other Republican, has been a philosophical counter-point to Barack Obama, and really, to the establishment Republicans in Washington, D.C.
Her book deserves to be read on all these grounds. And anyone who claims to be an intellectual but refuses to engage intellectually by refusing to read her book deserves to be ignored.
To the book."
Condoleezza Rice Schools Katie Couric on Why U.S. Invaded Iraq
These seems reasonable to me.
Hindsight is 20/20. Right?
Or, "what you know today can affect what you know and do tomorrow, but what you know today cannot affect what you did yesterday.."...
Hindsight is 20/20. Right?
Or, "what you know today can affect what you know and do tomorrow, but what you know today cannot affect what you did yesterday.."...
Noel Sheppard reports at
"On December 3, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gave CBS's Katie Couric a much-needed lesson on why America invaded Iraq.
When Couric said to her guest during an 'HBO History Makers Series' interview, 'Documentaries have been made about how intelligence was incorrectly analyzed and cherry-picked to build an argument for war, and memos from that time do suggest that officials knew there was a small chance of actually finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,' Rice stopped the host dead in her tracks"
Government at Work - Changing street signs
I wonder why this is reported in the U.K.
I haven't seen it in an American publications...
I haven't seen it in an American publications...
Daniel Bates recently had this story in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"Cash-strapped cities and towns across America are having to pay out millions of dollars on new signs under orders of the federal government - because they are the wrong letter size.
Washington officials have demanded that every single street sign in the nation which is currently in capitals must be replaced because they are supposedly too hard to read.
In their place will be new signs with the same green background and the same font, the only difference being that they are in lower-case letters.
For some cities the cost will be millions of dollars at a time when budgets are being cut and salaries frozen."
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
About the "Dream" Act
A "dream" for illegals; a nightmare for the rest of us...
loyd and Mary Beth Brown recently wrote about it at
"We've already been down this road before. In 1986, with the passage of Simpson-Mazzoli, we granted amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens in exchange for the false promise that we would put a stop to the flood of illegal aliens coming into the United States. Today, after supposedly stopping the flood of illegal aliens coming into this country back in '86, there are now 12-20 million illegal aliens living in the United States.
Of course, the biggest irony here is that the Dream Act is nothing more than a Trojan-horse attempt to grant amnesty to those who came to the United States illegally, by first giving amnesty to their children. After the passage of Simpson-Mazolli, which was supposed to stop massive amounts of illegal aliens from coming into the country, the problem mushroomed."
"No more nanny state on health"
It is fascinating to me that the Brits are now moving away from the direction that America seems to be heading.
The reason is that they've discovered what doesn't work.
Will we learn?...
The reason is that they've discovered what doesn't work.
Will we learn?...
Rebecca Smith reports for the U.K. Telegraph:
"Government will be less 'intrusive' in people's lives and not tell them what to do, minsters said as they published the new public health white paper, Healthy Lives, Healthy People.
Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, said Jamie Oliver's approach in schools had been a good example of encouraging healthier living but then had been taken too far with dictates laid down about what could and could not be in lunch boxes. "
Report: Giant life insurance lobby key force behind estate tax | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
It's clear that lobbying is a way of life these days.
That being said, stories like this demonstrate how pervasive it is, how much money is involved, and who really gets served...
That being said, stories like this demonstrate how pervasive it is, how much money is involved, and who really gets served...
Jonathan Strong reports the links at
"A new report from a trade association representing family-owned businesses fighting against the estate tax says a giant life insurance lobby is a key force pushing against repeal of the estate tax as the tax creates demand for their insurance.
The life insurance industry’s lobbying presence in D.C. is huge – larger than almost any other industry sector. According to the report, life insurers spent $10 million per month on lobbying in the first half of 2010. Only the pharmaceutical, electric utilities and oil and gas sectors, the heaviest of heavy hitters, spent more."
Monday, December 13, 2010
"‘Profiling’ Is Not a Dirty Word"
Here's an excellent article about "profiling".
It highlights common sense, and the accepted things we already do...
