Thursday, December 31, 2009
Barack Obama - So who IS pro-Obama?
I find this interesting, but not surprising.
In my youth, I also didn't look much past the headlines and certainly didn't think about the long term consequences of things...
In my youth, I also didn't look much past the headlines and certainly didn't think about the long term consequences of things...
At, Terence P. Jeffrey looks inside the polling numbers. He begins:
"A strategist casting a cold eye on the Gallup poll tracking President Barack Obama’s job approval rating might be tempted to give our president the following advice: Sir, you need more unmarried, unchurched, poor and inexperienced Americans.
Given the polling trends, the more people who are devout, married and prosperous and have seen more than a few decades of life, the worse it will be for the president.
What’s good for America is bad for Obama. Unless, of course, you think that faith, family, wealth and longevity are bad. But, then, who would think that?"
Barack Obama - and American Grand Juries
There's a lot of stuff going on with the American Grand Jury movement; and, as usual, the state-run media is NOT reporting on any of it...
Here's a link for a page of information about
The latest is at the American Grand Jury website:
"American Grand Jury is actively involved in trying to remove Barack Obama from office through the Judicial process. Obama is not a "natural born" citizen of the United States and therefore not eligible under the Constitution to serve as President."
Here's a link for a page of information about
Research and Background about American Grand Juries
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Just another meeting?
I've seen tidbits of this ilk before.
Here's the latest...
Here's the latest...
At, Michael Salla, Ph.D. writes:
"The details of alleged face to face meetings between U.S. military/Navy personnel with extraterrestrial life is not known with great accuracy due to conflicting accounts of representatives of what occurred at such meetings. Nevertheless, given three independent sources reveal such meetings, two of which have been personally confirmed by the author as credible, it can be concluded that extraterrestrial military liaisons are currently underway."
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Open Secrets and Media Darlings
I don't know what to say...
This is part of a hillbuzz blog post:
"Here in Chicago, depending on what community you’re in, 'everyone' knows things about Dr. Utopia too. Our current president, back when he was a 'community organizer' for ACORN, a state senator, and an adjunct law professor, was indiscrete and up to all sorts of shennanigans by all accounts. He not only sat in the pews at Trinity United Church gleefully taking in all the hatred and paranoid delusions of Jeremiah Wright, but like many black men at Trinity he’d then find somewhere up north to 'unwind' when fiery sermons couldn’t quench the same thirsts as, say, nights spent at the baths. In Chicago, guys in their late 40s and early 50s, who admit they used to go to bathhouses, love talking about a skinny black guy with big ears who said he was a 'state rep', whenever he’d go to Man’s Country to be serviced by white men there.
We’re in our 30s here and have never set foot in Man’s Country. But, go to Sidetracks on Showtunes nights, Little Jim’s or Northend on Halsted, or the Lucky Horseshoe at Belmont and talk to guys who’ve lived the scene, been there, done that, and will admit to being lifelong fans of Man’s Country.
They’ve got stories to tell, believe us."
Monday, December 28, 2009
Meanwhile - in Nevada - Guzzlers
I never even heard of them before, and they're probably not what you think...
The Associated Press' Sandra Chereb writes about them at
" Dave Pulliam, a habitat specialist with the state wildlife agency, said there are 1,616 guzzlers statewide.
Most belong to the Wildlife Department, though others were installed by federal agencies, including the Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Land Management, which controls roughly 85 percent of the land in Nevada.
"Basically the BLM cooperates with the Nevada Department of Wildlife to put guzzlers on public lands and we rely on their expertise because they manage the wildlife," said BLM spokeswoman JoLynn Worley. An environmental assessment is prepared before new guzzlers are erected.
Some mining companies also install guzzlers when they reclaim the land after closing mines. "
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Politicians - Sen. Chuck Schumer
Politicians are disgusting.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this guy often critical of partisanship?...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this guy often critical of partisanship?...
Kerry Picket describes a "flip-flop" at
"Back in November, I discovered a 2001 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing transcript where Senator Chuck Schumer (D - NY) said it would be 'ludicrous' to try Osama bin Laden in New York City's downtown federal court. However, today, Mr. Schumer is welcoming the trial of professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in New York's southern district within downtown Manhattan. TRANSCRIPT of 2001 segment:"
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Healthcare Reform - "No gain, plenty of pain, on Day One"
Once again, I see the media at fault in that they are NOT publicizing the realities of the health care "reform" bill.
As described here, it can only be classified as "flim-flam" on the American voter.
Hopefully, come election time, our elected officials will be punished for their actions...
As described here, it can only be classified as "flim-flam" on the American voter.
Hopefully, come election time, our elected officials will be punished for their actions...
At, Dick Morris describes the actions:
"The harshest of these backlashes will come from the elderly, who will face the rationing immediately.
The first 'no' will hit the 10 million elderly who now rely on Medicare Advantage to pay for the care Medicare itself does not cover. In a payoff to AARP, Obama gutted this program in his bill, ending over $100 billion in federal premium subsidies. These 10 million voters will get the grim news that their premiums are going up and their benefits dropping early in 2010. The goal, of course, is to force them to drop Medicare Advantage and sign up, instead, for Medi-gap insurance ---- offered, not coincidentally, by the AARP ---- which provides less coverage at higher cost.
Young people without health insurance can expect to start writing $750 annual checks to Washington to pay the fines written into the bill."
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas to ALL
Enjoy your day...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Global Warming - and it's "Great Satan"
Go figure!
Considering the odds and the obstacles, this has similarities to David Vs. Goliath...
Considering the odds and the obstacles, this has similarities to David Vs. Goliath...
Colby Cosh has the story at the website:
"The private emails and logs leaked last month from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia can’t tell us whether industrial activity is really heating the earth’s atmosphere and endangering civilization. But they have settled the identity of the Great Satan of climate science. Torontonian Stephen McIntyre, a gentle, persistent amateur who had no credentials in applied science before stepping into the global warming debate in 2003, is mentioned more than 100 times.
In the emails, leading climate researchers dismiss him as a capitalist hireling or a hapless “bozo,” and argue about the relative merits of ignoring him versus counterattacking him, even as others acknowledge that his criticisms have merit and imitate his use of the Web as a venue for hyper-detailed scientific discussion. At one point in 2005, CRU director Phil Jones, now under suspension, ponders the possibility that McIntyre might use U.K. freedom-of-information laws to obtain raw weather-station data compiled by the CRU. He grumbles: 'I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone.' The overall impression is that of 100 elephants stampeding in confusion and panic around a mouse.
The political stakes are now so high when it comes to the 'Climategate' scandal, and motives are being questioned so loudly on both sides, that few are noticing the remarkable story at the heart of it all: a 62-year-old mining executive and squash enthusiast has, for better or worse, found his way into the centre of a major scientific melée—almost by accident—and been able to make legitimate contributions."
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
In Our World - Justice?
I'll let the Irish Times tell about it:
"'We were devastated as a family. We were destroyed,'” says Séamus T.
'We went to court expecting some compassion. The system is upside down and backwards. The judge was worried about the rapists staying in school, getting evaluated, getting counselling and transportation. Everything is lavished on them. Nobody knocked on my door and said, ‘I’ll show you through the system’.'"