It highlights common sense, and the accepted things we already do...
Here's just one paragraph from Dan Miller's posting at
"Sensible people profile daily, and not only for law enforcement purposes. A guy walking into a convenience store with a bag over his head and carrying something which appears to be a pistol may intend to rob the store; he may just be en route to a Halloween party, but inherent situational awareness certainly makes us legitimately concerned. 'Profiling' is commonly used by the police: if a young Latina (female) is seen robbing a gasoline station, the police presumably concentrate their investigations on young Latinas rather than on elderly males appearing to be Swedish — not because all young Latinas are considered more likely to rob gasoline stations but because the robber of that gasoline station was a young Latina."
"A TSA Scanner in Every Neighborhood"
Perhaps this is just going to be an urban legend, or NOT...
Ben Johnson recently posted this, and a picture, at
"Forbes reported in August about Z Backscatter Vans (ZBVs), vehicles that look like normal vans but are equipped with backscatter X-ray scanners attached. They can scan a vehicle in 15 seconds and X-ray anything within a 1,500 foot radius. A Massachusetts-based company has sold more than 500 of these vehicles to a variety of domestic, foreign, and international governments; law enforcement agencies; and private individuals. The use of these vans is unreported, largely unregulated, and all-but-impossible for innocent victims to detect."
"Economy Isn't The Key Factor In All Elections"
I'd come to believe that the economy was "it".
This article corrects that belief.
Oh, and don't worry. I didn't miss the shot at the New York Times...
This article corrects that belief.
Oh, and don't worry. I didn't miss the shot at the New York Times...
Jeffrey H. Anderson gives a history lesson at
"Perhaps the most amazing thing, however, is this: It's already being said, and not merely by those who write for or read the Times, that President Obama's reelection chances — and thus the Republicans' chances of unseating him — are largely at the mercy of the economic fates. If the economy rebounds, it is said, he'll win; if not, he'll lose.
Don't bet on it. A strong economy certainly helps a president's reelection prospects, but several examples to the contrary are within the memories of many Americans."
Sunday, December 12, 2010
"Former OMB Director Debunks The Economic Recovery Myth"
As we focus on the job "growth" numbers, it would behoove us to understand that the "type" of job that's growing isn't going to do us much good...
Tyler Durden recently posted about that at
"And the stunner: the job "growth" has come almost exclusively from the part-time economy (two-thirds). Why is this a major problem: 'there is 35 million jobs in that sector, with an average wage of $20,000 a year: that is not a breadwinning job, you can't support a family on that, you can't save on that. Those jobs will not generate income that will become self-feeding into spending.'"
"Swiss voters approve harsher deportation plan"
I doubt this got any coverage here in the U.S. ...
This is from the website:
"Swiss voters have approved a far-right initiative to automatically expel foreign residents convicted of serious crimes, according to poll results.
Swiss national broadcaster SF1 said 52.9 percent of voters backed the initiative in Sunday's referendum, a plan proposed by the nationalist Swiss People's Party (SVP).
A counter-proposal put forth by the Swiss government, which would make expulsion dependent on the length of a prison term rather on an arbitrary list of offenses, appears to have been rejected by most voters, according to preliminary results."
Saturday, December 11, 2010
There's No Escaping Hauser's Law -
Come to think of it, the tax hike advocates never provide any historical reasons to support their desire.
Just maybe, this is the reason...
Just maybe, this is the reason...
W. Kurt Hauser writes this and more on the Wall Street Journal website. He backs it up with history's lessons:
"Higher taxes discourage the 'animal spirits' of entrepreneurship. When tax rates are raised, taxpayers are encouraged to shift, hide and underreport income. Taxpayers divert their effort from pro-growth productive investments to seeking tax shelters, tax havens and tax exempt investments. This behavior tends to dampen economic growth and job creation. Lower taxes increase the incentives to work, produce, save and invest, thereby encouraging capital formation and jobs. Taxpayers have less incentive to shelter and shift income."
The media - Remember Jessica Lynch?
It appears that the media really did us a disservice on this story.