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Silent Night - Audience did not remain ‘Silent’
For some reason, I think there's going to be more of this...
Jennifer Moody reports at
"'Silent Night' was not on the program at Pioneer School’s concert Tuesday, but it was sung anyway — by the audience after the kids were done.
Shortly after the children started rehearsals this fall, Principal Mark Finch had scratched the number after a parent complained that the carol’s emphasis was 'too single-religion.'
Superintendent Rob Hess, in attendance Tuesday, said he didn’t see who started the carol but thought approximately 100 of the more than 700 people in the audience joined in.
Sam Long, a Pioneer volunteer and the grandmother of a Pioneer student, said the only reaction following the song was applause and cheers."
The Media - the "Times" and the "Journal"
Seems like they don't like each other...
At the Island Turtle blog, Corky Boyd is amazed:
"The Times accusing the Journal of sullying its reputation with biased journalism??? What chutzpah!"
Immigration - "Threats and Degradation"
Information about the effects of illegal immigration is NOT being made public...
At, Leo W. Banks reports about some things we've been missing:
"The first, from 2002, was a threat assessment for such places as Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge and the Tohono O'odham Nation.
It concluded the threat was great indeed, both from the surge of aliens and drug smugglers who are 'decimating public resources,' and from the invitation the open border offered terrorists.
The study said bad guys could easily cross into Arizona using established trails and a pre-existing labor pool of $10-a-day mules who 'do not care, or want to know, what they are smuggling.'
The second study, from 2004, looked at how the open border impacted Sonoran Desert wilderness in southwest Arizona, mainly Organ Pipe. This picture was equally grim—for the land, for endangered species and for the whole concept of border wilderness.Both studies noted that the Border Patrol policy of blocking entry around cities and border ports pushed this illegal activity into remote areas.
All of this sounds like information a good citizen would need to decide how to vote, and a good lawmaker would need to make wise policy. So why did Bush, and then Barack Obama, try to bury both studies?"
Monday, December 21, 2009
Meanwhile - 4,971 miles east of Moscow
There sure is a lot of stuff going on the world.
I bet you didn't know about this...
I bet you didn't know about this...
The BBC's Alfonso Daniels writes about Siberia's devastating illegal logging trade:
"In total, 10m cubic metres of wood, equivalent to nearly a third of all logging in the Amazon, is harvested every year from Russian soil.
This fuels a massive illegal business that threatens to destroy the largest forest on the planet in 20 to 30 years, according to Forest Trends, an international consortium of industry and conservation groups."
Government at Work - in Arizona
More of the same.
Spend, spend, spend; and, don't save anything for a rainy day...
Spend, spend, spend; and, don't save anything for a rainy day...
Howard Fischer reports at
"State and university employees could wind up with IOUs in their pay envelopes instead of checks in February if the planned sale of state buildings hits a snag, state Treasurer Dean Martin warned Monday.
And that could leave worker with a piece of paper that won’t help them buy food for their families, pay the mortgage or heat their homes.
Martin told legislators that by the end of January the state will have borrowed about $1.1 billion to pay its bills. The total amount Martin has available, both internally and from Bank of America, is $1.2 billion.
But the state is obligated to make a payment of about $325 million to public schools on Feb. 1."
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Politicians - "Congress Out of Its League on BCS"
At, George Will writes about the latest:
" Rep. Joe Barton, who considers the BCS part of the axis of evil, is incandescent, and prepared. Last January, this 13-term Republican, whose district includes Cowboys Stadium and nearly nuzzles TCU in Fort Worth, introduced the College Football Playoff Act of 2009, which says: It shall be unlawful to 'promote, market, or advertise' a postseason Division I football game as a national championship game unless it is 'the final game of a single elimination post-season playoff system' for which all Division I teams are, at the beginning of the season, equally eligible. Barton believes in limited government, but not so limited that it cannot right outrageous wrongs, such as the absence of a playoff. Bipartisanship lives: Barack Obama, who wants to fix everything -- health care, the climate, the pothole on your street, college football -- also wants a playoff."
Meanwhile - in the U.K. - "Smart Wheelie bins"
For me, the comments to this article were both informative and entertaining.
That being said, the "smart wheelie bin" idea does seem a bit much...
That being said, the "smart wheelie bin" idea does seem a bit much...
Ed Harris reports in the London Evening Standard:
"... people could be charged according to the size of their bin or of their rubbish bags which they would buy from the local authority.
The Local Government Association denied the plans would be a stealth tax to raise extra cash for councils."
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Oil - "Iraq oil capacity 'to reach 12m barrels per day'"
This sounds like a pretty big deal...
This was recently reported on the U.K. BBC's website:
"If a daily total of 12m barrels was achieved, Iraq would overtake Russia and challenge Saudi Arabia for the position of the world's largest oil producer. However, Riyadh says it could produce 15 bpd.
Iraq's proven reserves now stand at 115bn barrels, below Iran's 137bn and Saudi Arabia's 264bn. But Iraq's data dates from the 1970s, before improvements in technology transformed the industry.
Mr Shahristani declared that Iraq had 'scores' of oilfields, including 'supergiants' - fields of 5bn barrels or more - to offer international companies in the future. "
Barack Obama - "...Will Bankrupt America"
Long gone is "Pay As You Go". Long gone is a "Balanced Budget".
Our city, state, and national elected officials only know "spend, spend, spend".
It's not working, so it's time to elect DIFFERENT officials, and, unfortunately, we will have to be patient and give them time to FIX the mess they will inherit...
Our city, state, and national elected officials only know "spend, spend, spend".
It's not working, so it's time to elect DIFFERENT officials, and, unfortunately, we will have to be patient and give them time to FIX the mess they will inherit...
Terry Jeffrey writes about the ugly numbers at
"In March, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, led by former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, calculated the total value of the federal government's 'unfunded liabilities' as they stood at the end of fiscal 2008. These liabilities include the publicly held portion of the national debt plus the amount the government must pay to cover all the entitlement benefits it has promised to living Americans through Social Security, Medicare and other welfare-state programs minus the tax revenue the government can expect to collect to pay for these entitlements under existing tax law.
The sum of these unfunded liabilities, the foundation discovered, stood at $56.4 trillion. That equals $435,000 for every full-time worker in the United States.
How did Obama respond to this problem? "
Friday, December 18, 2009
Global Warming - the Copenhagen Farce
The Brits do have a way with words; wouldn't you say?...
Gerald Warner describes Copenhagen on a U.K. Telegraph blog:
"This week has been truly historic. It has marked the beginning of the landslide that is collapsing the whole AGW imposture. The pseudo-science of global warming is a global laughing stock and Copenhagen is a farce. In the warmist camp the Main Man is a railway engineer with huge investments in the carbon industry. That says it all. The world’s boiler being heroically damped down by the Fat Controller. Al Gore, occupant of the only private house that can be seen from space, so huge is its energy consumption, wanted to charge punters $1,200 to be photographed with him at Copenhagen. There is a man who is really worried about the planet’s future.
If there were not $45trillion of Western citizens’ money at stake, this would be the funniest moment in world history. What a bunch of buffoons. Not since Neville Chamberlain tugged a Claridge’s luncheon bill from his pocket and flourished it on the steps of the aircraft that brought him back from Munich has a worthless scrap of paper been so audaciously hyped."
Global Warming - "Shakedown in Copenhagen"
At, Pat Buchanan decribes what's been going on as well as giving his opinion of it all:
"In April 1992, as the alarm over the Earth's end times began, scientists worldwide issued what was called the Heidelberg Appeal, aimed at just the kind of hysteria we are witnessing now in Copenhagen.
'We are ... worried ... at the emergence of an irrational ideology which is opposed to scientific and industrial progress and impedes economic and social development,' said the scientists.
'We contend that a Natural State, sometimes idealized by movements with a tendency to look towards the past, does not exist and has probably never existed since man's first appearance in the biosphere. ... (H)umanity has always progressed by increasingly harnessing Nature to its needs and not the reverse.'
'We do, however, forewarn the authorities in charge of our planet's destiny against decisions which are supported by pseudo-scientific arguments or false and non-relevant data.'
Since then, 4,000 scientists and 72 Nobel Prize winners have signed on. Again, it needs be said: Global warming is cyclical, and has been stagnant for a decade. There is no conclusive proof it is manmade, no conclusive proof it is harmful to the planet."
Politicians - "Democrats Whistling Past Graveyard"
This article discusses our elected officials complete disregard (and disrespect?) for the opinion of American citizens.
Sadly, I think there must be a lot of money behind their seemingly illogical voting records.
Hopefully, the next election cycle will let them know who their boss is...
Sadly, I think there must be a lot of money behind their seemingly illogical voting records.
Hopefully, the next election cycle will let them know who their boss is...
Mona Charen writes about it at
" But the Democratic Party is not listening to actual voters any more than it is heeding a string of polls showing declining support for a health care overhaul and for politicians who push it. A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 52 percent of respondents oppose the health care reform under consideration in Congress, while only 38 percent support it. The same poll found that only 38 percent approve of the way President Obama is handling the issue, while 56 percent disapprove. Graveyard? What graveyard?
The Quinnipiac poll found the lowest overall approval rating yet for President Obama at 46 percent. Other results are similar. The RealClearPolitics average shows the president's approval rating at 48.6 -- down from 62 percent in June. Gallup found that 49 percent of voters would advise their representative to vote against health care reform while 44 percent would counsel voting in favor. Rasmussen's survey found that only 41 percent favor the bill. "
Alaska Wild Salmon Protection, Inc.
Sounds like a worthy organization, wouldn't you say?
But, apparently, they are not what they appear to be.
I wonder how many more of these "environmental" groups there are.
The problem is, the public isn't likely to find out, unless someone really works hard to untangle the truth...
But, apparently, they are not what they appear to be.
I wonder how many more of these "environmental" groups there are.
The problem is, the public isn't likely to find out, unless someone really works hard to untangle the truth...
Amy Ridenour reports at
"A group calling itself Alaska Wild Salmon Protection, Inc. recently ran full-page advertisements (see above) in Politico against development of the Pebble Mine in Southwest Alaska. The Pebble deposit is one of the largest finds in America, believed to contain 72 billion pounds of copper and 94 million ounces of gold, among other minerals.
Alaska Wild Salmon Protection's advertisement was filled with distortions, but more on that later.
I wanted to learn more about the group, so I went to check out its website. It didn't have one.* Odd, I thought, for an environmental group leading local opposition to the Pebble Mine."
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Global Warming - from "Watts Up With That?"
The chairman of the U.N.'s climate circus gave a speech in Copenhagen, and Lord Monckton explains the inaccuracies and misrepresentations he found in almost every statement and graph that the chairman referenced.
It's devastating!...
On the "Watts Up With That?" blog, Lord Monckton refers to the chairman's previous occupation and offers this:
"It is time for Railroad Engineer Pachauri to get back to his signal-box. About the climate, as they say in New York’s Jewish quarter, he knows from nothing."
Barack Obama - Taitz demands Quo Warranto
The legal fight to prove Barack Obama's eligibility to be President continues...
John Charlton has the latest at the Post & Email blog:
"Without a doubt, the most important and significant legal action in the United States this wee, is Dr. Orly Taitz’s Letter to Eric Holder, sent today, demanding that he institute Quo Warranto proceedings against Barack Hussein Obama in the District Court of Washington, D.C.. The importance of this letter is the fact that the quo warranto provisions of the District of Columbia Code provide that a 3rd party may institute a quo warranto action if the U.S. Attorney General fails to respond within 3 months to a request. Dr. Orly Taitz wrote Holder on March 1st. In her letter, published today at her website, she demands that either he take action himself, or that her plaintiffs be granted ex-relator status to proceed in the name of the United States of America, as the D.C. code allows. Quo warranto is a legal action whereby a plaintiff formally demands proof that the holder of an office, holds it lawfully, and if he does not, is empowered by the court to remove him from it. "
Lieutenant Colonel Allen West - 1,100,000 YouTube views
The patriots are coming!...
The Media - the Washington Post
If the poll suits the agenda, it's Page One.
If not, well...
If not, well...
I'll let's, Tim Graham tell about this one:
"Eight weeks ago, The Washington Post topped its own front-page with its own ABC-Washington Post poll announcing that the public strongly favored a 'public option' in health care, by 57 to 40 percent. Their latest poll is much worse: 'Negatives abound in poll,' read the subhead. So it was buried on page 6 Wednesday. On the front page instead, a happy-talk headline: 'Health bill’s prospects improve as Lieberman signals support.'
Tuesday's conservative 'Code Red' rally in Washington wasn't buried in the Post. It was nowhere in the Post."
Global Warming - The U.K. Daily Mail's Special Investigation
The Daily Mail seems to be willing to go where the American media will not.
They present the case that humans are NOT necessarily the cause of global warming and they do it quite well...
They present the case that humans are NOT necessarily the cause of global warming and they do it quite well...
David Rose clearly worked hard on this article. It deserves to be read:
"Gabriel Fahrenheit did not invent the mercury thermometer until 1724, so scientists who want to reconstruct earlier climate history have to use ‘proxy data’ - measurements derived from records such as ice cores, tree-rings and growing season dates.
However, different proxies give very different results.
For example, some suggest that the ‘medieval warm period’, the 350-year era that started around 1000, when red wine grapes flourished in southern England and the Vikings tilled now-frozen farms in Greenland, was considerably warmer than even 1998.
Of course, this is inconvenient to climate change believers because there were no cars or factories pumping out greenhouse gases in 1000AD - yet the Earth still warmed."
"Why Johnny Can’t Work"
My short answer is: Why would he?...
I found this post by Bruce Karlson at He begins:
"It truly amazes me that so many are slack jawed when considering the dismal state of 'youth' (under twenty four!!) unemployment."
The Media - CNN's Rick Sanchez
The key wishy-washy word is "suggests".
Dear Rick, if you have nothing to say, don't say anything!