I wonder how many times throughout history that has happened?...
I wonder how many times throughout history that has happened?...
W. Joseph Campbell writes about it on his blog:
"I’ve expressed astonishment at Media Myth Alert from time to time about how the national spotlight still finds Jessica Lynch, who became the most familiar face of the early Iraq War because of a botched, front page story in the Washington Post about her supposed battlefield heroics."
Friday, December 10, 2010
"Wikileaks: Old Gray Lady invokes the harlot's prerogative"
The New York Times has become despicably hypocritical.
They are now so biased that anyone who cares to look can see it very clearly...
They are now so biased that anyone who cares to look can see it very clearly...
James Delinpole provides these two statements and asks:
"Can you spot the difference between these two statements of high moral principle?"
"Turn out the lights, the party's over"
I wonder if this Cancun conference is predominantly a vacation payed for by other than the attendees?
Global warming WAS clearly a popular (but questionable) notion that got almost everyone on the bandwagon.
Now, after diligent skeptics have asked for "proof", the bandwagon has been mostly vacated...
Global warming WAS clearly a popular (but questionable) notion that got almost everyone on the bandwagon.
Now, after diligent skeptics have asked for "proof", the bandwagon has been mostly vacated...
Wesley Pruden writes about the current state of global warming advocacy in the Washington Times:
"Everybody who imagined himself anybody raced to Copenhagen last year for the global-warming summit, renamed 'climate change' when the globe began to cool, as it does from time to time. Some 45,000 delegates, 'activists,' business representatives and the usual retinue of journalists registered for the party in Copenhagen. This year, only 1,234 journalists registered for the Cancun beach party. The only story there is that there's no story there. The U.N. organizers glumly concede that Cancun won't amount to anything, even by U.N. standards."
"Multiple murder suspect in custody benefited from three-strikes leniency"
The paragraphs below are the easy part.
The WHOLE story is almost unbelievable...
The WHOLE story is almost unbelievable...
Richard Winton and Jack Leonard of the Los Angeles Times write this and much more:
"Ewell has a lengthy criminal history that includes two robbery convictions from the 1980s.
Nevertheless, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office decided on four occasions against seeking to use the full weight of the three-strikes law when he was charged with new crimes.
And this year, after Ewell was arrested three times for allegedly stealing from Home Depot stores, a judge agreed to delay sending Ewell to prison so he could take care of some medical problems.
It was during that delay, authorities say, that Ewell robbed three homes and killed the victims."
Thursday, December 09, 2010
"Hollywood myth-making on Valerie Plame controversy"
Hollywood does NOT serve history well...
Recently, the Washington Post offered this and more:
"We're not in the habit of writing movie reviews. But the recently released film 'Fair Game' - which covers a poisonous Washington controversy during the war in Iraq - deserves some editorial page comment, if only because of what its promoters are saying about it. The protagonists portrayed in the movie, former diplomat Joseph C. Wilson IV and former spy Valerie Plame, claim that it tells the true story of their battle with the Bush administration over Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and Ms. Plame's exposure as a CIA agent. 'It's accurate,' Ms. Plame told The Post. Said Mr. Wilson: 'For people who have short memories or don't read, this is the only way they will remember that period.'
We certainly hope that is not the case. In fact, 'Fair Game,' based on books by Mr. Wilson and his wife, is full of distortions - not to mention outright inventions."
"Let's call it the German 'Holiday' Village"
What in the world is this problem people have with "Christmas"?...
Catherine Lucey recently reported in the Philadelphia Daily News:
"It turns out that the letters spelling 'Christmas' were removed yesterday afternoon from the archways on the north and west sides of the plaza, at the request of Managing Director Richard Negrin. They will be replaced with the word "Holiday.""
"Up in the Air! A Missle, Or A Plane, Or Another Government Cover-Up?"
This article does not inspire confidence as to whether we are being informed as to what is really going on.
There appears to be some really weird stuff going on...
There appears to be some really weird stuff going on...