Even considering my exceptional lack of respect for the media, I find this broadcast to be disgraceful in it's condescension...
Dear Rick, if you have nothing to say, don't say anything!
Even considering my exceptional lack of respect for the media, I find this broadcast to be disgraceful in it's condescension...
Reverend Manning usually has an unequivocal and enlightening opinion. If you don't know that, click the play button and you soon will:
"CNN’s Rick Sanchez misspeaks on CNN’s behalf about Sarah Palin and Barack Hussein Obama’s Birth Certificate. Recorded on Friday, 5 December 2009."
"What happened to Michelle Obama's law license?"
Maybe it's just me, but it sure seems that significant parts of the Obama's past are "different".
A respectable news media would be asking about stuff like this...
A respectable news media would be asking about stuff like this...
This is from Chelsea Shilling earlier this year at
"Why did Michelle Obama give up her license to practice law in 1993?
Records at the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois list her status as 'voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law.'
It further states that Michelle license is 'on court ordered inactive status.'
The statement has many bloggers wondering why a court would issue an order to stop Michelle Obama from practicing law, and some have even suggested the first lady may have been facing allegations of misconduct. "
Global Warming - and "Deprogramming Children..."
I think the indoctrination of children ranks very high on the list of despicable activities.
You do know the history and results, of the "Hitler Youth" movement, don't you?
Our highly impressionable children should never be subjected to one-sided information about complex problems without allowing equal time for opposing views.
That should include having at least an impartial moderator present, and at best, an advocate of the opposing view...
You do know the history and results, of the "Hitler Youth" movement, don't you?
Our highly impressionable children should never be subjected to one-sided information about complex problems without allowing equal time for opposing views.
That should include having at least an impartial moderator present, and at best, an advocate of the opposing view...
At, Roger F. Gay discusses what's been going on:
"Al Gore’s sci-fi horror fantasy in documentary style – An Inconvenient Truth – has been shown to school children, as young as 4 years old, around the world for years. Lesson plans aimed to convince children that the threat was real and that anyone doubting the message was wrong. They intentionally frightened children into emotional and psychological trauma.
Closing the Copenhagen film, many children repeated the phrase; 'Please help save the world.' Now parents and teachers are faced with the sticky question of how that should be done. How can we deprogram millions of children the world over without allowing the experience to leave permanent psychological scars?
Teachers were put in the position of effectively turning children against their wiser parents. Now that we have to tell them that their teachers were wrong, will they ever trust teachers again?
Efforts to politically indoctrinate and manipulate school children are not new but they have intensified in the west in recent years. Parents in the old Soviet Bloc at least had enough experience before its fall to have some wisdom on dealing with it. Westerners however, are newbies."
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
American Thinker: The Palin Palimpsest
The word of the day is "palimpsest".
We'll have to wait and see what the future holds.
A different flavor of "change" may soon come to a bumper sticker near you...
We'll have to wait and see what the future holds.
A different flavor of "change" may soon come to a bumper sticker near you...
At, Jed Gladstein writes:
"The American people have been held in thrall for decades to the two major political parties because there isn't a viable 'none-of-the-above' option on our ballots. Worse yet, people have grown cynical about the prospects of honest and honorable government because they see that the people in power, whatever their political party, seem to have more solicitude for their own power than they have for the people.
The framers of the Constitution knew that government seats would attract people willing to trade their votes to remain in power. The framers therefore crafted a Constitution to create a limited government in order to curtail the power of such people. But government of the people, by the people, and for the people requires people to be vigilant about keeping the power of government limited. Unfortunately, the people have failed to do that, and now it is time to rectify the failure.
It would be comforting if an authentic American political phenomenon like Sarah Palin could spearhead a successful third-party movement. But that is wishful thinking. Were she to attempt such a thing, it would almost certainly fragment the huge centrist American vote and result in further radical left victories in the national polls. That would compound the present disaster and tilt America inexorably toward third-world status and misery.
Better to heed the words of Shakespeare, who wrote that 'There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.' For America, that means Sarah Palin and the Republican Party. Here's why and here's how:"
"Graveyard Dead"
Sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do...
Sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do...
At, Chelsea Schilling has this and more:
"A 56-year-old woman prayed to God while a 'crazed' man tried to break in to her home, telling a 9-1-1 dispatcher, 'I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead' – and within minutes, she blasted the relentless intruder in the chest with her shotgun.
Cushing, Okla., resident Donna Jackson shot and killed Billy Dean Riley, 53, who has a long history of alcohol and drug convictions, after the belligerent man hurled a patio chair through her glass door Dec. 4.
Don't wait to be a victim. See the groundbreaking video that shows you why you need to be prepared to shoot back!
Jackson remained calm as she spoke with a 9-1-1 dispatcher during the break-in. She called at 12:40 a.m. and was on the phone for more than 10 minutes reporting the intruder, explaining that her barking dogs had awakened her in the middle of the night. She said she was alone, and her husband was working a night shift."
Barack Obama - and the eligibility dispute
The legal attempts to discern Obama's birth details continues on.
Apparently. it's very important in the legal world for litigants to have "standing", and the latest attempt is a try at that.
Looking to the future, I wonder what will happen if he tries to get on the ballot for a 2012 re-election...
Apparently. it's very important in the legal world for litigants to have "standing", and the latest attempt is a try at that.
Looking to the future, I wonder what will happen if he tries to get on the ballot for a 2012 re-election...
Bob Unruh has the latest at
"Two lawyers have joined forces to assemble a case challenging in U.S. bankruptcy court the federal government's use of Troubled Asset Relief Program funds to bail out Chrysler and in doing so may have created a scenario that finally will bring to a head the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president."
Global Warming - "Botch after botch after botch"
Our incompetent media continues to report on "hacked emails", which even on their own, are quite informative as to the thinking of those global warming "experts".
What the media is NOT reporting are the comments of the computer programmer that is embedded within the "also hacked" computer code that is/was used to generate their now suspect charts and graphs...
What the media is NOT reporting are the comments of the computer programmer that is embedded within the "also hacked" computer code that is/was used to generate their now suspect charts and graphs...
At, Lorrie Goldstein writes about some of those seemingly incriminating comments:
"I've been poring over one of many leaked computer files from the 'climategate' scandal.
It's worse than those e-mails revealing leading climate scientists did a 'trick' to 'hide the decline' in global temperatures and privately called it a 'travesty' they couldn't explain recent cooling."
Global Warming - graphing the "complete" history
View the big picture certainly puts this subject in perspective...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"The Competing Narratives of Barry and Sarah"
I wonder if this writer thought of beginning with "A Tale of"?...
At, Jack Cashill has an interesting article. He begins:
"In the spring of 1964, Sarah Heath, then just three months old, flew into backwater Skagway, Alaska (population 650) aboard a 1930s-era Grumman Goose to start a new life with her parents, brother, and sister.
At that same time, in America's other new outlier state, Hawaii, two-year-old Barry Obama was just getting used to a fatherless existence in the otherwise-comfortable world his white grandparents and occasionally his mother would make for him.
At the time, not even Nostradamus could have foretold that the paths of Barry and Sarah would intersect in the "historic" 2008 election, Barry as the first major party presidential nominee of African descent and Sarah as the first woman with a real shot at the vice-presidency."
In Our World - Ranching vs. Recreation
What a sad story.
In a case like this, I don't think even the Wisdom of Solomon could satisfy.
You, of course, can be your own judge...
In a case like this, I don't think even the Wisdom of Solomon could satisfy.
You, of course, can be your own judge...
PRE-LINK TEXT Nicholas Riccardi reports in the L.A. Times:
"Reporting from Camp Hale, Colo. - As soon as Renee Legro saw the sheep, she screamed.
The herd, 1,300 strong, has been coming for 30 years to graze in this valley on the backside of the Continental Divide. But as Colorado has become an adventure sports destination, the once-empty valley has filled with hikers, campers and mountain bikers like Legro, and she was about to tragically embody the collision of the old West with the new."
Barack Obama - "Nobel Affirmative Action Awarded"
If you've never met or heard of the Hon. James David Manning, here's your opportunity...
On his website, Hon. James David Manning comments on the recent award of the Nobel Peace Prize. He calls it the:
"Nobel Affirmative Action Award"
Global Warming - "Why they fell for it..."
They say "many a true word is said in jest".
In this post, you'll have to decide which is which, or maybe it is what it is...
In this post, you'll have to decide which is which, or maybe it is what it is...
After describing who and why they fell for the global warming hoax, Don Surber tells us:
"The only people who didn’t fall for it were we mouth-breathing, Bible-thumping, beer-guzzling, cousin-humping, baby-bumping, overfed, inbred, illiterate, gun-clinging, buck-toothed, trailer-park-living, truck-driving, ATV riding, Wal-mart shopping, knuckle-dragging, military-supporting, ain’t-recycling, patriotic, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, racist hillbillies with cooties."
Global Warming - and the measuring locations
This seems to equate to measuring temperature using a thermometer placed on an asphalt parking lot, and extrapolating it as a global example.
That's already been exposed, Now, measuring CO2 is the latest.
With questionable data collection, how do these people make such indelible conclusions?...
That's already been exposed, Now, measuring CO2 is the latest.
With questionable data collection, how do these people make such indelible conclusions?...
This is in a post by Erin at
"All 5 Global Baseline C02 Monitoring Stations Are Suspiciously Sited…
Mauna Loa has been producing a readout which supports Manning’s 'goal' by showing steady growth in atmospheric CO2 concentrations since 1959. This is known as the Keeling Curve, a beloved datapoint of Al Gore’s.
Just thirty miles from the observatory, Kilauea’s Pu`u O`o vent sends 3.3 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. It has been erupting continuously since 1983. Since 2008 it has been joined by a second eruption even closer to the Observatory — from Halema`uma`u Crater at the top of Kilauea. Pu`u O`o sends the equivalent of the yearly CO2 production from an average city of 660,000 people into the air. Air trajectory charts show that most of the air reaching Mauna Loa Observatory first passes over Pu`u O`o and Halema`uma`u."
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sarah Palin - and liberal reactions
"like vampires to garlic"? Yep...
At, Jack Kelly reports:
"Going Rogue received savage reviews from most liberals, like that from Ana Marie Cox in the Washington Post, who acknowledged she hadn't actually read the book.
Those who did have a different opinion. Stanley Fish, writing for the New York Times, described it as 'compelling and very well done.'
The reaction of liberals to Mrs. Palin - which is like that of vampires to garlic - indicate she is the Republican they fear most. With good reason, Mr. Fish thinks.
'Perseverance, the ability to absorb defeat without falling into defeatism, is the key to Palin's character,' he wrote. 'Her political opponents, especially those who dismissed Ronald Reagan before he was elected, should take note.'"
Global Warming - "Four Colossal Holes in the Theory..."
My opinion is clear on this.
The Earth surely does heat up and cool down; but, to confidently blame it on human activity lacks credibility at this time.
One good sized solar flare, or one large volcanic eruption can have more influence than human activity ever will...
The Earth surely does heat up and cool down; but, to confidently blame it on human activity lacks credibility at this time.
One good sized solar flare, or one large volcanic eruption can have more influence than human activity ever will...
At, John Hawkins writes about "holes in the theory" and concludes:
"The Doomsday predictions from global warming alarmists are absolutely meaningless because they're based on climate models that don't work very well in the first place. As Dennis Avery, co-author of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years has said:
'I think they pull their predictions out of their hats and I don't think they have any validity whatsoever.'
What the global warming alarmists are asking of people is no small thing. They want us to spend trillions of dollars, dramatically impact our economies, and change the way people across the world live for the worse. Those are not trivial changes and simply having scientists -- who've been put under enormous political pressure and make a living off global warming grants – say, 'Trust us, it's real,' isn't going to cut it for proof. If global warming alarmists can't even deliver plausible answers to the most obvious problems with their theory, then no one should take them seriously."
The United Nations - Climate chief Rajendra K. Pachauri
Even if there were undisputed facts concerning human caused global warming, how could we possibly believe people with these connections?
In some venues, one must recuse themselves, in order to preserve the integrity of the issue.
Ooops! I forget this is the United Nations...
In some venues, one must recuse themselves, in order to preserve the integrity of the issue.
Ooops! I forget this is the United Nations...
"A Mumbai-based Indian multinational conglomerate with business ties to Rajendra K. Pachauri, the chairman since 2002 of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, stands to make several hundred million dollars in European Union carbon credits simply by closing a steel production facility in Britain with the loss of 1,700 jobs.
The Tata Group headquartered in Mumbai anticipates receiving windfall profits of up to nearly $2 billion from closing the Corus Redcar steelmaking plant in Britain, with about half of the savings expected to result from cashing in on carbon credits granted the steelmaker by the European Union under the EU's emissions trading scheme, or ETS.
Corus has accumulated 7.5 million European Union surplus carbon allowances, or EUAs, given the company free by the EU, after corporate officials lobbied EU officials aggressively in Brussels. "
Another Omnibus Spending Bill -
Can anyone see what value we're getting for this money?
Our elected officials are totally out of control, and maybe out of their minds.
Voting for an incumbent seems like the dumbest thing a citizen might do...
Our elected officials are totally out of control, and maybe out of their minds.
Voting for an incumbent seems like the dumbest thing a citizen might do...
The Wall Street Journal editorializes about it:
"When it comes to spending, the Democrats who run Washington can't decide on their message. On the one hand, as President Obama said this week, they claim we have to 'spend our way out of this recession.' On the other, they keep telling us the deficit is too large and isn't 'sustainable.' In this tug of political spin, watch what they spend, not what they say.
And that means watching this weekend's expected Senate vote on a 1,088-page $445 billion 'omnibus' package of spending bills to fund the government for fiscal 2010. The House passed a similar elephant earlier this week, allowing federal agency budgets to increase spending by some $48 billion, or about 12% from 2009. That increase—when inflation is negligible—is in addition to the $311 billion in stimulus already authorized or out the door for these programs. Adding this new stash means that federal agencies will have received a nearly 70% increase in the last two years.