J.D. Longstreet recently posted this Brig. Gen., USAF, Ret., commentary at
"In my opinion there is absolutely no doubt that what was captured on video off the coast of California was a missile launch, was clearly observed by NORAD, assessed by a four-star General in minutes, and passed to the President immediately. That is the way the system works, and heads fall if there is a failure. This is one of the most important tenets of National Defense and its sole purpose of protecting the American people. Even the smallest failure in this system gets intense scrutiny at the highest level.
Now, the question that still must be answered is why NORAD's muted response was simply that North America was not threatened, and later our government approved the lame excuse that the picture recorded was simply an aircraft leaving a contrail. This decision was made far above the four-star level, and because the system in place demands it, was made by the President himself.
There are many possible answers to the question why."
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
"Norway’s coldest November in living memory"
This website documents fallacies in the global warming theory and rarely miss events like this...
Anthony Watts posts at
"Yesterday we saw the satellite image of the UK, buried under snow for the second time in 2010, see UK Covered in snow, for the second winter. And we’ve seen and heard the reports about the impact snow is having in the UK and in Europe. Now let’s have alook at some cold records."
Meanwhile - in Australia - "a propaganda arm of the government">
Apparently, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is similar to our National Public Radio.
They get their money from the government, and seem to promote the government line.
Personally, I don't like it...
They get their money from the government, and seem to promote the government line.
Personally, I don't like it...
Joanne Nova recently wrote about it on her blog:
"What Mark Scott admitted as the managing director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation was really what everyone knew anyway: the ABC aims to please the gatekeepers of the pay-checks (which is, after all exactly what we’d expect from most organizations in the long run).
What makes it telling is that he could forget that he’s never supposed to admit this. I mean, they promote themselves in ads as 'our ABC'. It’s supposed to serve the people, not the government. The key problem is that although the people pay for the ABC, they don’t hold the purse strings."
"Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks Founder"
This is an interesting question that probably will be debated endlessly.
Unfortunately, government communications have now (once again) been proven to be glaringly insecure.
On the other hand, no one should be surprised at what has always gone on.
But, then, there's the potential national security issues. It's pretty much just a mess...
Unfortunately, government communications have now (once again) been proven to be glaringly insecure.
On the other hand, no one should be surprised at what has always gone on.
But, then, there's the potential national security issues. It's pretty much just a mess...'s website recently had comments from U.S. Rep. Ron Paul in a post:
"'In a free society we're supposed to know the truth,' Paul said. 'In a society where truth becomes treason, then we're in big trouble. And now, people who are revealing the truth are getting into trouble for it.'
'This whole notion that Assange, who's an Australian, that we want to prosecute him for treason. I mean, aren't they jumping to a wild conclusion?' he added. 'This is media, isn't it? I mean, why don't we prosecute The New York Times or anybody that releases this?'"
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
"Here's Where All That Government Spending Is REALLY Going"
I saw this some time ago.
I'm sure it's been this way for a long time, and, it's going to be VERY hard to change...
I'm sure it's been this way for a long time, and, it's going to be VERY hard to change...
Henry Blodget has a graph at
"Well, when you dig into the CBO's 10-year estimates for the growth in Federal spending over the period, you find that Federal government spending is expected to increase by about $2 Trillion a year over the next 10 years.
Where's that money going?
It's basically going to three things:"
Meanwhile - in Nevada
Politics is everywhere...
I found this at
"Despite losing every time they have been challenged in court on similar plates, the Nevada DMV refuses to issue the specialized plate
GO PALIN, as well as other names or issues linked to Conservative figures."
Monday, December 06, 2010
Meanwhile - in Chicago
I'd like to think there was more to this story, but, I doubt it...
Steve Mills recently reported this on the Chicago Tribune website:
"A former state prison director has worked just one day in the 17 months since he was appointed by Gov. Pat Quinn to a little-known but important state board that decides if inmates should be paroled, according to documents and interviews.
Roger Walker Jr. attended a half-day orientation but has been absent from every meeting of the full Illinois Prisoner Review Board except for one session about three weeks after his appointment in June 2009, records show.