Oh, and that's not all. The President and Congress also want to spend as much as $200 billion more from the Troubled Asset Relief Program on still another stimulus, though this time we are supposed to call it a 'jobs' program, because stimulus now has a dirty political name."
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Global Warming - the Medieval Warm Period
This is about the medieval period that the global warming advocates would prefer did NOT exist...
At, JoNova posts this with quite a few convincing charts and graphs:
"It’s clear that the world was warmer during medieval times. Marked on the map are study after study (all peer-reviewed) from all around the world with results of temperatures from the medieval time compared to today. These use ice cores, stalagmites, sediments, and isotopes. They agree with 6,144 boreholes around the world which found that temperatures were about 0.5°C warmer world wide."
Politicians - PA State Rep. Ken Smith
Another lawmaker who apparently doesn't feel it necessary to honor his obligations...
This is from Pennsylvania's Pocono Record website:
"State Rep. Ken Smith is the co-owner of Smith's Restaurant in Scranton. Records show the business has not a made a full monthly payment on the loan since July 2006. That's two months after Smith won the Democratic nomination in the 112th District."
Barack Obama - "Abandons the Young"
This falls into my category of politicians promising anything to get elected.
Unfortunately, our youth may not have the experience to know that...
Unfortunately, our youth may not have the experience to know that...
PIn the N.Y. Daily News, James Kirchick seems to make his point quite well:
"The 2008 presidential race was widely trumpeted as the 'Youth Election,' and for good reason. Inspired by Barack Obama's relative youth and his message of 'hope' and 'change,' young Americans flocked to the then-junior senator from Illinois.
It is doubtful that he could have become the most powerful man in the world without them.
What did the young get for their critical outpouring of support? Though most of his youthful backers would be hesitant to admit it, the President has betrayed them on three issues of great importance to their wallets and sympathies:"
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Politicians - Gov. Mike Huckabee
I have several thoughts about pardons.
One is that politicians should not have the sole power to grant them.
Another is that there must be evidence to support the pardon, not just compassion.
Another is that certain crimes not be pardonable, unless DNA or other evidence is conclusive.
We have to remember that the criminal likely confessed, or was convicted (beyond a reasonable doubt) by a jury of his peers, and was not successful with any appeals. I don't think a single person should be able to override that...
One is that politicians should not have the sole power to grant them.
Another is that there must be evidence to support the pardon, not just compassion.
Another is that certain crimes not be pardonable, unless DNA or other evidence is conclusive.
We have to remember that the criminal likely confessed, or was convicted (beyond a reasonable doubt) by a jury of his peers, and was not successful with any appeals. I don't think a single person should be able to override that...
At, Kevin Hall has nothing nice to say about Gov. Huckabee's pardons:
"Mike Huckabee is a liar. He granted clemency to a dangerous criminal, but wants us to believe everyone would have acted the same way. Huckabee's efforts to shift blame away from himself includes a total fabrication of Maurice Clemmons' extensive criminal history, and his age."
The Welfare State and Military Power -
It's pretty obvious that the less money a country has, the less it has for it's defense.
It follows that defense has some fixed costs, so with less money, there is less for other costs.
Apparently, some countries have defense forces, but don't have the money to use them for anything, which almost equates to having a car and no money for gas.
Oh yes, and did I mention that politicians control all of this?...
It follows that defense has some fixed costs, so with less money, there is less for other costs.
Apparently, some countries have defense forces, but don't have the money to use them for anything, which almost equates to having a car and no money for gas.
Oh yes, and did I mention that politicians control all of this?...
In this article, the Wall Street Journal explains:
"The overlooked culprit here is the rise of the modern welfare state. Since World War II and especially from the 1960s, Europe has built elaborate domestic income-maintenance programs, with government-run health care, pensions and jobless benefits. These are hugely expensive, requiring high taxes and government spending that is a huge proportion of GDP. The nearby table compares the so-called tax wedge across nations, which is one measure of the relative burdens to finance cradle-to-grave entitlements.
One consequence has been slower growth in Europe, relative to the U.S. and China, with less tax revenue to spend on everything. Another result is that welfare spending has crowded out defense spending. The political imperative of health care and pensions always trumps defense spending, save perhaps in a hot war. Europe may never again be able to muster public support for a defense buildup of the kind the U.S. undertook to end the Cold War in the 1980s, or even the smaller surge after 9/11.
The tragic irony of this year is that Democrats are rushing the U.S. down this same primrose entitlement path. With ObamaCare certain to eat up several more percentage points of GDP as it inevitably expands, we will take a giant step toward European social priorities."
Friday, December 11, 2009
Meanwhile - in the U.K. at the bowling alley
If we let them, governments will "protect" us from everything, and I mean everything!...
Steve Doughty reports in the U.K. Daily Mail:
"t's a peril that only a crack team of health and safety experts could have uncovered.
After two years and £250,000, they found that ten-pin bowling alleys up and down the country could be a 'very dangerous' environment for families.
They concluded that it was too easy for children or teenagers to run down lanes and get trapped in machinery that sets up the pins - even though there was no record of any such accident having happened."
When Pundits Compare Apples To Oranges: One Look at Health Care Polling
Trying to compare or match one poll against another is pretty futile...
Scott Rasmussen explains:
"A blog entry posted at looked at a recent Rasmussen Reports poll and another by the Kaiser Family Foundation and concluded that the 'new polls disagree on whether a government overhaul of the nation's health care system will leave people better off or worse off.'
In fact, according to the posting, the results were dramatically different with the Rasmussen poll showing that people think the system would be worse by a 54% to 20% margin 'while the Kaiser poll says the country as a whole would do better, 54 percent to 27 percent.' The post concluded that the polls 'do not provide much in the way of clues that might explain the discrepancy..'
Stories like these are frustrating and are used by some to raise doubts about the entire field of polling. At Rasmussen Reports, when we see a discrepancy like that, we seek to understand why."
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Meanwhile - aboard AirTran Flight 297
So, what in the world do you think this is all about?...
At, Doug Hagmann reports:
"On November 17, an incident took place aboard AirTran Flight 297 scheduled to fly from Atlanta Hartsfield Airport to Houston that the media does not want to cover and everyone from the airline to the TSA and other government agencies want to keep very quiet."
Barack Obama - "Beware of the New 'Silent Majority'"
Here's an interesting article about the history of the "silent majority".
It's my opinion that they are about to assert themselves, once again...
It's my opinion that they are about to assert themselves, once again...
Patrick Dorinson writes at
"Yes, I am talking about the 'Tea Party' folks. But there are others. Not all of the forgotten Americans attend rallies and burn up cyber-space with their anger.
But for everyone who goes to a rally or comments on an article or blog on the Internet there are many who feel the same way. Polling data bears this out.
The media and political elites -- aided and abetted by their fellow travelers in Hollywood -- are determined to squash this rebellion against their hero Barack Obama."
Barack Obama - and his 'Safe schools' chief
Can't they find a non-controversial person for this job?
After all, we're talking about America's children!...
After all, we're talking about America's children!...
Bob Unruh reports at
"A new report is raising alarms that the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, a homosexual advocacy organization founded by Kevin Jennings, now head of the U.S. Office of Safe Schools for the Obama administration, is recommending XXX-rated sex writings for children as young as preschoolers.
'We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book contained stories and anecdotes that weren't merely X-rated and pornographic, but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between preschoolers; stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships; stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air,' said the report.
'One memoir even praised becoming a prostitute as a way to increase one's self-esteem. Above all, the books seemed to have less to do with promoting tolerance than with an unabashed attempt to indoctrinate students into a hyper-sexualized worldview,' it advised. "
Politicians - "We Pay Them to Lie to Us"
Fool us once, shame on you;
Fool us more than once, we are really stupid...
Fool us more than once, we are really stupid...
John Stossel writes at
"When you knowingly pay someone to lie to you, we call the deceiver an illusionist or a magician. When you unwittingly pay someone to do the same thing, I call him a politician."
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Politicians - Former House Speaker Rod Jetton
This probably has nothing to do with politics; however, I am fascinated that people with these "character" flaws can get elected to public office...
This is from the KMOX website in Missouri:
"In the statement, the woman claims that Jetton came to her home on Nov. 15 after the two discussed sexual intercourse, with he and the victim having "agreed on a safe word of 'green balloons' to use as a stop word during intercourse." She said that when Jetton came he brought two bottles of wine for them.
At one point, she said that Jetton went to the kitchen out of sight and poured her a glass of wine. While watching football with Jetton the victim said she finished her glass and began to lose consciousness. "
Army Technology - Pentagon Unveils New Gelatinous Chemical Robot
The things we've seen on the Sci-Fi channel keep creeping into our future real world...
A posting at reports:
"The chemical robot moves from place to place by way of a process called 'jamming' which causes the material to transition between semi-liquid and semi-solid states with only a slight change in volume.
Jamming technology allows the scientists to make the ChemBot grow or shrink and roll it around with accurate control, and even manipulate it to pass through cracks in walls and reform on the other side."
Barack Obama - "A failed presidency is now unavoidable"
Opinions are changing and criticism is now abundant...
At, Monty Pelerin closes his writing with this:
"We have a failed presidency that cannot be retrieved. The dream cannot be rebuilt because there was never a foundation to begin with. It was all show and no substance. Yes, it created much excitement and (false) hope. But so did Elmer Gantry and James Jones. However, the image was akin to an old Hollywood set, all facade and no depth. Now the winds of reality are slowly and inexorably tearing the facade away.
The politicians in Congress see these same signs and read the polls. At this point they are trying to decide what is least dangerous for their individual careers. For the Republicans that probably means pouring gasoline on Obama's burning ship of state. For the Democrats, it is a more difficult problem. Ultimately, I believe they will abandon ship. Politicians of both parties are like rats; they are survivors. All politicians will take that course which they believe gives them the best chance for individual survival. Loyalty be damned.
Hang on, this will be a rough period ahead."
Global Warming - Greenland got it's name because...
I've always thought that the fact that Greenland was once "green" should clinch the argument that human caused global warming is a crock.
It was obviously warmer in the past than it is now, and there were no SUVs, coal burning power plants, etc...
It was obviously warmer in the past than it is now, and there were no SUVs, coal burning power plants, etc...
At, U.S. Rep. John Linder begins with:
"For the last several years, when people have instructed me that human activity was causing a dangerous increase in global temperatures, my response has been, 'Then tell me, what should the temperature be?' Should it be the temperatures that the planet experienced a thousand years ago, during which Greenland was settled as a farming community and during which wine grapes were grown in Scotland? Should it be the temperatures of three hundred years ago, when the Little Ice Age ended the inhabitation of Greenland and the Thames iced over? Should it be the temperatures of 829 A.D., when the Nile River froze? No response!"
"Emerson Electric Votes With Its Feet"
Our elected officials are NOT serving American businesses well.
It's time to publicize their malpractice and vote them out...
It's time to publicize their malpractice and vote them out...
Richard McCormack reports on it at
"One of the country's most important industrial companies says the United States is not a good place to manufacture and it will continue moving its assets offshore.
The federal government is 'doing everything in [its] manpower [and] capability to destroy U.S. manufacturing,' says David Farr, chairman and CEO of Emerson Electric Co., in a presentation at the Baird 2009 Industrial Conference in Chicago Ill., on Nov. 11. In comments reported by Bloomberg, Farr added that companies will continue adding jobs in China and India because they are "places where people want the products and where the governments welcome you to actually do something. I am not going to hire anybody in the United States. I'm moving. They are doing everything possible to destroy jobs." "
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Global Warming - "1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges"
This is clearly some kind of intellectual dishonesty.
Should we be nice and just accuse them of being disingenuous; or, should we tell it like it is, and call it hypocrisy?
Then there's the unequivocal truth that they're all using the citizens money...
Should we be nice and just accuse them of being disingenuous; or, should we tell it like it is, and call it hypocrisy?
Then there's the unequivocal truth that they're all using the citizens money...
Andrew Gilligan reports in the U.K. Telegraph:
"Ms Jorgensen reckons that between her and her rivals the total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier. The French alone rang up on Thursday and ordered another 42. "We haven't got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand," she says. "We're having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden."
And the total number of electric cars or hybrids among that number? 'Five,' says Ms Jorgensen. "The government has some alternative fuel cars but the rest will be petrol or diesel. We don't have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all, but it's very Danish."
The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers. "
Politicians - Party Chairperson Susan Gwinn
$5.00 per vote doesn't seem like much, but it just might have bought this election...
Jim Phillips has the story at
"Already facing multiple felony counts for alleged mishandling of funds in a political campaign, Athens County Democratic Party Chair Already facing multiple felony counts for alleged mishandling of funds in a political campaign, Athens County Democratic Party Chair Susan Gwinn was indicted on two more charges Monday, for her alleged involvement in a plan to pay student campaign volunteers a $5 bounty for every voter they brought out for early voting Oct. 30 in Athens."
"Environmentalists Admit Being Wrong for 40 Years..."
This headline uses the word "wrong" which seems a bit strong.
Perhaps the football term "upon further review" would be more appropriate.
Realistically, I think every form of producing energy has some drawbacks, and they should all be considered, using cost-benefit analysis by disinterested parties, which is probably wishful thinking...
Perhaps the football term "upon further review" would be more appropriate.
Realistically, I think every form of producing energy has some drawbacks, and they should all be considered, using cost-benefit analysis by disinterested parties, which is probably wishful thinking...
Anyway, at, the Energy Hedge Fund Syndicate posted this along with the background:
"Although very little happened, Nov. 24 was a red letter day for the nation's nuclear power industry. No new nuclear reactors were purchased, no breakthrough in treating nuclear waste was announced, and the Obama administration did not declare that it would pay for new reactors.
Instead, the source of the industry's happiness was The Washington Post leading Page One with an article that detailed how the environmental movement, after 40 years of bitter opposition, now concedes that nuclear power will play a role in averting further harm from global warming.