He hasn't attended a single additional hearing or work session at a prison or the board offices in Springfield."
More on the “Repeal Amendment”
This looks like it may become interesting...
John Rossomando writes about it at
"'Most constitutional amendments don’t go very far because you have to rely on the states to ratify them, and the state legislators generally aren’t interested in them,' Barnett said. 'But state legislators have a direct interest in this; they have a direct interest in protecting their own operations from the federal government.'
The amendment’s ability to empower the states to defend their interests from the federal government accounts for the rapid growth of support for it among state legislators nationwide, Barnett said."
Sunday, December 05, 2010
"US scientists significantly more likely to publish fake research"
And these relate to medical things!...
I found this gem at
"US scientists are significantly more likely to publish fake research than scientists from elsewhere, finds a trawl of officially withdrawn (retracted) studies, published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics.
Fraudsters are also more likely to be "repeat offenders," the study shows."
And this is only for Maine... recently posted this:
"Between financial years 2006 and 2009, according to the data, SNAP reimbursements grew from almost $240 million to almost $559 million, a 132 percent increase in just three years. The greatest increase occurred in the last year for which MuckRock had full data, financial year 2009, which saw a 39 percent spike in just one year."
Saturday, December 04, 2010
"What Are They Thinking?"
Oliver North "get's it"...
Oliver North included this in an article at
"This week's shallow coverage of a living Medal of Honor recipient and the intriguing story of how brave DEA agents captured a major crime figure accused of aiding and abetting murder and mayhem on a global scale doesn't come as a surprise. What passes for 'reporting the news' these days would shame any real newsman. Perhaps that's the principal reason newspapers lose circulation every day and viewers have largely turned off the evening news on the 'big three' networks.
The inability or unwillingness of the mainstream media to cover and report that which really matters to Americans begs the question: 'What are they thinking?' Maybe they aren't."
The UN and Climate Change
This is commentary on the United Nations and their "carbon tax" plans.
To me, it is a warning to be very wary of the United Nations...
To me, it is a warning to be very wary of the United Nations...
TonyFromOz discusses the issue at PA Pundits International:
"What stood out the most from looking at this Protocol was one short phrase of barely ten words. At the time, the Countries of the World were divided by the UN into two areas. These were referred to as Annexes, and in effect, this was a list of the ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have Nots’. That list is a little longer now, as more Countries came on board over the years since this Kyoto Protocol was first mandated by the UN, at their COP 3 meeting in Kyoto Japan in 1997. Now there are 192 Countries which are subject to this Protocol. Of those Countries, 40 of them have been categorised as Annex 1 Countries, and the remaining 152 Countries as Annex 2 Countries. From that first list of 40 Countries, 23 of them were further culled into a sub group, and after that group of highly developed Countries came those ten fateful words.
(Developed Countries which pay for all costs of developing Countries)"
Friday, December 03, 2010
"Sharia lessons for pupils aged six: BBC uncovers 'weekend schools' "
So, I wonder what's going on here in America on Saturdays?...
James Slack has this story at the U.K.'s DailyMail website:
"Investigation: A BBC Panorama programme has found that around 40 weekend schools are teaching Sharia law to British children as young as six."
Thursday, December 02, 2010
"Born In The U.S.A.? Some Chinese Plan It That Way"
DO you think something's wrong here? I do...
Rob Gifford elaborates on this at
"In a growing trend, affluent Chinese women are coming to the U.S. to give birth so that their offspring will be American citizens. For about $15,000, middlemen can arrange the hospital, the doctor and the house and car rental, as well as other extras."
Airport Security - Think about this
I saw this comment (verbatim here) to an article about airport screening.
It certainly makes an interesting point...
It certainly makes an interesting point...