Mind you, not every environmental group has come around; but the feared and respected Natural Resources Defense Council in the United States has allowed that there is a place for nuclear power in the world's generating mix and Stephen Tindale, a former anti-nuclear activist with Friends of the Earth in the United Kingdom, has said, yes, we need nuclear."
Government vs. "the Blind Side"
I think this writer is right on.
No government program or decree can make something like this happen. It takes "real" people.
Government's role should be to create an environment where citizens can be successful, and as history shows, successful citizens are very charitable when it comes to sharing that success...
No government program or decree can make something like this happen. It takes "real" people.
Government's role should be to create an environment where citizens can be successful, and as history shows, successful citizens are very charitable when it comes to sharing that success...
At, Star Parker writes:
"Michael Oher’s story has already received much attention. How a homeless black 15-year-old winds up in a Christian private school and how a white Christian couple adopted him and helped him develop to get the grades to stay in school, become a star athlete, an All-American football player and a multimillion-dollar NFL draft pick.
TheBlindSideOur wake-up call should be that the factors that saved and transformed Michael Oher’s life stand in stark contrast to the government solutions we hear from Washington about dealing with our problems relating to poverty and education."
Government at work - along the Florida Panhandle
Try to wrap your mind around this one...
The Wall Street Journal has the story:
"Supreme Court Case over Florida Confiscation of Beach Front Property"
Monday, December 07, 2009
Politicians - CA Congresswoman Doris Matsui
Hey Paul! She's a politician...
At, Paul Smith wonders:
"If this is what she thought was a stupid idea when Bush was the president, I wonder what she will say about Obama tomorrow night when he explains why he is sending 35,000 of out men and women into Afghanistan?
Will she come out now and embrace the same strategy that Bush used to win the war in Iraq or will she condemn it like she did on this video?
Will she stand up for her own beliefs or tow the party line and go with the President?"
Climategate reveals 'the most influential tree in the world' - Telegraph
If the facts speak for themselves, why would they destroy evidence that supports their claims?
If the facts speak for themselves, why not welcome an independent audit?
If Greenland was never green, why did it get named Greenland?
If there was no medieval warming, how come there's a Medieval Warming Period?
If they are for peer review, why are certain peers excluded?
For me, I believe the earth has always had warming and cooling cycles that cannot be attributed to any human causes...
If the facts speak for themselves, why not welcome an independent audit?
If Greenland was never green, why did it get named Greenland?
If there was no medieval warming, how come there's a Medieval Warming Period?
If they are for peer review, why are certain peers excluded?
For me, I believe the earth has always had warming and cooling cycles that cannot be attributed to any human causes...
In the U.K. Telegraph, Christopher Booker writes about "ClimateGate":
"To appreciate its significance, as I observed last week, it is first necessary to understand that the people these incriminating documents relate to are not just any group of scientists. Professor Philip Jones of the CRU, his colleague Dr Keith Briffa, the US computer modeller Dr Michael Mann, of 'hockey stick' fame, and several more make up a tightly-knit group who have been right at the centre of the last two reports of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). On their account, as we shall see at this week's Copenhagen conference, the world faces by far the largest bill proposed by any group of politicians in history, amounting to many trillions of dollars.
It is therefore vitally important that we should trust the methods by which these men have made their case. The supreme prize that they have been working for so long has been to establish that the world is warmer today than ever before in recorded history. To do this it has been necessary to eliminate a wealth of evidence that the world 1,000 years ago was, for entirely natural reasons, warmer than today (the so-called Medieval Warm Period)."
"The Cloward/Piven Strategy"
This methodology is something we should all be aware of.
I think we'd all prefer "say it isn't so"; however, the daily observance of what's going on seems to verify that this strategy is definitely "in play"...
I think we'd all prefer "say it isn't so"; however, the daily observance of what's going on seems to verify that this strategy is definitely "in play"...
At, Nancy Coppock warns us about it:
"The Cloward/Piven Strategy is another method employed by the radical Left to create and manage crisis. This strategy explains Rahm Emanuel's ominous statement, 'You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.'
The Cloward/Piven Strategy is named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their goal is to overthrow capitalism by overwhelming the government bureaucracy with entitlement demands. The created crisis provides the impetus to bring about radical political change."
Barack Obama - "bows, but the world refuses to bow back"
Looks like a severe case of ego meeting reality.
It reminds me of the saying: "Hope clouds observation".
Unfortunately, the American voter bought it, hook, line, and stinker (spelling intended)...
It reminds me of the saying: "Hope clouds observation".
Unfortunately, the American voter bought it, hook, line, and stinker (spelling intended)...
Michael Barone reports at
"On his 10-day trip to Asia and in his 10th month in office, Barack Obama is beginning to encounter limits on his ambition to change the world. Even as he bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia last April and to the emperor of Japan last week, the world refuses to bow back.
This is not how it was supposed to be. 'I am absolutely certain that generations from now,' he said on the night he clinched the Democratic presidential nomination in June 2008, 'we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last best hope on Earth.'"
The Media - Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist
This appears to be a thorough study (10 years); and I'm NOT surprised...
Meg Sullivan reports on the UCLA Newsroom website:
"'I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican,' said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. 'But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are.'
'Overall, the major media outlets are quite moderate compared to members of Congress, but even so, there is a quantifiable and significant bias in that nearly all of them lean to the left,' said co‑author Jeffrey Milyo, University of Missouri economist and public policy scholar."
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Meanwhile - aboard AirTran Flight 297
So, what in the world do you think this was all about?...
At, Doug Hagmann writes about a strange incident:
"On November 17, an incident took place aboard AirTran Flight 297 scheduled to fly from Atlanta Hartsfield Airport to Houston that the media does not want to cover and everyone from the airline to the TSA and other government agencies want to keep very quiet."
Humans Glow in Visible Light -
Technology keeps marching on...
Charles Q. Choi writes about it:
"The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.
Faces glowed more than the rest of the body. This might be because faces are more tanned than the rest of the body, since they get more exposure to sunlight — the pigment behind skin color, melanin, has fluorescent components that could enhance the body's miniscule light production.
Since this faint light is linked with the body's metabolism, this finding suggests cameras that can spot the weak emissions could help spot medical conditions, said researcher Hitoshi Okamura, a circadian biologist at Kyoto University in Japan."
American Thinker: It's Character, Stupid
What went wrong?
The answer may well be in this article...
The answer may well be in this article...
Scott Boerman writes at
"How and why have we strayed? It may be tempting to blame the Constitution as being too 'set in its time' and not applicable to a postmodern world with the amazing growth of knowledge and technology. In reality, however, the founding documents are indeed well-suited to the events of the day, and the well-defined amendment procedure can readily be applied as needed. So if the foundation of the United States is not to blame, then what is? Simply put, it's the accumulation of choices made by scores of politicians who lack the character necessary to preserve liberty. Presidents and their staffs have chosen to overstep bounds, representatives and senators have enacted legislation without regard to limitations, and judges have chosen to uphold these actions only through convoluted logic.
Thousands of individuals have contributed to the cancerous spread of the tentacles of government control. Countless officeholders have consciously or subconsciously made the decision to go with the flow and let the monster grow."