"zasdf Says:
November 23rd, 2010 at 5:45 pm
I’ll say it again and wonder why NO-ONE in the media has brought this up. This is NOT being done for our security. IF IT WAS they would not be prodding and touching people if they even remotely think they are wearing an explosive device? Think about it! Why don’t they do this in BOMBPROOF GEAR a BOMBPROOF room with a ROBOT, AWAY from other passengers. Do you and your kids want to be standing in line when they squeeze someone that might be wearing and explosive? The truth is, they absolutely know that 99.999% of people are not criminals and they are doing this to get us all accustomed to being illegally searched, irradiated, humiliated and degraded. This is insane. This how they brainwash the military to be compliant. They even want to fine us $11K for saying NO and leaving the airport? This is a violation of our 4th amendment rights and our privacy and the beginnings of a TOTALITARIAN police state. This needs to be stopped. FYI they are also scanning your irises, (Biometrics) which is like fingerprinting you at the same time. So close your eyes.AND KEEP YOUR KIDS AT HOME…SAFE FROM THE IRRADIATION AND PAT DOWN."
"Ten questions with ‘Gray Lady Down’ author William McGowan"
I'm not surprised.
I also think the New York Times is a glaring example of what the media has become...
I also think the New York Times is a glaring example of what the media has become...
At, Jamie Weinstein's questions and their answers are quite revealing:
"William McGowan is the author of 'Gray Lady Down: What the Decline and Fall of the New York Times Means For America.'
Formerly editor of the Washington Monthly, McGowan is a media fellow at Social Philosophy and Policy Center. His work has been published in the Washington Post, the New York Times Magazine, the New Republic, and the National Review, among other places. His last book, 'Coloring the News: How Political Correctness Has Corrupted American Journalism,' won the National Press Club Award."
An Open Letter to Republican Freshmen Members of Congress
It would be difficult to dispute that Sarah Palin seems to be everywhere these days...
Sarah Palin recently wrote to the newly elected Republicans in Congress. Her letter included this and much more:
"Remember that some in the media will love you when you stray from the time-tested truths that built America into the most exceptional nation on earth. When the Left in the media pat you on the back, quickly reassess where you are and readjust, for the liberals' praise is a warning bell you must heed. Trust me on that."
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
"The Republican Wave Isn’t Quite Finished Yet"
The results of the recent election are apparently VERY far reaching.
Of course, we're not likely to hear this part about it from the biased media...
Of course, we're not likely to hear this part about it from the biased media...
Jimmie Bise, Jr wrote about it at
"Perhaps the most amazing thing, however, is this: It's already being said, and not merely by those who write for or read the Times, that President Obama's reelection chances — and thus the Republicans' chances of unseating him — are largely at the mercy of the economic fates. If the economy rebounds, it is said, he'll win; if not, he'll lose.
Don't bet on it. A strong economy certainly helps a president's reelection prospects, but several examples to the contrary are within the memories of many Americans."
"Hollywood hit job: ‘Fair Game’ propagates easily disprovable myths about lead up to Iraq War"
Movies about historical events are always troublesome.
Perhaps, a persistent visual disclaimer like "this presentation may NOT be factually accurate" should be required...
Perhaps, a persistent visual disclaimer like "this presentation may NOT be factually accurate" should be required...
Jamie Weinstein writes about 'Fair Game' at
"The movie bills itself as 'inspired by true events' and frames itself around the Joe Wilson-Valerie Plame affair. Wilson, played by Penn, was the former American diplomat sent to Niger by the CIA in 2002 to investigate claims that Iraq was trying to buy uranium for its purported nuclear weapons program from the African country."
"Constitutional Amendment proposal to streamline legislative repeals to hit Congress soon"
Interesting. I'm for it. Power to the States!...
Matthew Boyle explains it at
"The Repeal Amendment calls for allowing states to band together to repeal, or overturn, federal legislation. As it is written now, if approved and ratified, two-thirds of states’ legislatures would need to vote in favor of a repeal.
The proposed amendment reads: 'Any provision of law or regulation of the United States may be repealed by the several states, and such repeal shall be effective when the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states approve resolutions for this purpose that particularly describe the same provision or provisions of law or regulation to be repealed.'"
"A Completely Unrelated Series of Events"
I've always liked the simplicity of time lines like this...
Doug Ross shows us one on his blog:
"Observe the master at work"